Thursday, December 10, 2015

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Timed Writing today on fear.

Here's "The Raven" assignment I gave out today.  You have an extra credit option you can complete either by Friday for 20 points or Monday for 10 points.

We listened to this song today.  Tomorrow we will use the lyrics to practice rhetorical analysis, so start thinking about PURPOSE and STRATEGIES.  What strategies can you identify so far.

Here's the generic prompt we will use for all rhetorical analysis questions:

Carefully read ______.  Then, in a well-written essay, analyze the rhetorical choices the writer makes to develop his argument about _________. Support your analysis with specific references to the text.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Mini-Benchmark and pre-writing for tomorrow's timed writing took place today.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Timed Writing today on adversity.

Extra credit posters due today.

The Scarlet Letter Chapter 19 analysis due today for retest option.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

I picked up Works Cited pages today and checked sources.  You will get your Works Cited page back either tomorrow or Monday so that you can make corrections if necessary.

If you were missing something, did not have yours ready, or were absent, then you need to have everything completed by tomorrow.

I distributed this Prewriting Handout today for you to use to begin planning your essay.

Also, don't forget that you need to choose a quote from The Scarlet Letter to use as an epigraph.  If you already returned your copy to the library, then here is the link for you to access the novel online.

You will be using The Scarlet Letter as the attention getter for your essay.  If you haven't already done so, then start drafting some ideas.  You will need 2-4 sentences about the novel, its theme, its heroine, or Puritan ignominy to introduce your topic.

For those of you who would like to be ahead of the game, here is the Outline Handout I will be distributing tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Part II of your test was today.  If you missed it, you will need to make arrangements to take it when you return to school.

Your sources and Works Cited page are due tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Part I (the essay portion) of your test was today.  If you were absent, you will need to take it after school when you return or make other arrangements with me.

Please use the Grammar Flashcards and Lit/Rhet Terms Flashcards to study for Part II of your test.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Here is the GUM Week 7 handout.

Today we reviewed the Chapter 16 excerpt and quiz.

I went over the procedures for accessing the online database for researching your topic and finding sources.  Here is the instruction sheet I distributed.

I also distributed a sample Works Cited page for you to use as a guide as you work on your own.

Don't forget that you need to bring your three printed sources on Thursday along with your Works Cited page.

The essay portion of your test will be tomorrow.  Expect an excerpt from the novel for which you will need to analyze the effect of the writer's language choices.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Vocabulary sentences were due today.

We reviewed this week's reading passages, terminology, and quizzes for next week's test.

Yes, you do have a test next Tuesday and Wednesday.

Here is what you can do this weekend (not Monday night or Tuesday morning) to prepare:

  1. Finish reading the novel.
  2. Go to SparkNotes for summaries and other helpful information about the novel.
  3. Work on the study guide questions for Chapters 13-end.
  4. Select a passage to read carefully and analyze. 
  5. Pay attention to the language choices (DIDLS) made by the writer. 
  6. Review past tests and quizzes.
  7. Study literary and rhetorical terms.  Here are the Quizlet flashcards.
  8. Study grammar terms.  Here are the Quizlet flashcards.

Also, I distributed the instruction handout for the Public Ignominy in the 21st Century Essay.  Please read these instructions carefully.  Begin informal research this weekend to select a topic.  Your sources are due next week.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

The Chapter 16 excerpt quiz was today.  If you missed it, you'll need to make it up after school when you come back.

Your vocabulary sentences are due tomorrow when you walk in the door.  No late work will be accepted.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Chapter 13 excerpt quiz was today.  If you missed it, you'll need to make it up after school when you come back.

Today I distributed the Chapter 16 excerpt for you to closely read and annotate for homework.  Expect an AP style quiz tomorrow.  Please read and annotate!  Expect another AP style quiz tomorrow.

On the back of the handout is the list of vocabulary words for which you will need to write sentences.  These sentences, along with the sentences from yesterday's list, will be due on Friday.  Please read the instructions carefully.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Today we did a close reading of an excerpt from Chapter 13 and answered some questions.

If you were not in class, it is your responsibility to answer these questions and bring them with you when you return to class.

On the back of the handout is the list of vocabulary words for which you will need to write sentences.  These sentences, along with the sentences for tomorrow's vocabulary words, will be due on Friday.  Please read the instructions carefully.

Monday, September 28, 2015

We completed  PSAT Practice #2 today.

Also, we reviewed the Chapter 2 excerpt questions.

Please review.  Tomorrow we will begin with independent practice.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Scarlet Letter Test today

If you missed it, you are responsible for taking it when you return to class.

Your study guide is due tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Today I distributed this handout to help you with sentence types and punctuation patterns.

As promised, here is the worksheet you worked on today so that you can check your responses.

Your test tomorrow will include questions similar to the ones on your previous test.  You can also expect questions that have to do with your knowledge and understanding of Chapters 1-12.

Please study.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Here is this week's GUM handout.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Here is the GUM handout for this week.

Monday, September 7, 2015

I distributed the GUM Week 3 handout today.

We reviewed some of the Chapter 2 excerpt today. Finish your annotations if you have not already done so.

Don't forget that you need to bring your copy of The Scarlet Letter to class tomorrow for a grade.

My preference is that you have a print copy which you can check out from the library.  If you only have access to an electronic version, just make sure it is not a pdf version.

Don't forget that letters are due Wednesday.

Prepare for a test on Wednesday that includes both GUM and critical reading and vocabulary based on The Scarlet Letter. 

Friday, September 4, 2015

GUM #8 today and notes.

Here is today's Timed Writing prompt.


The library will be opening on Monday.  You need to check out your own copy of The Scarlet Letter and bring it to class with you on Tuesday for a grade.  If you absolutely cannot get your own hard copy, an electronic version will suffice as long as it is not a pdf file.  You can use the Gutenberg link I posted yesterday for some options for Kindle or ePUB.  Look for the Aldiko app as option for your phone.

Your typed letters are due Wednesday, September 9th now that you will have access to the computers in the library.  Don't forget to review the syllabus for my policy for late work..

I checked notebooks today.  Too many of you had not completed the annotations for the excerpts I gave you and had either not worked on or not finished the grammar review, which explains the failing grades on quizzes.  Get to work, people!  Assignments are not optional if you expect to learn and improve your skills.

