Friday, December 12, 2014

White Elephant Gift Exchange Assignment Today.

Semester Exams are next week according to this schedule:

Monday, December 15th:  1st, 5th/6th/7th, 4th
Tuesday, December 16th:  3rd, 5th/6th/7th, 8th
Wednesday, December 17th:  2nd, 5th/6th/7th, 9th

Please Study!

The following flashcards are on Quizlet for review:

1st Semester Exam Vocabulary


Literary/Rhetorical Terms

Please bring your binder and your copy of The Crucible on the day you are schedule to take your exam.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Vocabulary Test Lists 17 & 18 Today.

If you missed the test, it is your responsibility to take it when you return to class or to make arrangements with me for taking it.

Don't forget:

The White Elephant Gift Exchange Assignment is tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Vocabulary Quiz 18 Today.

Today we went over the 12 Days of Christmas Break Project.  If you were not in class today, it is your responsibility to ask questions about any elements of the project you're not sure about.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Vocabulary Quiz 18 postponed.

Finish reading The Crucible.

Monday, December 8, 2014

This week is the last week of regular classes before semester exams next week

We will not work on any MUG this week.  I collected MUGs 41-52 today.

Semester Exam Schedule:

Monday, December 15th:  1st, 5th/6th/7th, 4th
Tuesday, December 16th:  2nd, 5th/6th/7th, 8th
Wednesday, December 17th:  3rd, 5th/6th/7th, 9th

Don't forget to bring your wrapped gifts by Friday, Dec. 12th for the White Elephant Gift Exchange.

Vocabulary Quiz List 18 tomorrow.  Here are the flashcards.

Vocabulary Test Lists 17 & 18 is Thursday.  Here are the combined flashcards.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Today I distributed the instruction sheet for our White Elephant Gift Exchange.  The writing assignment for this activity will take place on Friday, December 12th, so you will need to bring your wrapped gifts on or before that day.

Gratitude paragraphs due today.

Vocabulary Quiz List 17 today.  If you missed it, you're responsible for taking it when you return to class.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Don't forget that tomorrow your gratitude paragraphs are due.

Vocabulary Quiz 17, which should have been today, will be tomorrow.  Here are the flashcards.

Tomorrow I will be distributing instructions for two different assignments.  If you want a preview, you can find the handouts below.

The White Elephant Gift Exchange will be take place next week and will count as a daily grade this six weeks.

The 12 Days of Christmas Break Project will be due after the Christmas Break and will count as your first major grade for 2nd semester.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Because of this week's testing schedule, there will be no MUG this week.

Today and Friday will be the only days we will be on a regular schedule.

Vocabulary Test 15 & 16 test today.  If you missed it, it is your responsibility to take it when you return to school.

Your gratitude paragraphs are due on Friday.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Because of this week's benchmark schedule, there were no MUG shots this week.

Vocabulary Quiz 16 was today.  If you missed, it you will need to come in on your own time Monday to take it.
Vocabulary Test Lists 15 & 16 is Tuesday, December 2nd.  Here are the combined flashcards.

Please continue to read The Crucible on your own.  You will need to be finished with Act I and II by Thursday, December 4th.

Don't forget to complete the Shmoop AP English Language Diagnostic Test.  The class code is 8b409.

We watched the following video during class (except 9th, so if you're in 9th, please watch it)

I distributed the instructions for the writing assignment which will be due on Friday, December 5th.  This paragraph needs to be typed (MLA format).

You have an opportunity to turn it in early for extra points:

Monday, December 1st +20
Tuesday, December 2nd +15
Wednesday, December 3rd +10
Thursday, December 4th + 5
Friday, December 5th it is due when you walk in.

Gratitude Paragraph Instructions

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

MUG #50

twiddling their fingers
shifting on their boots
the men stared at one another
holding onto their hip belts.

Persuasive Techniques Quiz today.

Monday, November 10, 2014

MUG #50  (Step 1: Unscramble both sets to create two different sentences.  Step 2: Imitate the grammatical arrangement to create your own sentences)

Sentence 1:
down the I ran...behind me...the air whistled

Sentence 2:
hid....while Chris played the violin...and the bedroom...the dog

Today we took more notes on the persuasive techniques used by the different characters in Act I of The Crucible.

Be sure you can recognize the following rhetorical terms as we discuss the play: Subject; Occasion(Context); Audience; Speaker; the three appeals (logical, ethical, and emotional).

How does Parris (speaker) appeal to Abigail (audience) to get her to tell him what happened in the forest the night before (subject) since now he is daughter lies unresponsive on the bed (occasion) and why (purpose)?

Be sure to review the Persuasive Techniques handout.  Expect a quiz on Wednesday.  Here are the flashcards.

Vocabulary Quiz List 15 is Thursday.  Here are the flashcards.

No school tomorrow on Veterans Day.

Friday, November 7, 2014

MUG #49

My parents and I watched in awe.
We watched on a hot August evening.
Erratic bolts of lightning illuminated the sky.
The bolts of lightning were from a distant storm.

Today we read more of Act I of The Crucible and took notes.  Please review your Persuasive Techniques handout.  Pay attention to each character's PURPOSE.  Who is his/her AUDIENCE as he attempts to achieve that purpose?  What APPEALS does he/she make?  (logical? emotional? ethical?)  What techniques does the character (SPEAKER) use to enhance his/her appeal?

Thursday, November 6, 2014

MUG #48

I hate tapioca pudding.
Tapioca pudding is a favorite in our family.
It is a white, gooey mixture.

Vocabulary Test Lists 13 & 14 today.  If you missed it, it is your responsibility to take it when you return to class.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

MUG #47

I was sitting on the window ledge.
The ledge overlooked the narrow street.
I watched the children.
The children were frolicking in the first snow of the season.

Vocabulary Test Lists 13 & 14 is tomorrow.  Here are the combined flashcards.

Act I Study Guide 1-10 is due Friday.

As we continue to read The Crucible, be sure to continue paying close attention to the persuasive techniques used by the characters to achieve their purpose.  What does Parris want?  How does he use both logical and emotional appeals to persuade Abigail?  What does Abigail want?  What techniques does she use to persuade Parris?

Writing Exercises 41-44

View the following four commercials. Take notes as you watch, and then write a three sentence minimum response about each in which you discuss the the effectiveness of the persuasive techniques used.


