Wednesday, September 26, 2012

You should be working on shaping your Narrative/Descriptive Essay.  Write down the following for your essay:
Narrowed Topic:
Main Idea:

You also need an informal, working outline.  Look on page 96 of The Prentice Hall Guide for College Writers for an example.

Your brainstorming, shaping (with outline), and first draft are due Friday.  These 3 items are worth 30 points of your final grade, which is a test grade 2nd six weeks.  If you do not turn them in, you will NOT be allowed to turn them in later.

If you are going to be absent Friday due to an extra-curricular activity, it is your responsibility to turn in this work on or before Friday.  If you're here in the morning on Friday, you can leave it at the front office for someone to place in my box.  You can send it with a friend or classmate whom you trust to deliver it to me.  You can also turn it in early on Thursday.  :)

Today we read Amy Tan's "Fish Cheeks" essay as an example of a Narrative/Descriptive essay.  You can follow this link to read her essay:

Read yesterday's post for reminders of what is due tomorrow.