Writing Exercise #3
Use the Chapter 2 excerpts to answer the following question:
What is the purpose of the contrast between the women in the crowd and Hester as she comes out of the prison?

Four Writing Exercises will be due next week (not Monday) on whichever day we complete the fourth one in class.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

GUM #7 today and notes.

If you were absent today, you missed a GUM Quiz.

Vocabulary is due tomorrow.  You should have 25 words, definitions, and your own sentence using the word with context clues.  You've had since last week to work on this assignment.  You will need to walk in with it to class.  I will not accept any late work.

Also, be sure to have your binder organized as explained in your syllabus.  You should three selections annotated.  You should have the Grammar Review sheet completed as well.

Don't forget that you are responsible for reading The Scarlet Letter.  It should be available for you to check out beginning Monday.  In the meantime, you can find it available online for free.  Here are some options for you:

Project Gutenberg   (this page gives you multiple options, some of which might work well on your phone as well)



Wednesday, September 2, 2015

GUM #6 today and notes.

If you were absent you missed the Chapter 2 excerpt quiz.  It is your responsibility to make arrangements to take it when you return to school.

Also, I distributed this excerpt from Chapter 2.  Please read it closely and annotate it.

Don't forget about your Vocabulary Logs.  You should already have 25 entries completed.

Tomorrow you will have a GUM quiz.  Here are the Grammar Flashcards for you to review.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

GUM #5 today and notes.

I distributed this Review Sheet.  Use it as a study guide for your next GUM quiz.

Here is a nifty handout you might find useful.  Also, here are the Grammar Flashcards for you to study.

Either reacquaint yourself with or introduce yourself to the following words in preparation for the critical reading/vocabulary quizzes this week:

Parallel construction
Rhetorical question

Monday, August 31, 2015

I distributed this week's GUM.  Keep the page in your notebook behind last week's.  You need to add a page of loose leaf paper behind it to take notes in class.

By now you should have received your graded quizzes.  It is your responsibility to review your quiz to use as a study guide.  Expect more quizzes this week in preparation for next week's test.

I also distributed a copy of the Chapter 2 excerpt with vocabulary.  Read it closely and annotate it. Expect a quiz, which will include vocabulary in context, on Wednesday.

Your Vocabulary Log should include the word, definition, and your own sentence.  Keep this in your notebook until I ask for them.

Writing Exercise #1  (8-10 minutes)

Explain what words and phrases in Chapter 1 are indicative of the speaker's critical tone toward his subject.

Writing Exercise #2

"When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier."  --Roy Disney

Step 1:  Zoom in on VALUES.  Define values.  What are they?  Where do they do they come from?
Step 2:  Zoom out to the WHOLE QUOTE. Explain it.  What does the author mean.
Step 3:  Zoom out BEYOND the quote.  Provide examples.  In what way is the author's statement true?  Provide as many as examples as possible from your experiences, reading, observations.

Friday, August 28, 2015

GUM #3

preparing our dinner the smell of the chicken
made Ben hungry

Thaddeus a brilliant student will probably get a
higher grade then i will Toby remarked

GUM Quiz today.  If you missed it, is your responsibility to make it up.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

GUM #2
The cracked windsheild along with the ripped
upholstery and rusty body, made Erics car near
impossible to sale.

Sally I need you to sit still while I trim you're
bangs Sophia ordered.

GUM Quiz tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

We began with our Daily GUM today.

This year writing will be a major focus, its'
important to understand grammer rules, without
them you're writing is difficult to understand.

Once a week well begin class with one of these
sets of M.U.G. sentences, M.U.G. by the way is an
abbreviation of "mechanics, usage and grammer"

If you were absent, you missed the first vocabulary quiz and will need to make it up tomorrow.

Here are the Grammar Flashcards for you to review.  

You should review Chapter 2 for tomorrow, paying close attention to the opening paragraphs. 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Welcome back to school!

The fact that you are reading this post is a good indication that you are probably concerned about this class,  about your grades, and most importantly, about your education.

Today I distributed the course syllabus.  Please read it carefully with your parents.  Return the signed acknowledgement form no later than Friday.

You received a handout with the first chapter of The Scarlet Letter to read and annotate.  The back includes tips for annotations as well as your first vocabulary list.  You will have a vocabulary in context quiz tomorrow.

This list of words will begin your vocabulary log in your notebook.  You should include the word, the definition based on how it is used in the passage, and your own sentence using the word with context clues. Your quiz tomorrow will include some of those words and other words used in the passage which are not on the list.  The first four words on the list are not used in Chapter 1 but are important for your understanding of the novel and will be used in future chapters.

Yesterday I spoke to you briefly about the letter of introduction you will need to write.  Here you will find a sample letter with the specific instructions for yours.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Semester Exams begin Monday.

Here are the vocabulary flashcards, grammar flashcards, and AP terms flashcards.

Please study.

Friday, May 15, 2015

MUG #18
Hoping to get released from jury duty, a good excuse was what John needed to come up with.

The foreman, along with too other jurors, were unhappy that there was no coffee being provided in the jury room for them.

MUGs 1-20 due Tuesday.

Today we reviewed MLA format guidelines for your research paper.

Research Paper Handbook

Thursday, May 14, 2015

MUG #17

Today I distributed the Twelve Angry Men character list, which you need to review before we begin reading  the play tomorrow.

Don't forget about your research papers which are due next Friday.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

AP English Language Exam today.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Final, last-minute review of AP exam.

Tutorial Today.

All AP Extra credit due today.

Monday, May 11, 2015

AP Music Theory Exam today.

Friday, May 8, 2015

AP US History Exam today.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

MUG #16

The NFL released its official report today, stating that it was "more probable than not" that Brady was aware of the deflated footballs.  Consider the argument that some individuals have made saying that it doesn't matter whether he knew or not because he and the Patriots proved to be the better team by defeating the Sea Hawks at the Super Bowl without any deflated balls.

Write a sentence (or two or three) in which you argue by analogy.  Place the same argument in a different but similar situation to either defend or challenge.

Homework due today.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Modified Bell Schedule - EOC US History

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Modified Bell Schedule - EOC

Monday, May 4, 2015

Modified Bell Schedule - EOC

Friday, May 1, 2015

MUG #15

Identify the speaker's argument and then either defend, challenge, or qualify your position in the same argument.  Listen to the argument here:  NPR link.

