Monday, October 29, 2012

Prepare a list of Logical and Rhetorical Fallacies as found in your literature book online on p. R 76 in the Logic and Persuasion Handbook.

Add the following four fallacies to your list:

Slippery Slope
Red Herring
Either/Or  (Black or White)
Straw Man

We watched the following presentation for examples of some of the fallacies:

Logical Fallacies found in Advertising, Politics, and Pop Culture

We analyzed Abigail's speech to the girls found at the bottom of the second column of page 1042 in your literature book.  Abigail is the speaker and the girls are her audience.

What is the purpose of her speech?
What is her message to them?
Why is her speech effective?  Identify the rhetorical appeal she uses most and how.
How does the writer (Miller) use rhetorical strategies to make her speech effective?

Be prepared to answer questions like the above about other characters' speeches.