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

MUG #45

Credit cards are dangerous.
They encourage people to buy things.
These are things that people are unable to afford.
These are things that people do not really need.

Vocabulary Quiz List 14 today.  

Vocabulary Test Lists 13 and 14 is Thursday.  Here are the combined flashcards. 

Today we read more of the opening scene of Act I.  You should be able to finish the first 10 questions of the study guide.  Questions 4 and 10 are based on the prose passages.  The study guide for questions 1-10 is due on Friday.

Monday, November 3, 2014

MUG #44

Jet fatigue can be serious.
Jet fatigue paralyzes some passengers.

Long non-stop flights cause jet fatigue.

Vocabulary Quiz List 14 is tomorrow.  Here are the flashcards

Today we read and took notes on the opening scene of Act I of The Crucible.  The following are terms you should know and include in your notes:

Irony  (3 types): 


Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!  Here's a scary combining exercises.  Combine these six sentences to form one simple or complex sentence.

The roaches scurried in and out of the breadbox.
The roaches sang chanteys.
The roaches sang as they worked.
The roaches paused only to thumb their noses.
They thumbed their noses jeeringly.
They thumbed their noses in my direction.

Today I distributed the first half of the Act I Study Guide.  

Don't forget to check out the library copy of The Crucible with the prose passages.  

Thursday, October 30, 2014

MUG # 42

Our neighbors installed a swimming pool.
The pool is in their backyard.
They have gained many new friends.

Vocabulary Quiz List 13 today.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

MUG #41 ... Today we began ICE (Imitating and Combining Exercises)  Today we combined the following:

Sailors wear earrings.
The earrings are made of gold.
Sailors always carry the cost of a burial.
They carry the cost on their own bodies.

Combination 1: So that they always carry the cost of a burial on their bodies, sailors wear gold earrings.
Combination 2: Sailors wear gold earrings so that they always carry the cost of a burial on their bodies.

Vocabulary Quiz List 13 tomorrow.  Here are the flashcards

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

No MUG today

Monday, October 27, 2014

MUG 21-40 due today.

Aronson test make-up today.

WE 31-40 due Wednesday

Vocabulary Test Lists 11 & 12 tomorrow.  Here are the combined flashcards.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Scary AP-Style Aronson Test today.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

MUG #38

Chris wanted a dog to scare off burglers but
his apartment complex doesnt allow pets, as a
result Chris installs additional door locks.

Mitch decided to get a huge chinese dragon
tattoed across his shoulder blades once the
pain inducing needle pierced his skin however,
Mitch quickly changes his mind opting for a
small cross instead.

Vocabulary Quiz 12 today.

Aronson open book test is tomorrow.  Bring the book you checked out, or risk losing 20 points.

Review the patterns of development, literary and rhetorical terms, and grammar terms.  Flashcards are available on Quizlet.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

MUG #37

Nigel went to go to the grocery store, he
needed to by eggs bacon and orange juice for
tomorrows break fast.

Trevor knew that he should be saving money
for next semesters tuition he spent every
paycheck, however, on expensive dinners and
trendy fashionable clothing for his greedy
girlfriend Gloria.

7 different ways to correct the run-on:

1. Split into 2 sentences:
Nigel went to the grocery store. He needed to buy eggs, bacon, and orange juice for tomorrow's breakfast.
2. Compound sentence (comma with one of the FANBOYS)
Nigel went to the grocery store, for he needed to buy eggs, bacon, and orange juice for tomorrow's breakfast.
3. Compound sentence (semicolon)
Nigel went to the grocery store; he needed to buy eggs, bacon, and orange juice for tomorrow's breakfast.
4. Complex sentence (subordinate clause at the end)
Nigel went to the grocery store because he needed to buy eggs, bacon, and orange juice for tomorrow's breakfast.
5. Complex sentence (subordinate clause at the beginning)
Because Nigel needed to buy eggs, bacon, and orange juice for tomorrow's breakfast, he went to the grocery store.
6. Complex sentence (relative clause)
 Nigel, who needed to buy eggs, bacon, and orange juice for tomorrow's breakfast,  went to the grocery store.
7. Simple sentence with a participial phrase
Needing to buy eggs, bacon, and orange juice for tomorrow's breakfast, Nigel went to the grocery store.

Today I distributed the instructions for WE #33-40, which will be due on October 29th.  You can find the handout here.

Today we began reading Act I of The Crucible (pages 1037-1039 of your textbook).  If you missed it, access the textbook online and read it on your own.

We took notes, which should include the following.

Stage directions
Characterization of Tituba and Abigail
Literary/Rhetorical devices:  Alliteration, euphemism, hyperbole
Ellipsis (omission of words when quoting as long as what remains is grammatically sound)
Integrated Quoting (paraphrase mixed with partial direct quotes and with some analysis)
--Tituba can't "bear to be barred from...her beloved," but her "slave sense" tells her that she will be whipped if she goes near Betty.
--In the stage directions, Miller describes Abigail as having an "endless capacity for dissembling," which she  demonstrates in her dialogue with her uncle to whom she is clearly lying about what took place the night before.

The Aronson test will be Friday, October 24th.  You will need to use the book for the test, so please bring the copy you checked out from me.  If you don't bring it, I will lend you one for the test, but you will lose 20 points on the test.

Vocabulary Quiz List 12 is tomorrow.  Here are the flashcards.  Please study!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

MUG #36

In the living room Jackson kicked the
television angered by the basketball score.

When Grandma wasnt looking Elysa filled the
dogs bowls with leftover's from the meal.

Vocabulary Quiz List 11 today.  If you missed it, you are responsible for taking the quiz when you return to class.

Vocabulary Quiz List 12 is Thursday.  Here are the flashcards.

Today we read p. 1034 in the literature textbook, which includes background on Arthur Miller, the writer of The Crucible.  Make sure to include notes on the following:

Senator Joe McCarthy
Red Scare
Cold War
Arthur Miller earned the Pulitzer Prize for Death of a Salesman

Monday, October 20, 2014

MUG #35

For many years Ted a well regarded architech
worked overtime to pay off his odious budget
killing student loans.

Oil which is lighter then water always raises to
the surface.