Today we completed an in class 20 minute practice.

I distributed the Question 3 questions from previous years.  Just like with the Question 1 packet, you should annotate the questions, develop a position statement, come up 2-4 reasons, and 2-4 counterarguments.

I also distributed two more Question 2s for you to annotate and SOAPSTone.

All of these should be completed by next Thursday, May 7th.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

MUG #14

Write a compound, complex, or compound-complex sentence that explains the distinction between justice and revenge.
Continue MUG with Impromptu Writing:

 Listen to today's NPR news story: "Baltimore Unrest Reveals Tension Between African-Americans and Asians" and write a brief response in which you address the arguments made by the interviewees regarding justified looting.

Class discussion:

Consider the deeper problem presented in the arguments made here and the argument presented in yesterday's homework Question 2-2013.  What parallel do you see?

I distributed a copy of the Question 1 Synthesis Prompts beginning with last year's through 2008.  Your assignment is to carefully read and annotate each prompt and write a thesis statement, 2-4 reasons that explain your position, and 2-4 counterarguments.  These will all be due next week.  Get started.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

MUG #13 - Wednesday Words

Peak, peek, and pique

Today we reviewed the Hazlitt question.  I collected your annotated copy for a grade.  If you did not complete this assignment or if you were absent, it is your responsibility to get it done.

Homework:  Read the high-scoring student essay sample.  Read and annotate the 2014 and 2013 questions.

We completed a 20 minute (18 question) multiple choice practice.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

MUG #12

Attempt to seamlessly integrate the quotation into the text by using a signal phrase or structuring the sentence so that it allows the reader to move seamlessly from text to quotation and back again.

In The Truth About Toxic Sugar, “the past three surgeon generals and the chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff have declared obesity a ‘threat to national security’” (Lustig 28).

Today we reviewed organizational patterns for the synthesis essay after reading the sample student essay.

This was her pattern:

Body #1-Reason #1
Body #2-Counterargument #1
Body #3-Reason #2
Body #4-Counterargument #2

Notice how she repeated concrete details and parallel syntax that she used in the intro.  This method gives a finished feel to the essay and adds an extra touch "detallito" like a ribbon that wraps around a package, bringing your thoughts full circle.

Homework: Read and annotate the Hazlitt essay from the 2006 Question 2. 

Monday, April 27, 2015

AP Boot Camp Week 2                      Only 15 days left until the AP Exam!

MUG #11
What's wrong with this quote?     
Some experts have argued that a range of legitimate concerns justifies employer monitoring of employee Internet usage.  “Employees could accidentally (or deliberately) spill confidential corporate information . . . or allow worms to spread throughout a corporate network” (Tyman).

It has a floating quote, which by now, you should absolutely not be writing.  Fix it in one of several ways:

With a tag:

So and so of blankety blank says (or insert better verb), "Employees...." (Tyman).

According to so and so of blankety blank, "Employees...." (Tyman).

Better yet, integrate your introductory sentence with the quote:

Experts argue that legitimate concerns such as the possibility that “employees accidentally (or deliberately) spill confidential corporate information. . .or allow worms to spread throughout a corporate network” justify employer monitoring of employee Internet usage” (Tynan).

In class today:  Timed Writing rough draft of your synthesis/research prompt due at the end of class.  If you were absent, you are responsible for completing this draft on your own time.

Homework due today:  Annotations and SOAPStone for the two NYTimes essays (Fridman and Brooks).

Don't forget about Shmoop!  Passages 6-10 need to be completed this week.

Friday, April 24, 2015

MUG #10
Use your index of templates and the quotes you gathered on Wednesday from the space exploration topic to write sentences that would serve as evidence in a possible paper on this topic.

As promised, here is the folder containing each of the topics assigned.  If you did not receive your complete packet with the sources today, then look for it here (Topics) and either print it or save it.  Read your topic and sources carefully and write your thesis in the style of yesterday's MUG.

Due Monday:

Your thesis for your synthesis/research topic.  You should have read and annotated your question and the sources.

Your annotations for both "America Needs its Nerds" and "Lunch Period Political Science" with SOAPSTone for each.

Don't forget Shmoop!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

MUG #9
Template/Sample Argument/Position Thesis
#1 Thoughtfully acknowledge counter claim.  Begin with  (Although, Despite, Even though, While, In spite of…)  
#2 Clearly present claim (avoid 1st person (no I)
#3 2-4 relevant and distinct reasons with parallel structure  (Optional)
Despite the objections to the reinstatement of the Patriot Act because of privacy concerns, the most important consideration should be the safety of the American people.

Timed Writing Assignment:  (Will be ongoing; today we worked on 2 topics; I will collect these once we've practiced 5)

Topic # 1:  Should Brownsville's bag ban be lifted?
Topic #2:  Evaluate the most important issues that should be considered regarding RFID chip implants.

I collected the penny intro paragraphs that you were supposed to have completed for homework.

I distributed synthesis/research paper topics today.  You received only the front cover.  Your homework is to read the question you have been assigned very carefully and thoroughly and to do your own informal research on the topic.  Tomorrow you will receive sources to go with your topic.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

MUG #8 - Wednesday Words


Listen to the Grammar Grater podcast to take notes on the difference between those two words.

Today we worked on an 8 question, 9 minute multiple choice practice.

I distributed the space exploration question today with sources along with a copy of a high scoring essay.

Yesterday you should have turned in your thesis and list of reasons for your position in this argument.

Today I asked you to search for three quotes to use in support of your argument.

Homework:  Read the penny prompt carefully (2008).  Write an introduction that includes the following three elements:  attention getter, background, and thesis.  Re-look at the high scoring space exploration intro.  Try to imitate that writer's sentence structure.  Pay attention to her use of concrete details and parallel syntax in her opening.  Also, did you notice the alliteration?

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

MUG #7  
1. Write a concise sentence that identifies the overall message presented in this graph.
2. Consider the graph from left to right.  Write a sentence indicating a change that has occurred.
3. Consider your previous sentence, and ask yourself WHY?  Now write a sentence in which you not an observation you've made based on the inferences you've made from the data depicted in the graph.

Monday, April 20, 2015

MUG #6

Begin with SOAPStone notes.   Then...

