Thursday, April 30, 2015

MUG #14

Write a compound, complex, or compound-complex sentence that explains the distinction between justice and revenge.
Continue MUG with Impromptu Writing:

 Listen to today's NPR news story: "Baltimore Unrest Reveals Tension Between African-Americans and Asians" and write a brief response in which you address the arguments made by the interviewees regarding justified looting.

Class discussion:

Consider the deeper problem presented in the arguments made here and the argument presented in yesterday's homework Question 2-2013.  What parallel do you see?

I distributed a copy of the Question 1 Synthesis Prompts beginning with last year's through 2008.  Your assignment is to carefully read and annotate each prompt and write a thesis statement, 2-4 reasons that explain your position, and 2-4 counterarguments.  These will all be due next week.  Get started.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

MUG #13 - Wednesday Words

Peak, peek, and pique

Today we reviewed the Hazlitt question.  I collected your annotated copy for a grade.  If you did not complete this assignment or if you were absent, it is your responsibility to get it done.

Homework:  Read the high-scoring student essay sample.  Read and annotate the 2014 and 2013 questions.

We completed a 20 minute (18 question) multiple choice practice.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

MUG #12

Attempt to seamlessly integrate the quotation into the text by using a signal phrase or structuring the sentence so that it allows the reader to move seamlessly from text to quotation and back again.

In The Truth About Toxic Sugar, “the past three surgeon generals and the chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff have declared obesity a ‘threat to national security’” (Lustig 28).

Today we reviewed organizational patterns for the synthesis essay after reading the sample student essay.

This was her pattern:

Body #1-Reason #1
Body #2-Counterargument #1
Body #3-Reason #2
Body #4-Counterargument #2

Notice how she repeated concrete details and parallel syntax that she used in the intro.  This method gives a finished feel to the essay and adds an extra touch "detallito" like a ribbon that wraps around a package, bringing your thoughts full circle.

Homework: Read and annotate the Hazlitt essay from the 2006 Question 2. 

Monday, April 27, 2015

AP Boot Camp Week 2                      Only 15 days left until the AP Exam!

MUG #11
What's wrong with this quote?     
Some experts have argued that a range of legitimate concerns justifies employer monitoring of employee Internet usage.  “Employees could accidentally (or deliberately) spill confidential corporate information . . . or allow worms to spread throughout a corporate network” (Tyman).

It has a floating quote, which by now, you should absolutely not be writing.  Fix it in one of several ways:

With a tag:

So and so of blankety blank says (or insert better verb), "Employees...." (Tyman).

According to so and so of blankety blank, "Employees...." (Tyman).

Better yet, integrate your introductory sentence with the quote:

Experts argue that legitimate concerns such as the possibility that “employees accidentally (or deliberately) spill confidential corporate information. . .or allow worms to spread throughout a corporate network” justify employer monitoring of employee Internet usage” (Tynan).

In class today:  Timed Writing rough draft of your synthesis/research prompt due at the end of class.  If you were absent, you are responsible for completing this draft on your own time.

Homework due today:  Annotations and SOAPStone for the two NYTimes essays (Fridman and Brooks).

Don't forget about Shmoop!  Passages 6-10 need to be completed this week.

Friday, April 24, 2015

MUG #10
Use your index of templates and the quotes you gathered on Wednesday from the space exploration topic to write sentences that would serve as evidence in a possible paper on this topic.

As promised, here is the folder containing each of the topics assigned.  If you did not receive your complete packet with the sources today, then look for it here (Topics) and either print it or save it.  Read your topic and sources carefully and write your thesis in the style of yesterday's MUG.

Due Monday:

Your thesis for your synthesis/research topic.  You should have read and annotated your question and the sources.

Your annotations for both "America Needs its Nerds" and "Lunch Period Political Science" with SOAPSTone for each.