Quizzes today:

Aronson Reading Check

Patterns of Development

If you missed either of these quizzes, it is your responsibility to take them when you return to class.

Vocabulary Quiz List 11 is tomorrow.  Here are the flashcards.

The Aronson test will be on Friday, October 24th.  The test will be open book, so on that day you will need to bring the book you checked out from me.  If you don't have the book, I will lend you one for the test, but you will lose 20 points.

Friday, October 17, 2014

MUG #34

Grooving to the music pumping though his
earbuds Kevins dance moves amused the
people waiting at the bus stop.

The dead rotting trees along with the broken
windows and flapping shutters makes everyone
believe that dark evil spirits haunted the
desserted house.

Finish reading Aronson.  You will have a reading check quiz on Monday based on Chapter 7 to the end.

Also, be sure to review the Rhetorical Patterns for a quiz on Monday.  Here are the flashcards.

Here are some samples of what you can do for WE 31 & 32:

WE 31-40 will be due on October 29th.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

MUG # 33

Dripping with hot fugde and whipt cream, the
children ate banana splitz.

While I can not speak for every one it sure
seems like this year is moving quick.

WE #21-30 and Allegory Projects are due tomorrow.

Here's a sample of Part I, the paragraph which you've already seen, and Part II, the visual, for the word Temptation.

Your completed paragraph should be typed in MLA format.  It should be evident that you gave careful consideration to explaining your word after having practiced in the various patterns of development.  It should not read as if you put something together haphazardly.  The same goes for your visual.  Your WE 30 can be a messy sketch, but your completed visual should be neat and thoughtfully creative.  I am less interested in your ability to draw well as I am in your attention to detail.  It should not look as if you put it together at the last minute the day it was due.  It should be FINISHED when you walk in the door.  You may not be working on it in class or it is late.

Today, you should have received a sentence with either a dangling or misplaced modifier.  Your job is to depict the sentence visually for WE #31.  Here's an example:

For WE 32, you will need to correct the sentence.

For example, "The children walking down the moonlit path were frightened by the bushes."

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

No MUG today.

Vocabulary Test Lists 9 & 10 is tomorrow.  Here are the combined flashcards.

WE #21-30 and your Allegory Project are due Friday when you walk in to class.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

MUG # 32

After vigourously scrubbing the tile grout with
bleach and an old toothbrush, the mildew stains
begins to fade.

If you dont know the answer ask Mohammad
for help, his brain possess's all sorts of amazing

Don't let your modifiers dangle!

The PSAT s tomorrow!!  Please review.  Get a good night's rest.

Vocabulary Test Lists 9 and 10 is Thursday.  Here are the combined flashcards.

Monday, October 13, 2014

MUG #31

After feeding several quarters into the gumball
machine a person learns that they have little
chance of recieving the miniature camera in
the display.

Every neighbor on my street looked up in
surprise as the ill intending spaceship descends
from the sky and hovered above their heads.

We reviewed last week's PSAT Practice Set 2 and started PSAT Practice Set 4.

Vocabulary Quiz List 10 is tomorrow.  Here are the flashcards.

Friday, October 10, 2014

MUG #30

Ken wiggled his foot drummed a Jimi Hendrix riff
with his pencil, and was chewing a peace of gum,
still he could not burn off the caffeine induced
energy from a gallon sized Mountain dew.

Because she was frustrated with the coach, no
recognition for her skills and a dislike for the
polyester uniform made Raychelle quits the pingpong

Important Calendar Change:

WE 21-30 due date postponed.  They are due on Friday, October 17th, along with your project.

Picture Day Today.

Vocabulary Quiz List 10 is Tuesday.  Here are the flashcards.

The PSAT is WEDNESDAY!!  Please review.  You should have a booklet/practice test.  Go online to the College Board website.  Go to Shmoop and work on the practice tests.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

MUG #29

Alexandria brewed expresso, steamed milk and
tells jokes as she prepared a latte for mike her
favorite customer.

For his first date with Alexandria, Mike bought
not only a dozen roses but he also purchased a
box of coffee flavored chocolates.

Vocabulary Quiz List 9 today.

PSAT Practice Set 2 today.

If you missed either of these, you are responsible for taking them when you return to class.

Picture day is tomorrow.

Don't forget to keep reading.  You will need to be finished with the book by Monday, October 20th.

Extra Credit Opportunities:

Pick up your PSAT booklet/study guide and show it to me.
Sign up for text/email reminders.
Work on drills/practice tests on Shmoop. Be sure to join my classroom.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

MUG # 28

I need to write a letter to the local newspaper
because they canceled the daily horoscopes my
favorite section.

It said in todays horoscope that all Pisces like
Tyler and Brian should avoid eating fishsticks, I

Aronson Reading Check Quiz p. x-139 today.

PSAT Practice Set 3.  Keep the handout in your binder, but be sure to turn in a scantron with your answers for participation and to check your answers.  The underlined questions are the ones most missed.  Please review.
1b  2.e  3.a  4.c  5.d  6.b  7.a  8.c  9.d  10.a  11.d  12.e  13.b  14.c  15.d  16.b  17.b  18.a  19.e  20.b

Vocabulary Quiz List 9 is tomorrow.  Here are the flashcards.

Picture day is scheduled for Friday during our class.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

MUG #27

When Jake jammed the photocopier for the
8th time Sharon the administrative assistant,
picked up a industrial sized stapler and
threatened to through it at his head.

Because her hands were still slipery from the
dishwater Rachel dropped the watermellon,
which bursted on the floor creating an
explosion of pulp and seeds.

Vocabulary Test Lists 7 and 8 today.

Complete a scantron for PSAT Practice Set 3

Aronson Reading Check Quiz p. x - 139 (end of Chapter 6) tomorrow.

Shmoop!  By now, everyone should have an instruction sheet for setting up an account and for joining the PSAT Prep class.  Start by completing the Diagnostic Test.  If you want to earn bonus points, then you need to be sure you join the class using the code I gave you and my email address.

You will be required for a grade to join the AP English Language Class in a couple of weeks and to complete the diagnostic test. I will post the calendar dates for the deadlines to complete the drills and practice tests.

Monday, October 6, 2014

MUG #26

Sadly I am embarassed to report that I bare
the soul responsibility for my dodgeball teams
loss on Friday night.