1.  Write a sentence in which you tell me about the argument.  (Condense your SOAPStone into a single sentence)
2.  Write a sentence in which you directly state your position in this argument.  Avoid 1st person.
3.  Write a concession/refutation sentence to strengthen your ethical appeal.

Boot Camp Multiple Choice Day One Practice Passage (8 questions)

Don't forget about your Shmoop drills.  Passage 1 needs to be completed today to receive full credit.

Friday, April 17, 2015

MUG #5  (Combine each set to form compound-complex sentences.
  1. The meat loaf didn’t taste right.  The mashed potatoes had too much salt in them.  We sent out for a pizza.  It was delivered late.  It was cold.
  2. My car was struck from behind yesterday.  I slowed suddenly for a red light.  The driver of the truck behind me slammed on his brakes.  He didn’t quite stop on time. 
We read, annotated (including SOAPStone), and discussed Leonid Fridman's essay, "America Needs Its Nerds."

Homework:  Read, annotate (including SOAPStone) and be prepared to discuss David Brook's "Lunch Period Political Science."

Thursday, April 16, 2015

No MUG today.

Today we wrote a response to the magansoles essay (Q2 2005).  Intro, 3 body paragraphs, conclusion at minimum with at least 2 pieces of evidence per body paragraph and 2 statements of commentary per every piece of evidence.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

MUG #4 Wednesday Words
the substitution of the name of an attribute or adjunct for that of the thing meant, for example suit for business executive, or the track for horse racing.

A form of metonymy; a part represents a whole or a whole represents a part.
Nice threads means:
I like your wheels means:

Today we finished discussing the Magnasoles article.  By now you should have plenty of notes and annotation to help you write your draft tomorrow.  Here are the three sample intros we looked at in class.  The scores for each of these completed essays are 7, 6, 9.

The Onion’s satirical article uses several rhetorical devices to promote its innovative, revolutionary product: MagnaSoles shoe inserts. Using the fictional MagnaSoles as a model, the article humorously mocks the strategies used by companies to market products to attract its susceptible customers. Using an exaggerated or sarcastic tone throughout, it gives the reader a true taste of the tactics used in today’s prevalent advertising.

While the article from The Onion announcing new Magnasoles inserts may seem to be simply explaining a new product out on the market, it actually pokes fun at the technique marketers use to sell their products.  Through its subtle jokes and humorous quotes from users of the product, the article effectively satirizes the way in which products are presented to customers.

In the face of a rising consumer culture and the subsequent fall of common sense, The Onion uses a satirical tone to draw attention to the public’s gullibility and the advertising industry’s power.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

MUG #3

(Pronoun shift; parallelism; punctuation; usage)

Job hunter's can increase there chances of landing a job by careful preparing for an interview.  First he should be researching the company so that he can make suggestions or ask questions that show his interest.  To increase your confidence, you might even rehearse the interview with a counselor or a friend beforehand.  You should have neat professional looking clothes already before the interview day.  They should allow plenty of time to get their so they will not be feeling rushed.  Thus prepared, you can be relaxing at the interview and even enjoy it.

Vocabulary Test Lists 31 and 32.  If you missed it, you are responsible for taking it when you return to class.

Monday, April 13, 2015

MUG #2

Neither of those sharks circling your boogie board look hungry enough to bite you should get out of the water anyways.

 Asteroids and comets slamming into earth worries Marge she tries to remain under the protective cover of her roof as much as possible.

Today we closely read and annotated an AP Q2.

Vocabulary Test Lists 31 and 32 tomorrow.

This vocabulary test will be the last for the six weeks.  All remaining lists (33-36) will be tested on your semester exam.

The next three weeks will be strictly devoted to AP practice.

Friday, April 10, 2015

No MUG today

Gatsby Final Test today (open ended questions only)

Thursday, April 9, 2015

No MUG today.

Gatsby Final Test today (multiple choice only)

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

MUG #1 Wednesday Words
Credible- believable; worthy of belief or support
Creditable- Bringing credit or honor; deserving praise
Credulous- disposed to believe too readily
Incredulous- unwilling to believe; skeptical

Voc Quiz #31 today.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

MUG #40
Each of the boys were well behaved, the two of them together was trouble.

MUGs 21-40 due today.

Monday, April 6, 2015

MUG #39
Writers should never omit revising steps.
Revising can improve idea development.
Revising improves thought flow.
Revising writing takes time.

The revising stage in writing is important.
The revising stage should not be omitted.
The revising stage makes certain that the message will get across.

Gatsby close reading, notes, analysis, and discussion.
Carefully read the excerpt of Chapter 4 that begins with "At nine o'clock, one morning late in July..." and ends in the paragraph that begins "Then it was all true."
As you read, look for contrasts and contradictions.  Look for connections to previous chapters and future chapters.  Ask yourself why certain statements are made.  Ask yourself what is the effect of a particular word or phrase.  Consider how Nick's mindset about Gatsby undergoes a transformation in this passage.  How and why does he change his mind?

Pre-registration for AP exams will take place tomorrow in either the auditorium or library, which means all tests and quizzes will be moved forward by a day.
Voc Quiz 31 Wednesday; Gatsby Test Thursday; Voc Quiz 32 Friday.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

MUG #38     Paraphrase the following:

"Email's intoxicating qualities are now well known: It's convenient, efficient, simple, and informal, a way to stay connected to more people, a democratizing force in the workplace and less intrusive than the telephone.  But as email proliferates, its more pernicious effects are increasingly evident. Much as it facilitates the conduct of business, email is threatening to overrun people's lives." (Tony Schwartz, "Going Postal")

MUGs are due Tuesday, April 7th.

Vocabulary Test 29 & 30 today.  If you missed it today, you will need to take it on Monday during class.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Don't be a fool! Study for tomorrow's vocabulary test.  Here are the combined flashcards.

No MUG today.

Report to 4th period today.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

MUG #37

I hate driving my brothers truck, because it always breaks down when you are in the middle of a busy intersection.

Larry refuses to own a white car, because 1 hour after you wash it the paint is powdered with gray dust.

MUGs will be due next week-probably Tuesday.

Voc Quiz 30 today.

John Green's Crash Course on Gatsby Part I

John Green's Crash Course on Gatsby Part II

The final Gatsby test will be next Wednesday.

Monday, March 30, 2015

English I EOC testing today.  All non-testers report to 4th period.

Gatsby homework due tomorrow.

