Friday, September 4, 2015

GUM #8 today and notes.

Here is today's Timed Writing prompt.


The library will be opening on Monday.  You need to check out your own copy of The Scarlet Letter and bring it to class with you on Tuesday for a grade.  If you absolutely cannot get your own hard copy, an electronic version will suffice as long as it is not a pdf file.  You can use the Gutenberg link I posted yesterday for some options for Kindle or ePUB.  Look for the Aldiko app as option for your phone.

Your typed letters are due Wednesday, September 9th now that you will have access to the computers in the library.  Don't forget to review the syllabus for my policy for late work..

I checked notebooks today.  Too many of you had not completed the annotations for the excerpts I gave you and had either not worked on or not finished the grammar review, which explains the failing grades on quizzes.  Get to work, people!  Assignments are not optional if you expect to learn and improve your skills.

Writing Exercise #3
Use the Chapter 2 excerpts to answer the following question:
What is the purpose of the contrast between the women in the crowd and Hester as she comes out of the prison?

Four Writing Exercises will be due next week (not Monday) on whichever day we complete the fourth one in class.