Friday, February 15, 2013

...or the Day After Valentine's Day

Timed Writing  (40 minutes)

In the aftermath of the Valentine's Day fervor, your belly too full from eating too many chocolates and other confections  and your wallet a little too empty from spending all your cash on flowers and trinkets that might soon be forgotten, I want you to ask yourself:  are the traditions of gift-giving on this day worth it?

Write a well-developed claim of value argument in which you argue for or against the gift-giving traditions of Valentine's Day.  This essay is not a claim of policy argument, so you are not arguing for banning, regulating or prohibiting anything.

Your essay should begin with an introduction that includes an attention getter, background, and your claim clearly stated at the end.

It should be followed by body paragraphs (2 minimum--you can always include more).  Your body paragraphs should include your reason clearly stated at the beginning of the paragraph followed by concrete details (use your descriptive writing techniques to develop these).

Your details should be followed by insightful commentary that explains/elaborates on/furthers your reason for being for or against the traditions.

Your conclusion can be brief, but it can also include a concession/refutation or a proposal for a happy medium.

Enjoy :)