Vocabulary Quiz List 30 tomorrow.  Here are the flashcards.

Vocabulary Test Lists 29 & 30 Friday.  Here are the combined flashcards. 

AP Tutorial after school Tuesday and Thursday.  

Friday, March 27, 2015

No MUG today.

Today's Timed Writing should include some prewriting and a complete rough draft that fully addresses the prompt.

You can see the prompt here.  If you were not here on Friday, you will need to complete this assignment on your own and turn it in when you return to class.

Don't forget that on Monday you will be reporting to 4th period all day because of EOC testing.

Vocabulary Quiz List 30 will be on Tuesday as scheduled.  Here are the flashcards.

Vocabulary Test Lists 29 & 30 will be Thursday as scheduled.

The final Gatsby test will be the following week on Wednesday, April 8.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

MUG #34

Mrs. Schmitz explained to her assistant Julie, that she would need a cup of coffee to finish payroll on time.

In the last seconds of the game Leroy passed the basketball to Marc and then he tripped over an untied shoelace and broke his arm.

Vocabulary Quiz List 29 today.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

MUG #36

Of the more than 1000 bicycling deaths each year, three-fourths are caused by head injuries. Half of those killed are school-age children. One study concluded that wearing a bike helmet can reduce the risk of head injury by 85 percent. In an accident, a bike helmet absorbs the shock and cushions the head.

From "Bike Helmets: Unused Lifesavers," Consumer Reports (May 1990): 348.

Gatsby Quiz Chapters 7-9 today.

Gatsby Game.

Gatsby notes and discussion on themes, contrasts, and paradoxes.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

MUG #35

The adjective ambiguous means doubtful or unclear, open to more than one interpretation.
Noun:  ambiguity
The adjective ambivalent means holding opposing attitudes or feelings toward a person, object, or idea.  
Noun:  ambivalence

1. The stammerer is _____ about communicating with others: he desperately wants to communicate, but is afraid of revealing himself."
2. Journalists do not like to report on uncertainties. They would almost rather be wrong than _____.

Vocabulary Test Lists 27 & 28 today.

Monday, March 23, 2015

No MUG today.

After a close reading and annotation of the opening paragraph of Chapter 2, answer each of the following questions on your own paper.  Be sure to follow the format that includes your answer, evidence, and commentary for each response.

  • How is personification used in the first sentence?

  • What are the connotations of the phrase “valley of ashes”?

  • What is the effect of the alliterative “fantastic farm” and the fact that this area is even called a “farm”?

  • What is the effect of the simile in the second sentence?  Why would Fitzgerald choose this particular thing with which to compare the ashes?

  • How are the “men” portrayed in this paragraph?

  • Explain what color predominates in this paragraph?

  • What is Fitzgerald implying about the men by his use of the verb “swarm”?

  • What two totally opposite things is Fitzgerald contrasting in this paragraph?  How does this contrast help develop one of the main themes of this novel?
Vocabulary Test Lists 27 & 28  tomorrow.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Pep rally schedule

MUG #33

Shirley finds her Biology text a wonderful book because the author's always clearly explain difficult concepts to you.

As Ms. Simmons' was explaining the twenty seventh rule for pronoun reference a spider crawled into Sergios hair. This really distressed him.

Gatsby notes and discussion.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

MUG #32

Combine the following sentences three different ways:

Miguel worked in sales for five years.
He worked another three in account.
He is eligible for a management position.

Vocabulary Quiz 28 today.

Gatsby notes and discussion today.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

MUG #31

Vocabulary Quiz List 27 today.

Gatsby Reading Check Chpts 4-6 today.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

No MUG today.

Select any ten words from each of this week's vocabulary lists and write twenty sentences using those words with context clues.

Don't forget about the Gatsby homework.

Vocabulary 27 tomorrow and 28 on Thursday.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Based on your close reading and annotation of the second paragraph of Gatsby Chapter 1 that begins, “And after boasting this way of my tolerance,” and ends “with short-winded elations of men,” answer the following questions on your own paper.  You may use your annotated copy.  Turn in both your response and your annotated copy stapled together.
1.      1.  Why does Fitzgerald contrast “hard rock” with “wet marshes”?  What does he mean?
2.       2. Explain the two conflicting attitudes the narrator has toward Gatsby.  What is the effect of this paradox?

3.     3.   Basically this paragraph contains two pairs of contrasting ideas.  Identify them.  What do they have in common?

Homework:  Gatsby handout.  Please pick up a handout from me or from the substitute if I am not back tomorrow.  You will need to complete this assignment and turn it in no later than Friday.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Spring Break week.

Please read.  Don't forget that I will be out for jury duty the Monday we return.  Vocabulary quizzes for lists 27 & 28 will be that week.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Prewrite for a potential essay arguing for or against Nick's father's idea that "a sense of the fundamental decencies is parcelled out unequally at birth."

Extra Credit:  Write a well-developed draft in which you develop an argument agreeing or disagreeing with the statement.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

No MUG today.

Gatsby Test Chpts 1-3 today.  If you missed it, it is your responsibility to take it when you return.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Today we continued closely reading and annotating the opening paragraphs of Chapter 1 of Gatsby.  You are responsible for annotating the second paragraph.

Gatsby Test Chapters 1-3 tomorrow.  Please read carefully.  Review AP terms.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

MUG #29

Profesor Watkins' has made it clear, that if anyone wants to turn in a paper they should be certain to get a deans excuse by Monday.

During the campus tour the guide asked my brother and I if we had any interest in Tennis when we began college next year.

Vocabulary Test Lists 25 & 26 today.  If you missed it, it is your responsibility to take it when you return.

Gatsby Chapters 1-3 Test Thursday.  Be sure to read!!!

You can find helpful information, including summaries, on Shmoop!  Just remember that you still need to read!

Monday, March 2, 2015

MUG #28

Profesor Watkins' has made it clear, that if anyone wants to turn in a paper they should be certain to get a deans excuse by Monday.

During the campus tour the guide asked my brother and I if we had any interest in Tennis when we began college next year.

Gatsby Close Reading Check today.  If you missed it, you are responsible for taking it when you return to class.