When Mom shaked out the kitchen rug dog
hair, bread crumbs, coffee grounds and
spaghetti noodles flew threw the air.

Vocabulary Quizzes List 7 and 8 Today

Vocabulary Test Lists 7 and 8 tomorrow.  Here are the combined flashcards.

Today I distributed the two handouts:  Rhetorical Patterns and WE 21-30 instructions.

You should already have the Allegory Project Instructions.

Read Aronson pg. x-139 for Wednesday.

Don't forget to pick your PSAT booklet/study guide from Mrs. Solana and to show it to me for bonus points.  Review for the PSAT!  It's next Wednesday!

You can sign up for text/email REMINDers here. Bonus points are available until the end of the week.

Friday, October 3, 2014

We corrected Wednesday's MUG today.

Today is early dismissal.

If you already signed up for the PSAT, you can pick up your official PSAT booklet/study guide from Mrs. Solana.  Show me your booklet next week for bonus points.

If you did not sign-up, you will be placed on a waiting list, which probably means you might not get to take it. Sign up anyway, just in case!

Vocabulary Quizzes List 7 and 8 will be Monday.  Here are the flashcards for List 7 and List 8.

Read Aronson p. x - 139 (end of Chapter 6). You will have a reading check quiz on Wednesday.

Important Calendar Changes:

Remove "Essay Due" from Monday, Oct. 6th

Add WE 21-30 due Oct. 13th.  Here are the instructions and here is the handout you need that explains the different patterns you need to know.  You will get a copy of the instructions and the handout on Monday.

Add Allegory Project due Oct. 17th.  Here are the instructions and sample I gave you in class along with a second page with additional instructions.

Next week, I'll show you a sample of the visual for Part II of the project.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

No MUG today.

I will not be on campus today.  This is the assignment I left for you to work on:

Read about Anne Bradstreet and the two poems that follow on p. 90-93 in the blue literature book.

Answer questions 1-7 found on page 93.  Turn these in at the end of the period.

The online literature book is not available yet, so if you did not finish the Rowlandson assignment from Tuesday, you will need to finish those questions in class as well.

The online literature book won't be available until Monday.

If you were absent Tuesday, or if you're absent today, then you need to speak to me when I see you next.

Vocabulary quizzes 7 and 8 will both be on Monday.  Please study.

Everyone should have the Aronson book for independent reading.  If you don't have it, take one from the shelf, and sign up for it when I see you next.

You need to read starting with page x and through page 134.  Expect a reading check quiz on Wednesday.

Finish PSAT Practice Set 3.

Sign-up for the PSAT if you haven't already.

If you have already signed up, you need to familiarize yourself with the test.  Tutorial is available in F207 in the mornings and after school.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

MUG #25

A Midsummer Nights Dream written by William
Shakesphere is a complicated twisting tail of love,
also its Nikitha's favorite play.

The main characters a group of four well to do
Athenians are manipulated by chaos creating

Grammar Review:
Some of you had difficulty with collective nouns on Monday's MUG.  Here's a notes page for you to review.

We are in the auditorium all period today for an Early College High School presentation.

In addition to this blog for reminders, would you like to receive reminders directly to your cell phone or email about assignments, quizzes, tests, and other important information about English III-AP?  Follow this link to sign up for phone or email reminders.

The PSAT is right around the corner!  Sign-up ASAP if you have not already.

Start practicing!  Here's the link for the College Board's website.

Vocabulary Quiz List 7 is postponed yet again, so the List 8 Quiz is postponed as well.  Here are the flashcards for List 7 and the cards for List 8.

Yesterday assignment was to read from "A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson" found on pages 83-85 and to answer questions 1-8 found on page 86.  Also, you were to read the "Grammar Workshop" pages 87-88 and take notes (red bullets). If you were absent or did not finish, it is your responsibility to complete this assignment and turn it in tomorrow.  You can access the text book here.

Don't forget about your nonfiction independent reading.  Read!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

No MUG today.

Your Vocabulary List 7 Quiz is postponed.

Today's Assignment:

Read from "The Mary Rowlandson Captivity Narrative" found on pages 83-85 in the blue textbook.  Answer questions 1-8 found on page 86.

Read the "Grammar Workshop" pages 87-88 and take notes.  Complete the practice exercises 1-3 found at the bottom of page 88.


Study your vocabulary words.

Read your nonfiction book.  If you haven't checked one out yet, take one and sign-up when I see you next time.

Monday, September 29, 2014

MUG #24

At the Halloween dance the catering
committee recieved many complements for
their squid eyeball stew.

The new improved laundry detergent restored
Connor's mud stained pants to its original

Vocabulary Quiz List 7 tomorrow.  Here are the flashcards.

Start reading your 2nd six weeks nonfiction selection.  You should have checked out the book from me either Friday or today.

We began a video documentary about the Puritans which we will continue watching tomorrow.  You will need to take notes.

Friday, September 26, 2014

MUG #23

Jason the shift leader and I had an easy
cooperative working relationship, neither of us
hesitates to discus problems as they a rise.

In many respects my cousins Victoria and
Stephanie are similiar but Victoria is far more
spirited, and sophisticated.

Grammar Quiz Today.  If you missed, you must take it when you return to class.

I distributed the instructions for your Allegory Project and assigned words during class.  Be sure to review the instructions carefully.

I also distributed  PSAT Practice Set 3 for you to work on.  We will review it next week.  In class, timed practices will begin next week.  Be ready.

Independent Reading for the 2nd six weeks will be Witch Hunt by Marc Aronson.  You need to check it out from me and begin reading.  I will give you a reading schedule next week.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

MUG #22

Overnight there is usually two german
shepherds at the warehouse to guard against
robbery attempts, so far there hasn't been any
problems that we know of.

New pictorial traffic signs have been installed
because drivers' react to images quicker then
to words on signs.

Vocabulary Test Lists 5 & 6 Today.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

No MUG Today.

I won't be in class today, but I have left specific instructions with your sub.  I expect you to abide by those instructions.  Here they are:

(Homework) Writing Exercises are due today. No exceptions.

Today: Write 20 vocabulary sentences using words from lists 5 & 6.

5 compound sentences
5 complex sentences
5 using participial phrases
5 using appositive or absolute phrases

Due at the end of the period. Yes, you should have enough time to finish these during class.  You should not be working on WE because those were due when you walked into class.

