Friday, January 30, 2015

MUG #17

  {If you were absent, pick up the paragraph to paste in your notebook.  We combined the first   sentences into three}

MUG 1-20 due Wednesday.

Close reading of the Henry speech today and notes.


Carefully read the Declaration of Independence for Monday.  You will have a reading check quiz.

Here's a link to the full text.

Here's a cartoon I watched as a child to learn the history which led to the Declaration.  Yes, back in my day, educational cartoons were cool.

If you'd like Morgan Freeman to tell you about the Declaration and some other celebrities to read it, then watch this video:

Vocabulary Test Lists 21 and 22 is Tuesday.  Here are the combined flashcards.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

MUG #16

Fix parallel structure:

We were dirty, hungry, and without a penny.

The doctor said that I should rest and not to get excited or upset.

Voc Quiz 22 today.

Henry AP quiz today.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

MUG #15

What is the significance of the dagger mentioned by Parris on page 1109?

Answer:  The dagger represents a threat made by angry villagers who blame Parris for the tragedy which has befallen their community.

Textual support:  Parris asks Danforth to "postpone the hangin's" not out of concern for the innocent slated to die but because he believes "there is danger for [him]" (1108-1109).

Commentary:  Yet again, Danforth selfishly responds to the situation by looking for a way to protect himself instead of by protecting the individuals whom he is called to serve.  His pride and fear for his reputation caused him to withhold evidence from the court, which might have prevented any hangings in the first place; he continues to look out only for himself by pleading with Danforth.

Voc Quiz 22 tomorrow.

Henry AP reading check tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

MUG #14

Combine these three sentences into 5 or more varieties.
Fenwick decided to stage a mutiny.
Morton decided to stage a mutiny.
They disagreed over tactics.

 Fenwick and Morton decided to stage a mutiny, but they disagreed over tactics.
Both Fenwick and Morton decided to stage a mutiny even though they disagreed over tactics. Fenwick and Morton, who decided to stage a mutiny, disagreed over tactics.
Although disagreeing over tactics, Fenwick and Morton decided to stage a mutiny.
Neither Fenwick nor Morton decided to stage a mutiny because they disagreed over tactics.

Voc Quiz 21 today.

Read the Patrick Henry Speech to the Virginia Convention for tomorrow.  p. 122 in your textbook

Monday, January 26, 2015

MUG #13

Neither of my two older brother's invest money wise.

All that the cute guy wants this semester is the correct answers from Susans' Algebra quiz.

Voc Quiz 21 tomorrow

Typed drafts due today.

Friday, January 23, 2015

MUG #12

"Abigail leads the girls to the woods, Your Honor, and they have danced" (1094).

As further evidence to prove that Abigail is not the innocent child Danforth believes, Proctor tells him about how "[she] leads the girls to the woods...[where] they have danced" (1094).

Bonus Practice:

The  text p. 1074:
Cheever, wide-eyed, trembling: The girl, the Williams girl, Abigail Williams, sir.  She sat to dinner in Reverend Parris's house tonight, and without word nor warnin' she falls to the floor.  Like a struck beast, he says, and screamed a scream that a bull would weep to hear.  And he goes to save her, and, stuck two inches in the flesh of her belly, he draw a needle out.  And demandin' of her how she come to be so stabbed, she--to Proctor now--testify it were your wife's familiar spirit pushed it in.

Not well-integrated:
Cheever says, "And he goes to save her, and, stuck two inches in the flesh of her belly, he draw a needle out.  And demandin' of her how she come to be so stabbed, she--to Proctor now--testify it were your wife's familiar spirit pushed it in" (1074).

Better blended quote but with a pronoun error:
Cheever explains that he has been sent to search the Proctor's house for poppets because Abigail had a needle "stuck two inches in the flesh of her belly," which she "testify it were your wife's familiar spirit pushed it in" (1074).

Cheever explains that he has been sent to search the Proctor's house for poppets because Abigail had a needle "stuck two inches in the flesh of her belly," which she "testify it were [Elizabeth's] familiar spirit pushed it in" (1074).

Drafts due Monday.

Intro should include:

Attention getter, background, thesis statement

Body should include four well-developed paragraphs.  Each paragraph should include topic sentence, three integrated quotes each explained with two commentary.  (APEPEPE)


Restate thesis, restate claims, provide insightful comment that links past to present

Thursday, January 22, 2015

MUG #11

Proctor:  It is not a child.  Now hear me, sir.  In the sight of the congregation she were twice this year put out of this meeting house for laughter during prayer.
Danforth: [Shocked, turning to Abigail] What's this?  Laughter during--!
Parris:  Excellency, she were under Tituba's power at that time, but she is solemn now.

Blended quote:
To prove to Danforth that Abigail "is not a child," Proctor reveals that she has been in trouble for "laughter during prayer," which Parris corroborates but quickly blames Tituba for Abigail's misdeeds, saying "she is solemn now" (1094).

Voc Test today.

Drafts due Monday.  Get to work!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

MUG #10

Floating Quote:       Remember: Don't float your quote!!!!

"I have seen people choked before my eyes by spirits" (1086).

Danforth says to Proctor, "I have seen people choked before my eyes by spirits" (1086).

Danforth emphasizes to Proctor that he has "seen people choked before [his] eyes by spirits" (1086).

Even better:
Deluded by the girls' lies, Danforth emphasizes to Proctor that he has "seen people choked before [his] eyes by spirits" (1086).