Vocabulary Test Lists 25 & 26 tomorrow.  Here are the flashcards.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

No MUG today

Charro Days Early Dismissal

Today all juniors were required to do CPR training.  If you missed it, be sure to speak to your counselor about the make up day because it is a graduation requirement.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

MUG #27

Read and Paraphrase:

The twenties were the years when drinking was against the law, and the law was a bad joke because everyone knew of a local bar where liquor could be had. They were the years when organized crime ruled the cities, and the police seemed powerless to do anything against it. Classical music was forgotten while jazz spread throughout the land, and men like Bix Beiderbecke, Louis Armstrong, and Count Basie became the heroes of the young. The flapper was born in the twenties, and with her bobbed hair and short skirts, she symbolized, perhaps more than anyone or anything else, America's break with the past. 

From Kathleen Yancey, English 102 Supplemental Guide (1989): 25.

Gatsby Chapter 1 opening paragraphs analysis and notes.  

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

MUG #26

Buster Keaton died penniless. Buster Keaton died alone. Buster Keaton was forgotten by Hollywood. He was perhaps the greatest comedian of the century.

Murph's Diner is getting more popular every day. It has great steaks. It has cheap hamburgers. It has tasty hamburgers. It has French fries that are crisp

Vocabulary Quiz List 25 today.

Gatsby Chpt. 1 Reading Check

Homework due Thursday.

Monday, February 23, 2015

MUG #25

1. Neither Mary nor Laura has turned in (her, their) report.
 2. Anybody can learn to set up (his, their) own tent.
 3. Each of the boys takes care of (his, their) own room.
 4. Neither Tom nor Jim can give (his, their) report today.
 5. Anyone can join our group if (he, they) is really interested.

Remember that all indefinite pronouns that end in -body, -one, or -thing are always SINGULAR.

Vocabulary Quiz List 25 postponed.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

MUG #24

C.D. : Instead, he offers the euphemistic acknowledgment that Paret “began to wilt;” his life seemingly seeping away even before the final round.  C.M.:  His “wilt[ing]” evokes an image of subtle deterioration that almost softens the blow of a moment that marks the turning point leading to his collapse.  CD: When it comes to the author’s word choice, this euphemistic description of Paret’s final moments continues as Mailer describes how he began to “pass away” finally slipping to the floor like a ship sinking beneath the waves.

C.M.: Whether cushioning the blow of Paret’s final moments for the reader or for himself, Mailer’s diction allows the reader see the respect he had for the boxer.  What the reader is given is not an objective account of a tragic sporting event, but a description of the event with an emotional agenda.  C.S. The author’s word choice leads the reader to mourn the loss of Paret and recognize Mailer’s esteem for the former champion.
MUG #23

T.S.         In spite of the essay’s title, from the beginning the reader roots for Paret as a result of Mailer’s influence through strategic diction.

C.D. : Explanation and evidence that supports thesis. (Incorporate specific text examples.)  The article opens with laudatory description of Paret deeming him a “proud club fighter” admired by Mailer for his ability to take a beating and “still be bouncing.”  C.M.: Commentary that develops analysis of the evidence and explains specifically HOW the rhetorical strategies help the writer achieve his purpose or influence the reader.  Mailer’s word choice guides the reader to see Paret as a resilient brawler whose fighting style is reflective of his admirable characteristics. At times the diction’s affect on the reader is subtle, at other times overt, but it always moves the reader toward drawing Mailer’s same conclusions about Paret. C.M. : Even when describing how Paret began to lose significant ground in what would be his final fight, it is as if Mailer cannot quite bring himself to say it.   

Vocabulary Test 23 & 24 today.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

No MUG today.  

Assignment:  Review Thomas Paine's "The Crisis No. 1" and answer questions 1-10 and the the two Test Practice questions.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

MUG #22

The roads were slippery.
 Mary had an accident.
 The accident was with her car.
 She is in the hospital.
 The hospital is crowded.

Voc Quiz 24 today

We will be reading The Great Gatsby this six weeks.  You need to acquire a copy soon and begin reading.  I will check books on Monday, February 23rd.  Reading Check Quiz Chapter 1 will be Tuesday the 24th.

Monday, February 16, 2015

MUG #21

Every one of Joeys six cats enjoy relaxing on top of her new car the paw prints create an art deco design in the dust that coats the hood.

There is many misconceptions about gorillas the most damaging are that these primates are ferocious crazed killers like king kong.

Vocabulary Quiz List 24 tomorrow.  Here are the flashcards.

Today I gave out the article "The Death of Benny Paret."  Begin annotating it with the following prompt in mind:

Write an essay that explains and analyzes the effect of the passage on the reader.


Write an essay in which you discuss the effectiveness of Mailer's rhetorical strategies.

Your assignment is to closely read and annotate the Mailer passage; you're not writing the essay yet.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Benchmark Schedule this week.

You are required to take a complete AP Practice Exam (Section I-Multiple Choice; Section 2-Three Essays) which will count as a grade for the 5th six weeks.  If you do not take it during your scheduled time, it is your responsibility to take it during a different block.  If you miss the opportunity to take it during the blocked benchmark week, then you will need to come in on your own time either for several days after school or on the first Saturday AP Practice Test on March 21st to make up the grade.

No MUGs this week.

We will resume with vocabulary next week.  All dates have been pushed forward a week.  Please update your calendars.

Friday, February 6, 2015

No MUG today.

Assignments 1 and 2 and your annotated/color coded copy of the Declaration are due today.

Voc Quiz 23 and memorization of the major premise of the Declaration today.

We also watched this video parody:

Thursday, February 5, 2015

No MUG today.

Vocabulary Quiz 23 will be tomorrow.

Based on your knowledge of the Patriot Act, write the following three well-developed paragraphs:

1.  Explain the argument of those who defend (are in favor of) the Patriot Act.
2. Explain the argument of those who challenge (are against) the Patriot Act.
3.  Take a position in the argument (either for or against).  Point out one of the reasons given by the opposing side and refute it (explain why it is invalid/incorrect).  Point out another reason given by the opposing side and concede (accept a compromise).

Your paragraphs are due at the end of the period.

Homework:  Read Thomas Paine's Crisis, No. 1 found in your textbook p. 140-142.  Reading Check Quiz next week.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

MUG #20

On school mornings Rachel can sleep threw anything, even with the alarm clock buzzing or when mom bangs on the bedroom door.

Filled with holiday spirit Ximena bought a Christmas present not only for her boyfriend Andre but also got a present to give his obnoxious younger brother Pierre.

