Today you will be issued The Language of Composition textbook. It is your responsibility to bring your book with you every day to class. I will periodically conduct random book checks for a daily grade. Be prepared.
Today's Reading:
p. 473-476 "For Fasting and Football, a Dedicated Game Plan" by Samuel G. Freedman
Complete a "Rhetorical Analysis Assignment" page for this reading.
Quick Notes:
Underline or italicize titles of books, names of newspapers,
magazines, movies, TV shows.
Underline when handwritten.
Italicize when typing.
Italics replace underlining; don’t use both.
Quotation marks used for shorter pieces: essays, speeches, newspaper
articles, magazine articles, transcripts, short stories, poems, song titles, TV
show episodes.
Refer to the writer as author, writer, speaker, poet.
Use his/her full name once; thereafter, refer to him/her by
last name only or as author, writer, speaker, poet. Never refer to author by first name only.