Tuesday, September 30, 2014

No MUG today.

Your Vocabulary List 7 Quiz is postponed.

Today's Assignment:

Read from "The Mary Rowlandson Captivity Narrative" found on pages 83-85 in the blue textbook.  Answer questions 1-8 found on page 86.

Read the "Grammar Workshop" pages 87-88 and take notes.  Complete the practice exercises 1-3 found at the bottom of page 88.


Study your vocabulary words.

Read your nonfiction book.  If you haven't checked one out yet, take one and sign-up when I see you next time.

Monday, September 29, 2014

MUG #24

At the Halloween dance the catering
committee recieved many complements for
their squid eyeball stew.

The new improved laundry detergent restored
Connor's mud stained pants to its original

Vocabulary Quiz List 7 tomorrow.  Here are the flashcards.

Start reading your 2nd six weeks nonfiction selection.  You should have checked out the book from me either Friday or today.

We began a video documentary about the Puritans which we will continue watching tomorrow.  You will need to take notes.

Friday, September 26, 2014

MUG #23

Jason the shift leader and I had an easy
cooperative working relationship, neither of us
hesitates to discus problems as they a rise.

In many respects my cousins Victoria and
Stephanie are similiar but Victoria is far more
spirited, and sophisticated.

Grammar Quiz Today.  If you missed, you must take it when you return to class.

I distributed the instructions for your Allegory Project and assigned words during class.  Be sure to review the instructions carefully.

I also distributed  PSAT Practice Set 3 for you to work on.  We will review it next week.  In class, timed practices will begin next week.  Be ready.

Independent Reading for the 2nd six weeks will be Witch Hunt by Marc Aronson.  You need to check it out from me and begin reading.  I will give you a reading schedule next week.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

MUG #22

Overnight there is usually two german
shepherds at the warehouse to guard against
robbery attempts, so far there hasn't been any
problems that we know of.

New pictorial traffic signs have been installed
because drivers' react to images quicker then
to words on signs.

Vocabulary Test Lists 5 & 6 Today.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

No MUG Today.

I won't be in class today, but I have left specific instructions with your sub.  I expect you to abide by those instructions.  Here they are:

(Homework) Writing Exercises are due today. No exceptions.

Today: Write 20 vocabulary sentences using words from lists 5 & 6.

5 compound sentences
5 complex sentences
5 using participial phrases
5 using appositive or absolute phrases

Due at the end of the period. Yes, you should have enough time to finish these during class.  You should not be working on WE because those were due when you walked into class.

Turn in both your WE and today's assignment in the black crate (the one with the stop sign).

Vocabulary Test tomorrow as scheduled.  Here are the flashcards.

Grammar quiz Friday.  Here are the grammar terms flashcards.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

MUG #21

In constant demand as a speaker Carlos had
never been more busier then he is now, his
schedule was booked threw febuary.

Although born in Missisippi Brianne now lived
in California where like many other teenagers
she enjoys soaking up the sun.

Vocabulary Quiz List 6 today.  If you missed it, you are responsible for taking it when you return.

Writing Exercises 11-20 are due tomorrow!

If you've had trouble unscrambling the sentence in #19, change a. "and ended...." to "and ending...." Hint:  that piece is the second half of the absolute phrase.

Don't forget that for both #19 and #20, you have to write your own imitations of the model sentences.

Notebook Check today. If you were absent, you are responsible for asking for a make up check when you come back.

Vocabulary Test Lists 5 and 6 is Thursday.  Here are the combined flashcards.

Monday, September 22, 2014

MUG #20

Secretly Kayla was thrilled to return to school
after a long boring vacation filled with mind
numbing hours at her mothers insurence office.

Each afternoon Kayla had to file claim
paperwork alphabetize clients charts and
customer's phone calls constantly interupted

MUG shots 1-20 due today.

Your letters are due today.  If you have printer issues, be sure to email it so that you won't have a late penalty and then bring a print copy later.

Today we finished grammar/syntax notes.  You can access the notes here.  Also, I distributed the handout with the instructions for WE #13-20.  These are due Friday.

Vocabulary List 6 Quiz is tomorrow.  Here are the flashcards.

Also, you will have a notebook check tomorrow.

Friday, September 19, 2014

MUG #19

Its' time to get started on our next exciting
unit of study, this month well right an essay a
day on the mysteries of earthworms.

Once in awhile, you find an author who speaks
to you’re soul; for Charles John Steinbeck is
one of those writers.

Here are today's notes. We only got as far as page 25.  These notes are in preparation for WE 13-20. You can begin working on these already. You should already have worked on (finished) 11 and 12.


Business letters are due Monday, September 22nd.

Sign-up for the PSAT if you have not already done so.  Prepare for the PSAT by going to the College Board's website and working on the practice test.