Turn in both your WE and today's assignment in the black crate (the one with the stop sign).

Vocabulary Test tomorrow as scheduled.  Here are the flashcards.

Grammar quiz Friday.  Here are the grammar terms flashcards.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

MUG #21

In constant demand as a speaker Carlos had
never been more busier then he is now, his
schedule was booked threw febuary.

Although born in Missisippi Brianne now lived
in California where like many other teenagers
she enjoys soaking up the sun.

Vocabulary Quiz List 6 today.  If you missed it, you are responsible for taking it when you return.

Writing Exercises 11-20 are due tomorrow!

If you've had trouble unscrambling the sentence in #19, change a. "and ended...." to "and ending...." Hint:  that piece is the second half of the absolute phrase.

Don't forget that for both #19 and #20, you have to write your own imitations of the model sentences.

Notebook Check today. If you were absent, you are responsible for asking for a make up check when you come back.

Vocabulary Test Lists 5 and 6 is Thursday.  Here are the combined flashcards.

Monday, September 22, 2014

MUG #20

Secretly Kayla was thrilled to return to school
after a long boring vacation filled with mind
numbing hours at her mothers insurence office.

Each afternoon Kayla had to file claim
paperwork alphabetize clients charts and
customer's phone calls constantly interupted

MUG shots 1-20 due today.

Your letters are due today.  If you have printer issues, be sure to email it so that you won't have a late penalty and then bring a print copy later.

Today we finished grammar/syntax notes.  You can access the notes here.  Also, I distributed the handout with the instructions for WE #13-20.  These are due Friday.

Vocabulary List 6 Quiz is tomorrow.  Here are the flashcards.

Also, you will have a notebook check tomorrow.

Friday, September 19, 2014

MUG #19

Its' time to get started on our next exciting
unit of study, this month well right an essay a
day on the mysteries of earthworms.

Once in awhile, you find an author who speaks
to you’re soul; for Charles John Steinbeck is
one of those writers.

Here are today's notes. We only got as far as page 25.  These notes are in preparation for WE 13-20. You can begin working on these already. You should already have worked on (finished) 11 and 12.


Business letters are due Monday, September 22nd.

Sign-up for the PSAT if you have not already done so.  Prepare for the PSAT by going to the College Board's website and working on the practice test.

Grammar quizzes and PSAT practice quizzes next week.

Vocabulary Quiz List 6 on Tuesday, September 23rd.  Here are the flashcards.

Vocabulary Test Lists 5 and 6 is Thursday, September 25th.  Here are the combined flashcards.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

MUG #18

When I looked around the corner I am
surprised to see what my sister was up to.

The wild out of control dog charged after the
anxiety ridden mailman.

Vocabulary Quiz List 5 Today.  If you missed it, you are responsible for taking it when you return to class.

I distributed Writing Exercises 11 & 12 today, which will be due along with 13-20 on Wednesday of next week.  Read the prompt for each carefully.  Write a well-developed paragraph in which you explain your position, provide examples, and elaborate for each exercise.  Please complete your responses on separate sheets of loose leaf paper for each.

Exercises 13-20 will be syntax exercises.  You will receive the specific instructions tomorrow.


Your business letters are due Monday, September 22nd.

Sign-up for the PSAT if you have not yet done so.  Go to this website for info, tips, and practice.

MUG shots 1-20 will be collected on Monday after we complete #20 in class.  If you have been absent for any, you need to complete those prior to turning them in.  I will not accept late work.

Expect MUG  quizzes and PSAT writing practice quizzes  next week.  Use these flashcards to review some of the grammar terminology.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

MUG #17

Even though they didn’t win the lacrosse team
a collection of strong young women still found
many reasons to be proud of their preformance.

I was hungry for pumpkin pie, unfortunately
Luke ate the last peace.

Book Reviews are due today.

Don't forget to sign up for the PSAT ASAP!

Vocabulary Quiz List 5 tomorrow.  Here are the flashcards.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

MUG #16

Each candidate should report all of their
income irregardless of where the money came

When people have heart attacks you
expereince pain in the left arm.

Vocabulary Test Lists 3 & 4 today.  If you missed it, it is your responsibility to take it when you return.  List 5 Quiz will be on Thursday.  Here are the flashcards.

Don't forget that Book Reviews are due tomorrow.  Yesterday's post has a link to a sample.

Tomorrow we will finish the written portion of The Scarlet Letter Test.


Sign-up for the PSAT with Mrs. Solana in the counseling center as soon as possible.  The test is right around the corner: Wednesday, October 15th.  All college bound students should take the PSAT/NMSQT junior year.

Go to this website for PSAT info and tips.

Monday, September 15, 2014

MUG #15

Whether is one cause of famine but political
strife is another cause of famine.

Typing furiously the essay was finished by
Shelby just before the 3pm deadline.

Today we reviewed the book review format.  You can find a sample here:  Book Review Sample.

Don't forget that reviews are due on the 17th, which is Wednesday (sorry about the mix-up on Friday's post).  Please adhere to the guidelines stipulated in your syllabus regarding turning in assignments and late work.  You should walk in with your review already printed and ready to turn in.  If you have printer issues that cannot be resolved, then you should email your work to me to avoid a late penalty.  You can always bring the print copy at a later time if you have sent it to me via email before the due date.

Vocabulary Test Lists 3 & 4 tomorrow.  Please study!  Here are the flashcards.

Friday, September 12, 2014

MUG #14

Isabella washed the piles of dirty dishes, while
Katherine vaccumed the filthy rug, they try to
complete a months worth of cleaning in just
one hour's time.

Wrestling looks like play it teaches lion cubs
important survivel skills.

Today was the Part II of The Scarlet Letter Test.  If you missed it, it is your responsibility to take a make up test when you come back to class.

Finish reading your nonfiction selection.  Book Reviews are due Wednesday, September 17th.

Vocabulary Test Lists 3 & 4 Tuesday.  Here are the combined flashcards.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

MUG #13

it was overcast and drizzly we decided not to
go to hampton beach.

Dr. Boxberger a professor who tolerated no
interuptions during his lectures turned beat red
as the cell phone in his jacket pocket begins to

Vocabulary Quiz List 4 Today.  If you missed it, you need to make arrangements to take it when you return to class.

