Monday, September 15, 2014

MUG #15

Whether is one cause of famine but political
strife is another cause of famine.

Typing furiously the essay was finished by
Shelby just before the 3pm deadline.

Today we reviewed the book review format.  You can find a sample here:  Book Review Sample.

Don't forget that reviews are due on the 17th, which is Wednesday (sorry about the mix-up on Friday's post).  Please adhere to the guidelines stipulated in your syllabus regarding turning in assignments and late work.  You should walk in with your review already printed and ready to turn in.  If you have printer issues that cannot be resolved, then you should email your work to me to avoid a late penalty.  You can always bring the print copy at a later time if you have sent it to me via email before the due date.

Vocabulary Test Lists 3 & 4 tomorrow.  Please study!  Here are the flashcards.