Grammar quizzes and PSAT practice quizzes next week.

Vocabulary Quiz List 6 on Tuesday, September 23rd.  Here are the flashcards.

Vocabulary Test Lists 5 and 6 is Thursday, September 25th.  Here are the combined flashcards.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

MUG #18

When I looked around the corner I am
surprised to see what my sister was up to.

The wild out of control dog charged after the
anxiety ridden mailman.

Vocabulary Quiz List 5 Today.  If you missed it, you are responsible for taking it when you return to class.

I distributed Writing Exercises 11 & 12 today, which will be due along with 13-20 on Wednesday of next week.  Read the prompt for each carefully.  Write a well-developed paragraph in which you explain your position, provide examples, and elaborate for each exercise.  Please complete your responses on separate sheets of loose leaf paper for each.

Exercises 13-20 will be syntax exercises.  You will receive the specific instructions tomorrow.


Your business letters are due Monday, September 22nd.

Sign-up for the PSAT if you have not yet done so.  Go to this website for info, tips, and practice.

MUG shots 1-20 will be collected on Monday after we complete #20 in class.  If you have been absent for any, you need to complete those prior to turning them in.  I will not accept late work.

Expect MUG  quizzes and PSAT writing practice quizzes  next week.  Use these flashcards to review some of the grammar terminology.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

MUG #17

Even though they didn’t win the lacrosse team
a collection of strong young women still found
many reasons to be proud of their preformance.

I was hungry for pumpkin pie, unfortunately
Luke ate the last peace.

Book Reviews are due today.

Don't forget to sign up for the PSAT ASAP!

Vocabulary Quiz List 5 tomorrow.  Here are the flashcards.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

MUG #16

Each candidate should report all of their
income irregardless of where the money came

When people have heart attacks you
expereince pain in the left arm.

Vocabulary Test Lists 3 & 4 today.  If you missed it, it is your responsibility to take it when you return.  List 5 Quiz will be on Thursday.  Here are the flashcards.

Don't forget that Book Reviews are due tomorrow.  Yesterday's post has a link to a sample.

Tomorrow we will finish the written portion of The Scarlet Letter Test.


Sign-up for the PSAT with Mrs. Solana in the counseling center as soon as possible.  The test is right around the corner: Wednesday, October 15th.  All college bound students should take the PSAT/NMSQT junior year.

Go to this website for PSAT info and tips.

Monday, September 15, 2014

MUG #15

Whether is one cause of famine but political
strife is another cause of famine.

Typing furiously the essay was finished by
Shelby just before the 3pm deadline.

Today we reviewed the book review format.  You can find a sample here:  Book Review Sample.

Don't forget that reviews are due on the 17th, which is Wednesday (sorry about the mix-up on Friday's post).  Please adhere to the guidelines stipulated in your syllabus regarding turning in assignments and late work.  You should walk in with your review already printed and ready to turn in.  If you have printer issues that cannot be resolved, then you should email your work to me to avoid a late penalty.  You can always bring the print copy at a later time if you have sent it to me via email before the due date.

Vocabulary Test Lists 3 & 4 tomorrow.  Please study!  Here are the flashcards.

Friday, September 12, 2014

MUG #14

Isabella washed the piles of dirty dishes, while
Katherine vaccumed the filthy rug, they try to
complete a months worth of cleaning in just
one hour's time.

Wrestling looks like play it teaches lion cubs
important survivel skills.

Today was the Part II of The Scarlet Letter Test.  If you missed it, it is your responsibility to take a make up test when you come back to class.

Finish reading your nonfiction selection.  Book Reviews are due Wednesday, September 17th.

Vocabulary Test Lists 3 & 4 Tuesday.  Here are the combined flashcards.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

MUG #13

it was overcast and drizzly we decided not to
go to hampton beach.

Dr. Boxberger a professor who tolerated no
interuptions during his lectures turned beat red
as the cell phone in his jacket pocket begins to

Vocabulary Quiz List 4 Today.  If you missed it, you need to make arrangements to take it when you return to class.

Here are the notes we reviewed in class for The Scarlet Letter.  The test will be tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

MUG #12

ms moon our Principal requested funds from
the rotary club to buy computers for hiring a
computer specialist and to open a computer

James took Rohan on his pizza deliveries so
that his friend would not be obsessing alone
about his recent breakup with his beutiful
girlfriend Gloria.

Vocabulary Quiz List 4 tomorrow.  Here are the flashcards.  If you haven't been doing well on these quizzes, please change the way you study.  You're probably not studying enough, or you're not studying correctly.  If you are memorizing a synonym for each of the words, you're going to make mistakes. It won't be enough to just memorize the words and definitions either. Here are some things you can try to do differently:
Review the words with a buddy.
Make your own flashcards.
Write your own sentences.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

MUG #11

In the final seconds of the game Craig past the
ball to Travis, and then he tripped over his
shoelace and broke his arm.

