Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Book Check Out Day

Today you will be issued The Language of Composition textbook.  It is your responsibility to bring your book with you every day to class.  I will periodically conduct random book checks for a daily grade.  Be prepared.

Today's Reading:

p. 473-476  "For Fasting and Football, a Dedicated Game Plan" by Samuel G. Freedman

Complete a "Rhetorical Analysis Assignment" page for this reading.

Quick Notes:

Underline or italicize titles of books, names of newspapers, magazines, movies, TV shows.
Underline when handwritten.
Italicize when typing.
Italics replace underlining; don’t use both.
Quotation marks used for shorter pieces: essays, speeches, newspaper articles, magazine articles, transcripts, short stories, poems, song titles, TV show episodes.

Refer to the writer as author, writer, speaker, poet.
Use his/her full name once; thereafter, refer to him/her by last name only or as author, writer, speaker, poet.  Never refer to author by first name only.