Here are the notes we reviewed in class for The Scarlet Letter.  The test will be tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

MUG #12

ms moon our Principal requested funds from
the rotary club to buy computers for hiring a
computer specialist and to open a computer

James took Rohan on his pizza deliveries so
that his friend would not be obsessing alone
about his recent breakup with his beutiful
girlfriend Gloria.

Vocabulary Quiz List 4 tomorrow.  Here are the flashcards.  If you haven't been doing well on these quizzes, please change the way you study.  You're probably not studying enough, or you're not studying correctly.  If you are memorizing a synonym for each of the words, you're going to make mistakes. It won't be enough to just memorize the words and definitions either. Here are some things you can try to do differently:
Review the words with a buddy.
Make your own flashcards.
Write your own sentences.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

MUG #11

In the final seconds of the game Craig past the
ball to Travis, and then he tripped over his
shoelace and broke his arm.

Sitting on the top shelf of the refridgerator
Brody spotted Mom's triple layer birthday cake.

WE #1-5 due at the beginning of class.  No late work accepted.

Vocabulary Quiz List 3 Today.  If you missed it, you are responsible for taking the quiz when you return.

Don't forget that The Scarlet Letter Test has been moved to Friday.

Here are the instructions for your letter, which is due September 22nd.  Please be sure to review your syllabus regarding late work for major assignments.

Go to OWL website for information about business letters and to view samples in the different formats.

I distributed AP Commitment Forms today which you and your parent/s must read, sign, and return to me no later than Friday, September 12th.

Monday, September 8, 2014

MUG #10

In The Scarlet Ibis a short story by James Hurst
the character of Doodle is spiritually connected
to a exotic bird the author does this to show
the beuty of a fragile life.

The horses tale whipt wildly as it endures the
long pencil sized needle that Dr Lopez used for

WE #1-5 are due tomorrow when you walk in to class.  These exercises count as a daily grade.  No late work will be accepted.  Turn in what you have.  You will not have extra time to finish any exercises.

Vocabulary Quiz List 3 Tomorrow.  Here are the flashcards.

Today I distributed the handout for WE 6-10.  You should begin by annotating the paragraph.  It is the opening paragraph of Chapter II.

Today we took a few notes on The Scarlet Letter.  

Important Calendar Changes:
Move "Letter due" from September 8 to September 22.  You will receive the instructions tomorrow.
Move "The Scarlet Letter Test" from September 10 to September 12.

Friday, September 5, 2014

MUG #9

the gallegos twins visited yellowstone national
park with there family last summer they had to
wait nearly ninety minutes to see old faithful

My dependible car who has taken me over
120,000 miles still has a smooth purring

Proposals due today.  If you are absent or unable to print it, you should email it by the due date so that it is not late. Bring the print copy when you come to class.

Today we will finish working on WE 1-5, which are all related to Chapter 1 of The Scarlet Letter.  Check previous posts on this blog for instructions for each if you didn't write them down in class. These exercises are due on Tuesday, September 7th.  No late work will be accepted.  You will receive credit only for the ones you have completed.  Keep your annotated copy of Chapter 1.  You will turn that in at a later time with other annotated excerpts.

On Monday, you will receive instructions for WE 6-10.  If you'd like either a glimpse or a head start, here they are.

Vocabulary List 3 Quiz is on Tuesday. and List 4 Quiz is Thursday.  You can click on the links for the flashcards.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

MUG #8

For Holloween my boyfriend Thor decided to
dress up as a dainty delicate princess.

On Saturday night some teenagers in my
neighberhood dressed up as vampires and
ghouls write some funny songs and went
Halloween style caroling

Vocabulary Test Lists 1 & 2 Today.  If you missed the test, it is your responsibility to take the test the day you return to class.

Proposals are due tomorrow.  Here's the sample of what your proposal should look like in MLA format. Be sure to have your book with you if you have not already shown it to me.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

MUG #7

Take out the trash Mom ordered before the
dog knocks over the can.

Jordan get those straws out of you're nose,
Mom shouted.

The Scarlet Letter Reading Check Today

Vocabulary Test Lists 1 & 2 is tomorrow.  Here are the combined flashcards.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

MUG #6

the careful ever watchful security guard a stout
man who wore his dark blue employer issued
uniform with pride shouted get away from that

Its ironical that student's say they dont enjoy
poetry yet they love rap music.

Vocabulary Quiz List 1 Today.  If you missed it, you are responsible for taking a make-up quiz the next day.

Don't forget about tomorrow's reading check.

Also, don't forget that your proposals are due on Friday.  You will need to bring your book with you.

Monday, September 1, 2014

MUG #5

My friend Chloe who never cooks at home
decided to use her stove to store her extra
shoes, unfortunately she forgot about her
footwear when on a rare whim she decided to
use the oven to bake cookies.

The stench of melting dripping rubber souls
filled the apartments in the girls' building
everyone evacuated.

WE #5

After closely reading and carefully annotating Chapter 1, now think about what truth the speaker communicates about the human condition.  This universal truth introduced in Chapter 1 is also a central theme of The Scarlet Letter. To figure out the theme, you'll need to consider the speaker's use of paradox, contradictory, yet true statements.  In what way are these paradoxes a reflection not only of the Puritans of this Boston colony but also a reflection of mankind's struggles, including Hawthorne's day and our own.

Vocabulary Quiz List 2 tomorrow.  Here are the flashcards.

Don't forget about The Scarlet Letter Reading Check on Wednesday and Vocabulary Test for Lists 1 and 2 on Thursday.  Here are the combined flashcards.

Friday, August 29, 2014

MUG #4

To entice a kitten off of the roof Roberto
opened a tin of tuna fish immediately the
kitten lept for the treat and landed at
Robertos feet.

Shreya hasnt paid her school libary fine
consequently she can’t neither lend more
books or recieve her report card

Here's a copy of Chapter 1 of The Scarlet Letter, which I distributed in class today.  Your assignment is to closely read AND annotate. Here is a handout with pointers on annotation.  Any words you don't know you should look up and learn.  You will need to annotate the rest of the chapter the way we did sentence one together.  You don't need to re-annotate sentence one on this handout, just the remaining two paragraphs. Sentence one should be handwritten (skip lines) on loose leaf paper and annotated. for WE #1.  Look for diction, figurative language (simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, oxymoron, paradox), allusions, and symbolism which reinforce the somber scene.

