Friday, August 30, 2013

Your Introduction Letters are due Monday.  Don't forget that your letter is due at the beginning of the period on Monday.  If you don't have it printed and ready to turn in when you walk into class, it is late. Be sure to review your syllabus regarding late work for major assignments.

Here's the direct link to the sample letter in block format on the OWL.

This week we reviewed Patterns of Development.  I asked you to remember that we will use several different words interchangeably to refer to patterns:  structure, order, organization, form, arrangement.

The 8 patterns you should know well are Narration, Description, Example, Definition, Comparison/Contrast, Process Analysis, Causal Analysis, and Division/Classification.  Here are Quizlet Flashcards to help you review.

We took notes in class on Friday about these patterns.  If you already have your textbook, you can find  detailed information about them on pages 17-25.  Here are a couple of links to sites you can use to review:

Questions to ask about each (only the first 8; exclude persuasion)
These are the examples found in the textbook we used in class.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Quiz Today!

I distributed Vocabulary List 2.  Here are the flashcards so that you can study for next week's quiz.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Below are the links to the Recommended Nonfiction Lists I have posted on Amazon's Listmania!  The recommendations are based on books that either I have read, my colleagues have read, other AP teachers have read, or that have been on bestseller lists somewhere.  Also, these books are available for check out at our public library.  The only reason I have the Amazon lists is to make it easier for you to get information about the book: the cover, summaries, reviews, the first few pages.  You are absolutely not required to purchase the book; the books are available at the public library.  If your perusal of my lists leads you to find another book that interests you, then simply bring it to class to get my approval.  Happy Book Hunting!  Don't forget that you will have your first IR Check Wednesday, September 4th.  You are expected to bring your book with you that day to complete an assignment in class.

List 1:  Environment/Nature/Animals/Science/Health
List 2:  Psychology/Sociology/Food
List 3:  Education/History/Government/Immigration 
List 4:  Drugs/True Crime/Miscellaneous

Writing Exercise #1:  Vocabulary Sentences

Due:  Thursday, August 29th at the beginning of class before the quiz.  No late work.

Choose any 5 of the vocabulary words from List 1.  Write 5 sentences following these guidelines:

Use context clues within your sentences to show that you know the meaning of the words.

Write a complex sentence.  (One independent clause + one dependent/subordinate clause)


Subordinate clause at the beginning:

Because the scientist had to wade through numerous pages of extraneous material, he took longer than he had expected to complete the project.


Independent clause at the beginning:

The scientist took longer than expected to complete the project because he had to wade through numerous pages of extraneous material.

Subordinate clauses begin with a SUBORDINATING CONJUNCTION.  Here's a link to a list of the most common subordinating conjunctions.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Today you will receive your course syllabus.  It is your responsibility to read it and share it with your parents/guardians.  Keep it in your binder behind your cover page and calendar.

Our objective today is to review two important concepts:

--Organization (AKA structure, patterns of development, order, arrangement, form).

--Prewriting Tools:  Web, Bubble Cluster, Idea Mapper, Diagrams, Pictorial Maps, Outlines

Google Chrome has a free app called "Idea Mapper." For you techies out there who prefer to do everything with a computer, feel free to use this tool to work out your prewriting.

In the instructions for your first assignment, I already set up the pattern you can follow for organizing the ideas for your letter.

You are not required to turn in evidence of prewriting for this assignment; however, you will be expected to do prewriting for future writing assignments.

***Regarding notebooks, I've had several students ask the same questions all day:  Do I have to bring it everyday?  The answer is YES.  Can I leave it in the classroom?  The answer is NO.  I expect you to bring your notebook everyday because if you're using it as it is intended, it should also serve as a reference tool while you're in class. You need to take it with you so that you can study, work on assignments, etc.  My room is not your personal storage locker.  :)

Monday, August 26, 2013

Welcome to a new school year!  I'm so happy to have you join my class.  I've set up this blog to help you keep up with assignments, especially when you miss class.

I've also provided you with a calendar of the first ten weeks of school to help you keep track of assignments and due dates.  You should keep the calendar in the notebook you will use for my class.

I would like to get to know a little more about you, so your first assignment is a letter of introduction.  It will need to be typed in a business letter format and turned in on Monday, September 2nd.  Here are some useful websites that offer assistance with business letters:

Purdue OWL
Daily Writing Tips

Today I have already assigned your first set of vocabulary words for the week.  You can expect a new set about once a week and a test after every two.  You can find flashcards on Quizlet to help you study.  Your first quiz will be on Thursday, August 29th during the first 10 minutes of class.  Here's a link to the lists of vocabulary words for 1st semester.