MUGs 1-20 due today.

Today we annotated and color-coded the Declaration.  Here is a partially annotated version of what we did in class.  You are responsible for completing the annotations on your worksheet by Friday.  You will need to complete the assignment on your own to turn in on Friday.  Also, don't forget about Assignments 1-3.

Some of you might have already seen this video in your history classes.  As you watch it, consider what makes it particularly effective:

Vocabulary Quiz List 23 postponed until Friday.  Here are the flashcards.

Please review your copies of the Patriot Act Background and the ACLU article for tomorrow.

I will not be in class tomorrow, but here is what I have left as an assignment

Based on your knowledge of the Patriot Act, write the following three well-developed paragraphs:

1.  Explain the argument of those who defend (are in favor of) the Patriot Act.
2. Explain the argument of those who challenge (are against) the Patriot Act.
3.  Take a position in the argument (either for or against).  Point out one of the reasons given by the opposing side and refute it (explain why it is invalid/incorrect).  Point out another reason given by the opposing side and concede (explain how you might be willing to accept a compromise).

Your paragraphs are due at the end of the period.

Homework:  Read Thomas Paine's Crisis, No. 1 found in your textbook p. 140-142. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

MUG # 19

Combine all 6 to form either a simple or complex sentence:

Patrick Henry delivers a powerful speech to the Virginia delegates.
The speech is riveting.
The speech urges them to a call to arms against Britain.
The speech is fiery.
The speech bolsters the sentiments of those in agreement with him.
The speech sways the hearts of those in opposition to him.

Try this arrangement and then write your own version:

In a _______ _________ that both ________ the ___________of those in __________ and ____________ the ___________ of those in _____________, Patrick Henry delivers a ____________ and _____________ speech to the ___________ __________, ___________ them to a ____________ to ___________ against _____________.

Vocabulary Test 21 and 22 today.  If you missed it, it is your responsibility to make it up when you return.

Don't forget about the Declarations Assignments.

Monday, February 2, 2015

MUG #18

Mary Annes compassion, as well as the Professors intelligence and the Skippers being funny, are what Jillian most enjoy's about Gilligans Island.

The powdery sugar on lemon, doughnuts make Rhonda, happy to start a new day.

Declaration Quiz today.

Vocabulary Test Lists 21 and 22 tomorrow.

I distributed the Declaration Assignments handouts today.  The annotated and color-coded copy of the Declaration, along with Assignments 1 and 2 are due on Friday.  Also, you need to have the first two sentences of the second paragraph memorized by Friday (Assignment 3).

Friday, January 30, 2015

MUG #17

  {If you were absent, pick up the paragraph to paste in your notebook.  We combined the first   sentences into three}

MUG 1-20 due Wednesday.

Close reading of the Henry speech today and notes.


Carefully read the Declaration of Independence for Monday.  You will have a reading check quiz.

Here's a link to the full text.

Here's a cartoon I watched as a child to learn the history which led to the Declaration.  Yes, back in my day, educational cartoons were cool.

If you'd like Morgan Freeman to tell you about the Declaration and some other celebrities to read it, then watch this video:

Vocabulary Test Lists 21 and 22 is Tuesday.  Here are the combined flashcards.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

MUG #16

Fix parallel structure:

We were dirty, hungry, and without a penny.

The doctor said that I should rest and not to get excited or upset.

Voc Quiz 22 today.

Henry AP quiz today.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

MUG #15

What is the significance of the dagger mentioned by Parris on page 1109?

Answer:  The dagger represents a threat made by angry villagers who blame Parris for the tragedy which has befallen their community.

Textual support:  Parris asks Danforth to "postpone the hangin's" not out of concern for the innocent slated to die but because he believes "there is danger for [him]" (1108-1109).

Commentary:  Yet again, Danforth selfishly responds to the situation by looking for a way to protect himself instead of by protecting the individuals whom he is called to serve.  His pride and fear for his reputation caused him to withhold evidence from the court, which might have prevented any hangings in the first place; he continues to look out only for himself by pleading with Danforth.

Voc Quiz 22 tomorrow.

Henry AP reading check tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

MUG #14

Combine these three sentences into 5 or more varieties.
Fenwick decided to stage a mutiny.
Morton decided to stage a mutiny.
They disagreed over tactics.

 Fenwick and Morton decided to stage a mutiny, but they disagreed over tactics.
Both Fenwick and Morton decided to stage a mutiny even though they disagreed over tactics. Fenwick and Morton, who decided to stage a mutiny, disagreed over tactics.
Although disagreeing over tactics, Fenwick and Morton decided to stage a mutiny.
Neither Fenwick nor Morton decided to stage a mutiny because they disagreed over tactics.

Voc Quiz 21 today.

Read the Patrick Henry Speech to the Virginia Convention for tomorrow.  p. 122 in your textbook

Monday, January 26, 2015

MUG #13

Neither of my two older brother's invest money wise.

All that the cute guy wants this semester is the correct answers from Susans' Algebra quiz.

Voc Quiz 21 tomorrow

Typed drafts due today.

Friday, January 23, 2015

MUG #12

"Abigail leads the girls to the woods, Your Honor, and they have danced" (1094).

As further evidence to prove that Abigail is not the innocent child Danforth believes, Proctor tells him about how "[she] leads the girls to the woods...[where] they have danced" (1094).

Bonus Practice:

The  text p. 1074:
Cheever, wide-eyed, trembling: The girl, the Williams girl, Abigail Williams, sir.  She sat to dinner in Reverend Parris's house tonight, and without word nor warnin' she falls to the floor.  Like a struck beast, he says, and screamed a scream that a bull would weep to hear.  And he goes to save her, and, stuck two inches in the flesh of her belly, he draw a needle out.  And demandin' of her how she come to be so stabbed, she--to Proctor now--testify it were your wife's familiar spirit pushed it in.

Not well-integrated:
Cheever says, "And he goes to save her, and, stuck two inches in the flesh of her belly, he draw a needle out.  And demandin' of her how she come to be so stabbed, she--to Proctor now--testify it were your wife's familiar spirit pushed it in" (1074).

Better blended quote but with a pronoun error:
Cheever explains that he has been sent to search the Proctor's house for poppets because Abigail had a needle "stuck two inches in the flesh of her belly," which she "testify it were your wife's familiar spirit pushed it in" (1074).