WE #3

Paraphrase Chapter 1.  In your own words, rewrite what the speaker says in each sentence.  You should have at least one sentence for each sentence of the chapter (including the first sentence).  This exercise is not summarizing; it is paraphrasing.

WE #4

After you have closely read and understood and annotated the chapter, you can identify examples of the author's use of diction, figurative language, allusions, and symbolism which contribute to the chapter's gloomy atmosphere and somber tone.


Vocabulary Quiz List 2 is Tuesday and the combined vocabulary lists test is Thursday.

The Scarlet Letter Reading check test is Wednesday.

If you have not yet found a nonfiction selection to read this six weeks, you need to do so ASAP.  Next week you will need to bring the book with you along with a typed proposal.  Here are the instructions.  Here is a sample proposal.

Visit Shmoop if you haven't already.  You will receive your username and password next week to access the test prep; however, there are free resources available you can access, including resources to help you with The Scarlet Letter.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Practice Quiz Vocabulary List 1 Today

If you missed it, you have the option to take it tomorrow.

Here are the flashcards for Vocabulary List 2

MUG #3

preparing our dinner the smell of the chicken
made Ben hungry

Thaddeus a brilliant student will probably get a
higher grade then i will Toby remarked

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

MUG #2

The cracked windsheild along with the ripped
upholstery and rusty body, made Erics car near
impossible to sale.

Sally I need you to sit still while I trim you're
bangs Sophia ordered.

WE #2

Sentence Imitation

Recreate the opening line of Hawthorne’s opening chapter.  You must maintain the identical grammatical structure, but your diction should alter both the tone of the original sentence and the atmosphere which it helps create for the remainder of the chapter.

A ______ of ______   ______, in ____-_____   _____  and _____  ____-____    _____, inter-mixed with _____, some _____ing _____, and others _________, was _______ in front of a _______    _______, the ________ of which was _______     ______ with ______, and ______ with ______   ______. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

You can access the syllabuscalendar, and honor statement here.

Here are the flashcards for Vocabulary List 1.  Your first quiz is Thursday.  Please study.

We will work on daily MUG shots.  These are Mechanics, Usage, and Grammar corrections.  On loose leaf paper, write the date and corresponding number of the MUG set.  Copy the sentences as written, and we will make corrections at the beginning of class.  I will collect them after we have completed 20 sets (20 days) for a daily grade. If you are absent, work on the MUGs on your own and then check the corrections when you return to class.

Here's today's set:

This year writing will be a major focus, its'
important to understand grammer rules, without
them you're writing is difficult to understand.

Once a week well begin class with one of these
sets of M.U.G. sentences, M.U.G. by the way is an
abbreviation of "mechanics, usage and grammer"

Today's Writing Exercise (WE #1)

Write down the first sentence of Chapter 1 of The Scarlet Letter (skip lines). Annotate (mark) the sentence with careful attention to the writer's DICTION (word choice), SYNTAX, (arrangement of words).

The writer begins with the simple subject of the sentence, identifying it as a "throng."  He wants the reader to notice this large group of people.  He points out that they are "bearded men" which emphasizes that they are a patriarchal (men) society who abide by the wisdom of their traditions (bearded).  The writer points out that they are wearing "sad-colored garments."  These men don't consider  their garments sad-colored; this is the writer's opinion.  Why sad?  Why use the word "garments" instead of "clothes"?  Then he says the are wearing "steeple-crowned hats," which indicates that they are a theocracy.  He says the group is "intermixed with women," which reinforces the patriarchal nature of this society which relegates the women to secondary citizens.  He offers little to describe them other than to say that some of them are "wearing hats and others [are] bareheaded, simply remarking on how some are married and some are not, reminding the reader that during this time period, women were only important as wives or prospective wives.  Finally, in the middle of the sentence after this long description of the throng, he tells the reader that these people are "assembled," which means they are gathered with a purpose, and not just standing around.  He says they are in front of a "wooden edifice."  It is possible that the only building material available to the early colonists would have been wood, so he might simply be emphasizing the time period but quite possibly making a symbolic connection to the forest from which the trees came which was used to build the prison, the symbol of punishment for evil/sin/crime.  The word "edifice" seems much more formal diction than building or prison (which it actual is), reinforcing the formality of their justice system.  The door of this prison, which is "heavily timbered with oak" and "studded with iron spikes" intentionally intimidates the onlookers who fear the punishment the prison represents both on earth and in the afterlife.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Welcome Back!

Get ready for an interesting journey.  Tomorrow I will distribute your syllabus and calendar.

If you haven't finished reading The Scarlet Letter, please do so.  You don't have much time left until the reading check.

Also, you should have searched for a nonfiction selection to read this six weeks.  My list of recommended titles which are available at the public library is found at the top of this blog.  Happy reading!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Vocabulary Quiz 28 today.  If you were absent, it is your responsibility to take it when you return.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

We read the following two selections in Readings for Writers, "Our Values Hurt the Environment" by Joseph L. Krutch and "Economic Growth Requires Environmental Compromises" by Lester C. Thurow. You will need to annotate the selections and write rhetorical precis for each.

Vocabulary Quiz List 28 tomorrow.  Here are the flashcards.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Vocabulary Quiz List 27 and Eighner essay quiz today.  If you were absent, it is your responsibility to take both when you return.

I distributed the Spring Project handout today.  Review it, and start making decisions about which option you might complete.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Vocabulary Quiz List 27 is tomorrow.  Here are the flashcards.

Vocabulary Quiz List 28 is Thursday.  Here are the flashcards.

Today we read the second half of "On Dumpster Diving" by Lars Eghner and responded to a question on rhetoric and style.  You can find the complete Eighner essay here.  Quiz on the complete essay tomorrow.

For those of you who like to be ahead of the game, here's a sneak peak at your Spring Project.  You will get the handout tomorrow.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Charro Days Early Dismissal

We are on a modified scheduled today with short periods and not all classes will meet.