Sitting on the top shelf of the refridgerator
Brody spotted Mom's triple layer birthday cake.

WE #1-5 due at the beginning of class.  No late work accepted.

Vocabulary Quiz List 3 Today.  If you missed it, you are responsible for taking the quiz when you return.

Don't forget that The Scarlet Letter Test has been moved to Friday.

Here are the instructions for your letter, which is due September 22nd.  Please be sure to review your syllabus regarding late work for major assignments.

Go to OWL website for information about business letters and to view samples in the different formats.

I distributed AP Commitment Forms today which you and your parent/s must read, sign, and return to me no later than Friday, September 12th.

Monday, September 8, 2014

MUG #10

In The Scarlet Ibis a short story by James Hurst
the character of Doodle is spiritually connected
to a exotic bird the author does this to show
the beuty of a fragile life.

The horses tale whipt wildly as it endures the
long pencil sized needle that Dr Lopez used for

WE #1-5 are due tomorrow when you walk in to class.  These exercises count as a daily grade.  No late work will be accepted.  Turn in what you have.  You will not have extra time to finish any exercises.

Vocabulary Quiz List 3 Tomorrow.  Here are the flashcards.

Today I distributed the handout for WE 6-10.  You should begin by annotating the paragraph.  It is the opening paragraph of Chapter II.

Today we took a few notes on The Scarlet Letter.  

Important Calendar Changes:
Move "Letter due" from September 8 to September 22.  You will receive the instructions tomorrow.
Move "The Scarlet Letter Test" from September 10 to September 12.

Friday, September 5, 2014

MUG #9

the gallegos twins visited yellowstone national
park with there family last summer they had to
wait nearly ninety minutes to see old faithful

My dependible car who has taken me over
120,000 miles still has a smooth purring

Proposals due today.  If you are absent or unable to print it, you should email it by the due date so that it is not late. Bring the print copy when you come to class.

Today we will finish working on WE 1-5, which are all related to Chapter 1 of The Scarlet Letter.  Check previous posts on this blog for instructions for each if you didn't write them down in class. These exercises are due on Tuesday, September 7th.  No late work will be accepted.  You will receive credit only for the ones you have completed.  Keep your annotated copy of Chapter 1.  You will turn that in at a later time with other annotated excerpts.

On Monday, you will receive instructions for WE 6-10.  If you'd like either a glimpse or a head start, here they are.

Vocabulary List 3 Quiz is on Tuesday. and List 4 Quiz is Thursday.  You can click on the links for the flashcards.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

MUG #8

For Holloween my boyfriend Thor decided to
dress up as a dainty delicate princess.

On Saturday night some teenagers in my
neighberhood dressed up as vampires and
ghouls write some funny songs and went
Halloween style caroling

Vocabulary Test Lists 1 & 2 Today.  If you missed the test, it is your responsibility to take the test the day you return to class.

Proposals are due tomorrow.  Here's the sample of what your proposal should look like in MLA format. Be sure to have your book with you if you have not already shown it to me.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

MUG #7

Take out the trash Mom ordered before the
dog knocks over the can.

Jordan get those straws out of you're nose,
Mom shouted.

The Scarlet Letter Reading Check Today

Vocabulary Test Lists 1 & 2 is tomorrow.  Here are the combined flashcards.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

MUG #6

the careful ever watchful security guard a stout
man who wore his dark blue employer issued
uniform with pride shouted get away from that

Its ironical that student's say they dont enjoy
poetry yet they love rap music.

Vocabulary Quiz List 1 Today.  If you missed it, you are responsible for taking a make-up quiz the next day.

Don't forget about tomorrow's reading check.

Also, don't forget that your proposals are due on Friday.  You will need to bring your book with you.

Monday, September 1, 2014

MUG #5

My friend Chloe who never cooks at home
decided to use her stove to store her extra
shoes, unfortunately she forgot about her
footwear when on a rare whim she decided to
use the oven to bake cookies.

The stench of melting dripping rubber souls
filled the apartments in the girls' building
everyone evacuated.

WE #5

After closely reading and carefully annotating Chapter 1, now think about what truth the speaker communicates about the human condition.  This universal truth introduced in Chapter 1 is also a central theme of The Scarlet Letter. To figure out the theme, you'll need to consider the speaker's use of paradox, contradictory, yet true statements.  In what way are these paradoxes a reflection not only of the Puritans of this Boston colony but also a reflection of mankind's struggles, including Hawthorne's day and our own.

Vocabulary Quiz List 2 tomorrow.  Here are the flashcards.

Don't forget about The Scarlet Letter Reading Check on Wednesday and Vocabulary Test for Lists 1 and 2 on Thursday.  Here are the combined flashcards.