Friday, January 25, 2013

Homework due today:  # 4 p. 776  (two columns, counterargument & refutation)

Today we began collecting evidence from the selections on p. 767-787 on the "Focus on Television" series in the Language of Composition.

The prompt for the rough draft you will develop is #1 on p. 787:  "Write an essay explaining whether television is beneficial or detrimental to society."   You will write the rough draft on Friday, February 1st.  With this assignment, you are prepping for Friday's draft.

Set up your quotes in a two column chart.   "Beneficial" on the left;  "Detrimental" on the right.  Your magic number is 9 quotes for each side.  You should gather quotes from all 5 of the selections in that unit, not just one or two, including the poster.

Also, begin shaping your introduction for Friday's draft.  Your intro should include the following:

A.  Background on topic
B.  Narration (interesting story or anecdote)
C.  Claim (your thesis)

A and B are interchangeable, but your claim must be the last statement of your intro.