You may use this time to study or to catch up on any assignments you did not finish this week.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Today we wrote a short narrative essay using specific writing strategies, including, but not limited to the following:

Varied sentence structure
Details (Concrete and Sensory for Imagery)
Figurative Language
Sound Devices- alliteration; onomatopoeia
Repetition of words, phrases, clauses

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Vocabulary Test Lists 25 and 26 Today.  If you missed it, it is your responsibility to take it when you return to class.

Today we read the following very short article:

PANAMA CITY, FL—Following a weeklong vacation in Florida, local sexually transmitted disease gonorrhea announced it had an awesome time during this year’s spring break. “Oh man, PCB was the best—I was at a new party practically every night and met a ton of cool people,” said the common bacteria-based genital tract infection, noting that most of the dozens of coeds it encountered at a local Days Inn were so drunk they probably barely even remember meeting the contagious disease. “I mean, some of the people you meet during spring break are cool to hook up with for one or two nights, but I’m always looking for the relationships that last for life. Those are what really count.” Gonorrhea went on to say that while spring break may be over, it definitely plans to get back in touch with that blonde from Ohio State sometime very soon.

Complete a SOAPS-Tone; identify three strategies/devices used by the writer; rewrite the selection in a serious tone.

Monday, February 24, 2014

AP Multiple Choice Questions practice today.

Vocabulary Test Lists 25 and 26 tomorrow.  Here are the flashcards.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Timed Writing

Analyze the rhetorical appeals and strategies in Lars Eighner's "On Dumpster Diving."  Begin your response with a rhetorical precis followed by multiple paragraphs that follow Eighner's structure.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Vocabulary Quiz List 26 today.

Today we started reading and annotating "On Dumpster Diving" by Lars Eighner.  Expect tomorrow's Timed Writing to be based on this essay.  You can begin by preparing your precis.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Today we closely read the first 8 paragraphs of Swift's "A Modest Proposal" and took notes.

Vocabulary Quiz List 26 tomorrow. Here are the flashcards

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Vocabulary Quiz List 25 today.

Today we finished notes on satire devices.  Here are the notes.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Steps 4-6 due today.

Today we took notes on comedy and satire devices.  Here are the notes.

Vocabulary Quiz List 25 tomorrow.  Here are the flashcards.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day

Today we had a group activity on tackling an issue related to homelessness in a mock committee.  Each student was assigned a different role and had to work out a plan for a possible solution based on the problem their "city" faced.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Peer Review today.

Vocabulary Test Lists 23 & 24 today.  If you were absent, it is your responsibility to make it up when you return.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Today we reviewed a sample argumentative research paper.

We also reviewed attention getters.  Have one ready for tomorrow's peer review.

Vocabulary Test Lists 23 & 24 tomorrow.  Here are the flashcards.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Vocabulary Quiz List 24 today

Today we read "The Beggar" by Anton Chekhov and wrote a rhetorical precis for the selection.

Monday, February 10, 2014

You should have the shaping/idea map/bubble cluster  for your paper.

Peer Review today.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Timed Writing

Write a well developed paragraph in which you defend or challenge Ascher's thesis about compassion.

Don't forget to keep working on your Steps 4-6 for your research paper.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Vocabulary Quiz List 23 Today

"Why are Beggars Despised?" by George Orwell Rhetorical Precis due today.

Today we finished reviewing the Ascher essay in preparation for tomorrow's Timed Writing

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Today we broke up the Ascher essay into sections by grouping paragraphs together by a common idea.  Then, we identified appeals made by the writer in each section followed by identifying specific strategies used by the writer.

Strategies include:  details (concrete or sensory AKA imagery), figurative language, symbols, allusions, language (informal, formal, colloquial, euphemistic, bold, harsh, etc.),  word choice, syntax (sentence structure, sentence length, fragments, run-ons),   sound devices (alliteration, repetition of words, phrases, clauses, onomatopoeia, rhyme, rhythm), contrasts (paradox, oxymoron, parallel structure, antithesis, juxtaposition)

Vocabulary Quiz List 23 tomorrow.  Here are the flashcards.

Don't forget to read Swift's essay by Friday.

IMPORTANT DATE CHANGE:  Steps 4-6 will be due on Monday the 17th instead of the 10th.

On the 10th, you should bring your completed Step 4 and informal version of Step 5.  You are not turning it in, but you are expected to have it completed.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Vocabulary Test Lists 21 and 22 today.. If you missed it, it is your responsibility to take it when you come back to class.

I distributed the short essay, "Why are Beggars Despised?" by George Orwell.  Read it.  Annotate it.  Write a rhetorical precis.  Turn it in tomorrow when you walk in to class.

Be prepared to compare the Ascher and Orwell essays tomorrow.

Read Jonathan Swift's essay "A Modest Proposal" found on pages 914-21 in The Language of Composition.  Be prepared for a reading check quiz Friday.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Today we read opposing viewpoints on the question "Should the government help the homeless?"

Working in small groups, we identified the claims of value and fact that lead to each claim of policy.  

Vocabulary Test Lists 21 and 22 tomorrow.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Rhetorical Precis for the Ascher essay due today when you walk in to class.  Anything turned in after your class period will have points deducted.

Timed Writing Today.

Write a well-developed short problem-solution essay that evaluates the problem of homelessness.  You must follow this format:
1. Problem:  (Thesis Statement)
  State the problem and your opinion.
  (Homelessness in the United States)
2. Causes/Reasons for homelessness: (3 reasons)
 (be sure to corroborate your reasons with evidence)
3. Solution to homelessness:  (3 solutions)
  (be sure to substantiate your solutions with evidence.)
4. Clincher/Closing Sentence: (Result of Solution)

  (The sentence must remind the readers of the subject  and include a final comment about the benefit(s) of the solution.)
You must cite sources within your paragraph.

Source:  Research Report on Homelessness Graph p. 6 Figures 1.1 and 1.2
Source: Story about Pittsburgh doctor
Source:  NPR story "Laws that Target Homeless..."
Source: "Homeless: Expose the Myths"
Source "On Compassion"

Vocabulary Test Lists 21 & 22 on Tuesday.  Here are the flashcards.

Don't forget that today's the last day to earn the 20 points for your Shmoop.  You still need to take the Diagnostic by February 14th, but your grade will start at 80 if you don't join the class by today.

Those of you have already joined and have been confirmed for the class, schedule the one hour you need to take your test.  Don't wait until the last minute, please.