Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Vocabulary Quiz Tomorrow

Study the words with:   FLASHCARDS  on Quizlet.  I don't want to hear any excuses about why you can't pass this quiz.  STUDY!


Presidential Campaign Project

Today you should have randomly picked a candidate and issue that you will have to research.  Your job this week is to find out everything you possibly can about your assigned candidate's position on that issue.  What does he have to say about it?  What does he believe?  Does he think it requires reform?  What are the specifics claims he's made about that issue?  What are the specific points he has delineated about the issue?

Think about the LOGIC behind what your candidate has to say about the issue?

In what way do the public's EMOTIONS drive this issue?

What are the ETHICS involved in shaping policies related to this issue?

Has your candidate made his position on this issue CLEARLY or VAGUELY?

What persuasive techniques or rhetorical strategies has your candidate used to communicate his position on this issue?

Next, you'll need to find out how your candidate's OPPONENT has attempted to REFUTE your candidate's argument.

Get to know your candidate.  Your primary source will be his website:

Obama         Romney

Secondary sources should be reputable news sites.  Watch out for bias in the news.  Don't forget that you also need to remain objective and unbiased as you prepare to discuss these issues.

Election Day Campaign

Due date:  Tuesday, November 6th

Here are some ideas for your project.  I am open to creative ideas and presentations that will depict your knowledge of the candidate and his position on the issue you have researched.

Individual Project

Create a POSTER that promotes your candidate and his position on the issue.

Develop a POWER POINT presentation that explains your candidates position on the issue.

Individual or Group

Film a COMMERCIAL campaign ad of your candidate including his position on the issue.

Group Project

Stage a MOCK DEBATE of your candidate on the issue.

Create a NEWS CLIP featuring a discussion of your candidate's issue.