Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Chapter 13 excerpt quiz was today.  If you missed it, you'll need to make it up after school when you come back.

Today I distributed the Chapter 16 excerpt for you to closely read and annotate for homework.  Expect an AP style quiz tomorrow.  Please read and annotate!  Expect another AP style quiz tomorrow.

On the back of the handout is the list of vocabulary words for which you will need to write sentences.  These sentences, along with the sentences from yesterday's list, will be due on Friday.  Please read the instructions carefully.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Today we did a close reading of an excerpt from Chapter 13 and answered some questions.

If you were not in class, it is your responsibility to answer these questions and bring them with you when you return to class.

On the back of the handout is the list of vocabulary words for which you will need to write sentences.  These sentences, along with the sentences for tomorrow's vocabulary words, will be due on Friday.  Please read the instructions carefully.

Monday, September 28, 2015

We completed  PSAT Practice #2 today.

Also, we reviewed the Chapter 2 excerpt questions.

Please review.  Tomorrow we will begin with independent practice.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Scarlet Letter Test today

If you missed it, you are responsible for taking it when you return to class.

Your study guide is due tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Today I distributed this handout to help you with sentence types and punctuation patterns.

As promised, here is the worksheet you worked on today so that you can check your responses.

Your test tomorrow will include questions similar to the ones on your previous test.  You can also expect questions that have to do with your knowledge and understanding of Chapters 1-12.

Please study.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Here is this week's GUM handout.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Here is the GUM handout for this week.

Monday, September 7, 2015

I distributed the GUM Week 3 handout today.

We reviewed some of the Chapter 2 excerpt today. Finish your annotations if you have not already done so.

Don't forget that you need to bring your copy of The Scarlet Letter to class tomorrow for a grade.

My preference is that you have a print copy which you can check out from the library.  If you only have access to an electronic version, just make sure it is not a pdf version.

Don't forget that letters are due Wednesday.

Prepare for a test on Wednesday that includes both GUM and critical reading and vocabulary based on The Scarlet Letter. 

Friday, September 4, 2015

GUM #8 today and notes.

Here is today's Timed Writing prompt.


The library will be opening on Monday.  You need to check out your own copy of The Scarlet Letter and bring it to class with you on Tuesday for a grade.  If you absolutely cannot get your own hard copy, an electronic version will suffice as long as it is not a pdf file.  You can use the Gutenberg link I posted yesterday for some options for Kindle or ePUB.  Look for the Aldiko app as option for your phone.

Your typed letters are due Wednesday, September 9th now that you will have access to the computers in the library.  Don't forget to review the syllabus for my policy for late work..

I checked notebooks today.  Too many of you had not completed the annotations for the excerpts I gave you and had either not worked on or not finished the grammar review, which explains the failing grades on quizzes.  Get to work, people!  Assignments are not optional if you expect to learn and improve your skills.

Writing Exercise #3
Use the Chapter 2 excerpts to answer the following question:
What is the purpose of the contrast between the women in the crowd and Hester as she comes out of the prison?

Four Writing Exercises will be due next week (not Monday) on whichever day we complete the fourth one in class.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

GUM #7 today and notes.

If you were absent today, you missed a GUM Quiz.

Vocabulary is due tomorrow.  You should have 25 words, definitions, and your own sentence using the word with context clues.  You've had since last week to work on this assignment.  You will need to walk in with it to class.  I will not accept any late work.

Also, be sure to have your binder organized as explained in your syllabus.  You should three selections annotated.  You should have the Grammar Review sheet completed as well.

Don't forget that you are responsible for reading The Scarlet Letter.  It should be available for you to check out beginning Monday.  In the meantime, you can find it available online for free.  Here are some options for you:

Project Gutenberg   (this page gives you multiple options, some of which might work well on your phone as well)



Wednesday, September 2, 2015

GUM #6 today and notes.

If you were absent you missed the Chapter 2 excerpt quiz.  It is your responsibility to make arrangements to take it when you return to school.

Also, I distributed this excerpt from Chapter 2.  Please read it closely and annotate it.

Don't forget about your Vocabulary Logs.  You should already have 25 entries completed.

Tomorrow you will have a GUM quiz.  Here are the Grammar Flashcards for you to review.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

GUM #5 today and notes.

I distributed this Review Sheet.  Use it as a study guide for your next GUM quiz.

Here is a nifty handout you might find useful.  Also, here are the Grammar Flashcards for you to study.

Either reacquaint yourself with or introduce yourself to the following words in preparation for the critical reading/vocabulary quizzes this week:

Parallel construction
Rhetorical question