Cheever explains that he has been sent to search the Proctor's house for poppets because Abigail had a needle "stuck two inches in the flesh of her belly," which she "testify it were [Elizabeth's] familiar spirit pushed it in" (1074).

Drafts due Monday.

Intro should include:

Attention getter, background, thesis statement

Body should include four well-developed paragraphs.  Each paragraph should include topic sentence, three integrated quotes each explained with two commentary.  (APEPEPE)


Restate thesis, restate claims, provide insightful comment that links past to present

Thursday, January 22, 2015

MUG #11

Proctor:  It is not a child.  Now hear me, sir.  In the sight of the congregation she were twice this year put out of this meeting house for laughter during prayer.
Danforth: [Shocked, turning to Abigail] What's this?  Laughter during--!
Parris:  Excellency, she were under Tituba's power at that time, but she is solemn now.

Blended quote:
To prove to Danforth that Abigail "is not a child," Proctor reveals that she has been in trouble for "laughter during prayer," which Parris corroborates but quickly blames Tituba for Abigail's misdeeds, saying "she is solemn now" (1094).

Voc Test today.

Drafts due Monday.  Get to work!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

MUG #10

Floating Quote:       Remember: Don't float your quote!!!!

"I have seen people choked before my eyes by spirits" (1086).

Danforth says to Proctor, "I have seen people choked before my eyes by spirits" (1086).

Danforth emphasizes to Proctor that he has "seen people choked before [his] eyes by spirits" (1086).

Even better:
Deluded by the girls' lies, Danforth emphasizes to Proctor that he has "seen people choked before [his] eyes by spirits" (1086).

Voc Test 19 & 20 tomorrow

You should be working on your drafts!  Typed drafts are due Monday.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

MUG #9

Floating Quote:
"Why do you hurt these children?"

Ok: (with speaker+verb)
Judge Hathorne asks, "Why do you hurt these children?"

Better: (with transition, context, and speaker+verb)
While questioning Martha Corey, Judge Hathorne asks her, "Why do you hurt these children?"

Prewriting Check today

Voc Quiz 20 today

Monday, January 19, 2015

This week's MUG will be about integrating quotations.

Today we worked on indirect quoting (paraphrasing).

MUG #8

Tituba:  I don't compact with no devil!
Parris: You will confess yourself or I will take you out and whip you to your death, Tituba!
Putnam: This woman must be hanged! She must be taken and hanged!
Tituba, terrified, falls to her knees: No, no, don't hang Tituba! I tell him I don't desire to work for him, sir.


Although Tituba initially denies involvement with the devil, after being threatened by both Parris and Putnam, she relents, confessing to witchcraft to save her life (1055).

Vocabulary Quiz 20 tomorrow.

I will be checking your prewriting for the faulty reasoning paper tomorrow.

Friday, January 16, 2015

MUG #7

Our dog babe together with her 7 puppies have chewed all the stuffing out of the sofa cushions.

Wrestling on the cafeteria floor is two hungry students that want the last slice of pepperoni pizza.

Act III Quiz today.

If you had difficulty with the quiz today, be sure to prepare yourself for the Act IV quiz on Monday and the Act III & Act IV test on Wednesday, January 21st.

I also distributed the first handout in a series of Hot Topics for Debate.  The Patriot Act is the featured topic for the week.  Your job is to read the background.  Ponder the questions at the bottom.  Jot down ideas.  Look up any information.  Be prepared to articulate a position next week.

Vocabulary Quiz List 20 is scheduled for Tuesday, January 20th.  Here are the flashcards.

Vocabulary Test Lists 19 and 20 is scheduled for Thursday.

The Crucible Acts III and IV Test is Wednesday, January 21st.

Tuesday, January 20th I will be checking your prewriting for the faulty reasoning essay.

The following idea map includes what you should already have.  When I check it on Tuesday, it should includes snippets of the quotes (textual evidence you plan to use with the page number included in parenthesis).  You will also need to include ideas in the periphery of each cluster about possible commentary as you begin to work on your thesis statement.

I used a free app available in the Google Chrome Web Store called "Idea Mapper" to generate this map.  Your bubble cluster/idea map may be either handwritten or electronically prepared using the same app or another like it; however, you will need to bring a printed copy of your map to class to receive credit.

Thursday and Friday I will be checking your draft.

The final draft typed in MLA format is due Monday, January 26th.

I posted an optional assignment that can be used to boost your six weeks grade if you need it.  The instructions are posted on my classroom door.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

MUG #6

Combine using correlative conjunctions:

At the antiques store I found George Washington's sword.
I found the uniform he wore while in the Virginia military.

To be a Navy Seal you must be physically fit.
You must be mentally sharp too.

Vocabulary Quiz List 19 today.

I distributed a handout with lists of conjunctions and other words you need to know.  Keep it permanently in your binder.  The handout includes the lyrics to Weird Al Yankovic's parody "Word Crimes."

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

No MUG today.

Today we finished reading Act IV.

Vocabulary Quiz List 19 tomorrow.  Here are the flashcards.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

MUG #5

Larissa will either add a flock of plastic pink flamingos or she will purchase a family of ceramic nomes for the front lawn.

Either the grill crew or the manager must give their permision for you too return that half eaten double cheeseburger.

Based on all of the notes we have taken for Act III and IV, today we began prewriting our ideas for the essay we will be working on.

Monday, January 12, 2015

MUG #4


The bombardier beetle sees an enemy.
It shoots out a jet of chemicals to protect itself.

The spray consists of hot and irritating chemicals.
It is very potent.

Today we continued reading Act IV.

I distributed the Logical and Rhetorical Fallacies Handout.

I also distributed the 2nd Semester Vocabulary List and the handouts for Lists 19 and 20.  Check your calendar for quiz and test dates.

Friday, January 9, 2015

MUG #3

Groaning on rusty springs the trampoline tossed the children like cloths in a drier.
Rapping the pencil on the edge of the desk the forth cause of the french revolution would not come to mind.

Today we finished reading Act III and started Act IV.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

MUG #2

The Hubble Space Telescope has been important to astronomers.
It has provided valuable information about our solar system.

Combine these two sentences three different ways.
1. Combine by subordination
2. Combine with a relative clause
3. Combine with a participial phrase

Today we continued reading Act III.