Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Smile....It's Picture Day!  

"Putting Down the Gun"  quiz today.

Work on Shaping/Prewriting your essay.  Make decisions about how you want to organize your narrative.  Set up an informal, working outline.  You should work out what each of your paragraphs will include.  

Don't forget that each part of your essay will count towards the final grade on your essay.

Homework: Read & Do Rhetorical Analysis Assignment for "from Serving in Florida" p. 179-188  in The Language of Composition


 Thursday:  Turn in 3 Rhetorical Analysis Assignments (Freedman, Walker, Ehrenreich)
                  Vocabulary Quiz #2
                  Ehrenreich Quiz

Friday:  Independent Reading Deadline
             Brainstorming, Outline, & First Draft Due

Your essay is for a major grade.  Each step of the writing process counts towards your grade as follows:
Brainstorming 10 pts; Outline 10 pts; 1st Draft 10 pts; Peer Response 10 pts; Teacher Conference 10 pts. 2nd Revised Draft 50 pts.