Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Vocabulary Quiz 18 Today.  Vocabulary Test 17 & 18 Thursday.  Here are the flashcards.  I provided you with the list of words which will be featured on your semester exam.  Here are the flashcards.

In your textual analysis arguments, it is best to integrate quoted material smoothly into your sentence structure.

Incorrect:  In “The Chrysanthemums,” we are presented with a character who is stifled by her environment.  “On every side it sat like a lid on the mountains and made of the great valley a closed pot” (489).  In such claustrophobic surroundings it is not surprising that Elisa has few creative and emotional outlets.  “Her face was eager and mature and handsome, even her work with the scissors was over-eager, overpowerful” (489).
Correct:  In “The Chrysanthemums,” we are presented with a character who is stifled by her “closed-off” environment.  Even the sky above “sat like a lid on the mountains and made of the great valley a close pot” (489).  In such claustrophobic surroundings it is not surprising that Elisa has few creative and emotional outlets.  Her only source of fulfillment and passion is her ability to “stick anything in the ground and make it grow” (490).

Today we reviewed how to blend textual evidence.  Here's a helpful handout.  Here's the handout you are to review carefully and keep permanently in your binder.

Write a well-developed paragraph in which you analyze the extended metaphor Miller uses in the opening dialogue between Proctor and Elizabeth.  There are at least 8 different quotes (all spoken by Proctor) which you can use.  Blend them into separate units.

Don't forget that your formal Independent Reading Project is due tomorrow and that your final IR check will be in class tomorrow.