Don't forget Shmoop!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

MUG #9
Template/Sample Argument/Position Thesis
#1 Thoughtfully acknowledge counter claim.  Begin with  (Although, Despite, Even though, While, In spite of…)  
#2 Clearly present claim (avoid 1st person (no I)
#3 2-4 relevant and distinct reasons with parallel structure  (Optional)
Despite the objections to the reinstatement of the Patriot Act because of privacy concerns, the most important consideration should be the safety of the American people.

Timed Writing Assignment:  (Will be ongoing; today we worked on 2 topics; I will collect these once we've practiced 5)

Topic # 1:  Should Brownsville's bag ban be lifted?
Topic #2:  Evaluate the most important issues that should be considered regarding RFID chip implants.

I collected the penny intro paragraphs that you were supposed to have completed for homework.

I distributed synthesis/research paper topics today.  You received only the front cover.  Your homework is to read the question you have been assigned very carefully and thoroughly and to do your own informal research on the topic.  Tomorrow you will receive sources to go with your topic.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

MUG #8 - Wednesday Words


Listen to the Grammar Grater podcast to take notes on the difference between those two words.

Today we worked on an 8 question, 9 minute multiple choice practice.

I distributed the space exploration question today with sources along with a copy of a high scoring essay.

Yesterday you should have turned in your thesis and list of reasons for your position in this argument.

Today I asked you to search for three quotes to use in support of your argument.

Homework:  Read the penny prompt carefully (2008).  Write an introduction that includes the following three elements:  attention getter, background, and thesis.  Re-look at the high scoring space exploration intro.  Try to imitate that writer's sentence structure.  Pay attention to her use of concrete details and parallel syntax in her opening.  Also, did you notice the alliteration?

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

MUG #7  
1. Write a concise sentence that identifies the overall message presented in this graph.
2. Consider the graph from left to right.  Write a sentence indicating a change that has occurred.
3. Consider your previous sentence, and ask yourself WHY?  Now write a sentence in which you not an observation you've made based on the inferences you've made from the data depicted in the graph.

Monday, April 20, 2015

MUG #6

Begin with SOAPStone notes.   Then...

1.  Write a sentence in which you tell me about the argument.  (Condense your SOAPStone into a single sentence)
2.  Write a sentence in which you directly state your position in this argument.  Avoid 1st person.
3.  Write a concession/refutation sentence to strengthen your ethical appeal.

Boot Camp Multiple Choice Day One Practice Passage (8 questions)

Don't forget about your Shmoop drills.  Passage 1 needs to be completed today to receive full credit.

Friday, April 17, 2015

MUG #5  (Combine each set to form compound-complex sentences.
  1. The meat loaf didn’t taste right.  The mashed potatoes had too much salt in them.  We sent out for a pizza.  It was delivered late.  It was cold.
  2. My car was struck from behind yesterday.  I slowed suddenly for a red light.  The driver of the truck behind me slammed on his brakes.  He didn’t quite stop on time. 
We read, annotated (including SOAPStone), and discussed Leonid Fridman's essay, "America Needs Its Nerds."

Homework:  Read, annotate (including SOAPStone) and be prepared to discuss David Brook's "Lunch Period Political Science."

Thursday, April 16, 2015

No MUG today.

Today we wrote a response to the magansoles essay (Q2 2005).  Intro, 3 body paragraphs, conclusion at minimum with at least 2 pieces of evidence per body paragraph and 2 statements of commentary per every piece of evidence.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

MUG #4 Wednesday Words
the substitution of the name of an attribute or adjunct for that of the thing meant, for example suit for business executive, or the track for horse racing.

A form of metonymy; a part represents a whole or a whole represents a part.
Nice threads means:
I like your wheels means:

Today we finished discussing the Magnasoles article.  By now you should have plenty of notes and annotation to help you write your draft tomorrow.  Here are the three sample intros we looked at in class.  The scores for each of these completed essays are 7, 6, 9.