Voc Test 19 & 20 tomorrow

You should be working on your drafts!  Typed drafts are due Monday.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

MUG #9

Floating Quote:
"Why do you hurt these children?"

Ok: (with speaker+verb)
Judge Hathorne asks, "Why do you hurt these children?"

Better: (with transition, context, and speaker+verb)
While questioning Martha Corey, Judge Hathorne asks her, "Why do you hurt these children?"

Prewriting Check today

Voc Quiz 20 today

Monday, January 19, 2015

This week's MUG will be about integrating quotations.

Today we worked on indirect quoting (paraphrasing).

MUG #8

Tituba:  I don't compact with no devil!
Parris: You will confess yourself or I will take you out and whip you to your death, Tituba!
Putnam: This woman must be hanged! She must be taken and hanged!
Tituba, terrified, falls to her knees: No, no, don't hang Tituba! I tell him I don't desire to work for him, sir.


Although Tituba initially denies involvement with the devil, after being threatened by both Parris and Putnam, she relents, confessing to witchcraft to save her life (1055).

Vocabulary Quiz 20 tomorrow.

I will be checking your prewriting for the faulty reasoning paper tomorrow.

Friday, January 16, 2015

MUG #7

Our dog babe together with her 7 puppies have chewed all the stuffing out of the sofa cushions.

Wrestling on the cafeteria floor is two hungry students that want the last slice of pepperoni pizza.

Act III Quiz today.

If you had difficulty with the quiz today, be sure to prepare yourself for the Act IV quiz on Monday and the Act III & Act IV test on Wednesday, January 21st.

I also distributed the first handout in a series of Hot Topics for Debate.  The Patriot Act is the featured topic for the week.  Your job is to read the background.  Ponder the questions at the bottom.  Jot down ideas.  Look up any information.  Be prepared to articulate a position next week.

Vocabulary Quiz List 20 is scheduled for Tuesday, January 20th.  Here are the flashcards.

Vocabulary Test Lists 19 and 20 is scheduled for Thursday.

The Crucible Acts III and IV Test is Wednesday, January 21st.

Tuesday, January 20th I will be checking your prewriting for the faulty reasoning essay.

The following idea map includes what you should already have.  When I check it on Tuesday, it should includes snippets of the quotes (textual evidence you plan to use with the page number included in parenthesis).  You will also need to include ideas in the periphery of each cluster about possible commentary as you begin to work on your thesis statement.

I used a free app available in the Google Chrome Web Store called "Idea Mapper" to generate this map.  Your bubble cluster/idea map may be either handwritten or electronically prepared using the same app or another like it; however, you will need to bring a printed copy of your map to class to receive credit.

Thursday and Friday I will be checking your draft.

The final draft typed in MLA format is due Monday, January 26th.

I posted an optional assignment that can be used to boost your six weeks grade if you need it.  The instructions are posted on my classroom door.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

MUG #6

Combine using correlative conjunctions:

At the antiques store I found George Washington's sword.
I found the uniform he wore while in the Virginia military.

To be a Navy Seal you must be physically fit.
You must be mentally sharp too.

Vocabulary Quiz List 19 today.

I distributed a handout with lists of conjunctions and other words you need to know.  Keep it permanently in your binder.  The handout includes the lyrics to Weird Al Yankovic's parody "Word Crimes."

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

No MUG today.

Today we finished reading Act IV.

Vocabulary Quiz List 19 tomorrow.  Here are the flashcards.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

MUG #5

Larissa will either add a flock of plastic pink flamingos or she will purchase a family of ceramic nomes for the front lawn.

Either the grill crew or the manager must give their permision for you too return that half eaten double cheeseburger.

Based on all of the notes we have taken for Act III and IV, today we began prewriting our ideas for the essay we will be working on.

Monday, January 12, 2015

MUG #4


The bombardier beetle sees an enemy.
It shoots out a jet of chemicals to protect itself.

The spray consists of hot and irritating chemicals.
It is very potent.

Today we continued reading Act IV.

I distributed the Logical and Rhetorical Fallacies Handout.

I also distributed the 2nd Semester Vocabulary List and the handouts for Lists 19 and 20.  Check your calendar for quiz and test dates.

Friday, January 9, 2015

MUG #3

Groaning on rusty springs the trampoline tossed the children like cloths in a drier.
Rapping the pencil on the edge of the desk the forth cause of the french revolution would not come to mind.

Today we finished reading Act III and started Act IV.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

MUG #2

The Hubble Space Telescope has been important to astronomers.
It has provided valuable information about our solar system.

Combine these two sentences three different ways.
1. Combine by subordination
2. Combine with a relative clause
3. Combine with a participial phrase

Today we continued reading Act III.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

No MUG today.

Today we orally read Act III.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

MUG #1
Fighting the urge to crawl under her desk Edna looked at the clock their were still a halve hour left of class, more then enough time to prepare before she delivered her poorly prepared ten minute speech.

Skipping the directions hurried to finish first and neglecting to check her work has caused Claudia to fail every Calculus Exam this semester.

Today we read and took notes on Act III.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Welcome Back!

We will resume MUG shots tomorrow, beginning with MUG #1 for 2nd semester.  This time, we will alternate MUGS: editing one day, sentence combining another day, and quotation integration another day.

Today and the rest of this week we will finish reading Act III of The Crucible.  Be on the look out for logical fallacies.