The Onion’s satirical article uses several rhetorical devices to promote its innovative, revolutionary product: MagnaSoles shoe inserts. Using the fictional MagnaSoles as a model, the article humorously mocks the strategies used by companies to market products to attract its susceptible customers. Using an exaggerated or sarcastic tone throughout, it gives the reader a true taste of the tactics used in today’s prevalent advertising.

While the article from The Onion announcing new Magnasoles inserts may seem to be simply explaining a new product out on the market, it actually pokes fun at the technique marketers use to sell their products.  Through its subtle jokes and humorous quotes from users of the product, the article effectively satirizes the way in which products are presented to customers.

In the face of a rising consumer culture and the subsequent fall of common sense, The Onion uses a satirical tone to draw attention to the public’s gullibility and the advertising industry’s power.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

MUG #3

(Pronoun shift; parallelism; punctuation; usage)

Job hunter's can increase there chances of landing a job by careful preparing for an interview.  First he should be researching the company so that he can make suggestions or ask questions that show his interest.  To increase your confidence, you might even rehearse the interview with a counselor or a friend beforehand.  You should have neat professional looking clothes already before the interview day.  They should allow plenty of time to get their so they will not be feeling rushed.  Thus prepared, you can be relaxing at the interview and even enjoy it.

Vocabulary Test Lists 31 and 32.  If you missed it, you are responsible for taking it when you return to class.

Monday, April 13, 2015

MUG #2

Neither of those sharks circling your boogie board look hungry enough to bite you should get out of the water anyways.

 Asteroids and comets slamming into earth worries Marge she tries to remain under the protective cover of her roof as much as possible.

Today we closely read and annotated an AP Q2.

Vocabulary Test Lists 31 and 32 tomorrow.

This vocabulary test will be the last for the six weeks.  All remaining lists (33-36) will be tested on your semester exam.

The next three weeks will be strictly devoted to AP practice.

Friday, April 10, 2015

No MUG today

Gatsby Final Test today (open ended questions only)

Thursday, April 9, 2015

No MUG today.

Gatsby Final Test today (multiple choice only)

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

MUG #1 Wednesday Words
Credible- believable; worthy of belief or support
Creditable- Bringing credit or honor; deserving praise
Credulous- disposed to believe too readily
Incredulous- unwilling to believe; skeptical

Voc Quiz #31 today.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

MUG #40
Each of the boys were well behaved, the two of them together was trouble.

MUGs 21-40 due today.

Monday, April 6, 2015

MUG #39
Writers should never omit revising steps.
Revising can improve idea development.
Revising improves thought flow.
Revising writing takes time.

The revising stage in writing is important.
The revising stage should not be omitted.
The revising stage makes certain that the message will get across.

Gatsby close reading, notes, analysis, and discussion.
Carefully read the excerpt of Chapter 4 that begins with "At nine o'clock, one morning late in July..." and ends in the paragraph that begins "Then it was all true."
As you read, look for contrasts and contradictions.  Look for connections to previous chapters and future chapters.  Ask yourself why certain statements are made.  Ask yourself what is the effect of a particular word or phrase.  Consider how Nick's mindset about Gatsby undergoes a transformation in this passage.  How and why does he change his mind?

Pre-registration for AP exams will take place tomorrow in either the auditorium or library, which means all tests and quizzes will be moved forward by a day.
Voc Quiz 31 Wednesday; Gatsby Test Thursday; Voc Quiz 32 Friday.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

MUG #38     Paraphrase the following:

"Email's intoxicating qualities are now well known: It's convenient, efficient, simple, and informal, a way to stay connected to more people, a democratizing force in the workplace and less intrusive than the telephone.  But as email proliferates, its more pernicious effects are increasingly evident. Much as it facilitates the conduct of business, email is threatening to overrun people's lives." (Tony Schwartz, "Going Postal")

MUGs are due Tuesday, April 7th.

Vocabulary Test 29 & 30 today.  If you missed it today, you will need to take it on Monday during class.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Don't be a fool! Study for tomorrow's vocabulary test.  Here are the combined flashcards.

No MUG today.

Report to 4th period today.