Thursday, January 31, 2013

Vocabulary Test Lists 10-12

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Grammar Quiz Today

Vocabulary Test Tomorrow

Writing Exercise #8

Discuss how well reasoned you find this argument. In your discussion be sure to analyze the line of reasoning and the use of evidence in the argument. For example, you may need to consider what questionable assumptions underlie the thinking and what alternative explanations or counterexamples might weaken the conclusion. You can also discuss what sort of evidence would strengthen or refute the argument, what changes in the argument would make it more logically sound, and what, if anything, would help you better evaluate its conclusion.

The following appeared in a memorandum issued by a large city’s council on the arts:
“In a recent citywide poll, 15 percent more residents said that they watch television programs about the visual arts than was the case in a poll conducted five years ago. During these past five years, the number of people visiting our city’s art museums has increased by a similar percentage. Since the corporate funding that supports public television, where most of the visual arts programs appear, is now being threatened with severe cuts, we can expect that attendance at our city’s art museums will also start to decrease. Thus some of the city’s funds for supporting the arts should be reallocated to public television.”

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Today we practiced identifying sentence types with a worksheet.  If you were absent today, complete the page for practice.  The second page has the answers so that you can check your work.

Here's an online grammar game to practice identifying clauses & phrases.

Grammar Quiz tomorrow.

You should be able to identify the difference between clauses and phrases.  I will give you sentences with clauses & phrases underlined, and you will have to identify whether the underlined portion is an independent or dependent clause or a phrase.  Then, you will need to identify whether the entire sentence is simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex.  STUDY!!!

Writing Exercise #7

Take a look at last week's top rated TV programming according to the Nielsen ratings:

Nielsen Ratings week of January 14, 2013

Based on that list and yesterday's TED talk, write a well-developed paragraph in which you discuss what current popular television reveals about our society's values.

Organization Strategy:  Division and Classification

Before you begin writing, decide what "categories" you would create to group the different types of programs.

Don't forget about vocabulary.  You have 5 sentences due Thursday and a quiz.

Next Tuesday, February 5th you will have a vocabulary test on lists 10, 11, and 12.  Here are the Flashcards for the combined lists in case you want to begin preparing for the test already.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Continue collecting data from the "Focus on Television" selections on p. 767-787 for Friday's draft.  You should have all your quotes ready on Wednesday, January 30th.  Check Friday's post for specific instructions if you were absent.

Writing Exercise #6

We watched Lauren Zalaznick's Ted Talk, "The Conscience of Television."

Answer the following question based on your personal observations, experience, and/or information from the video or other sources we've read in class:

Does the television industry have a moral responsibility to produce TV shows that guide society?

Make a claim of value that answers yes or no.  Write a well-developed paragraph in which you explain how or why?

Don't forget:

Vocabulary Writing Exercises for List 12 are due Thursday.  Again, write five sentences using the words correctly with context clues and following the same patterns assigned last week.  

Vocabulary Quiz for list 12 Thursday.  Here are the Flashcards.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Homework due today:  # 4 p. 776  (two columns, counterargument & refutation)

Today we began collecting evidence from the selections on p. 767-787 on the "Focus on Television" series in the Language of Composition.

The prompt for the rough draft you will develop is #1 on p. 787:  "Write an essay explaining whether television is beneficial or detrimental to society."   You will write the rough draft on Friday, February 1st.  With this assignment, you are prepping for Friday's draft.

Set up your quotes in a two column chart.   "Beneficial" on the left;  "Detrimental" on the right.  Your magic number is 9 quotes for each side.  You should gather quotes from all 5 of the selections in that unit, not just one or two, including the poster.

Also, begin shaping your introduction for Friday's draft.  Your intro should include the following:

A.  Background on topic
B.  Narration (interesting story or anecdote)
C.  Claim (your thesis)

A and B are interchangeable, but your claim must be the last statement of your intro.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Vocabulary Quiz List 11 Today.

If you missed today's quiz, it is your responsibility to make it up.

Today we finalized the claim of policies and solutions argument "cheat sheet."  I expect you not only to memorize these points but also to trace the logic as it applies to every debatable topic you encounter and to articulate this logic in your written arguments.

Here's the link to those  notes if you missed them.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Writing Exercise #5

"American children and adolescents spend 22 to 28 hours per week viewing television, more than any other activity except sleeping. By the age of 70 they will have spent 7 to 10 years of their lives watching TV."
-- The Kaiser Family Foundation

Should there be limits to the amount of television parents allow their children to watch?

Homework:  Due Friday 1/25

Answer question #4 found on p. 776 in The Language of Composition.  Respond by setting up two columns.  On the left write "Counterargument"; on the right write "Refutation."  List at list four examples of the writer's counterargument and refutation.  You can quote directly (word for word with quotation marks) or indirectly (paraphrased; in your own words; no quotation marks).

For tomorrow, don't forget:

Vocabulary Quiz List 11.  Here are the Flashcards.

If you did not turn in yesterday's writing exercise (#4;  check the post), turn it in along with #5.

Finish reading the 4 shorter selections found on pages 777-787 in your textbook.  

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Today we took notes from The Prentice Hall Guide for College Writers, which is the green book that we use in class.  The notes can be found here.  However, you must have your own written version of these notes in your binder

Writing Exercise #4

Select one of the topics we have already written about:  locator chips, sugary drinks, armed guards at schools.

Write a claim of fact, cause and effect, or value and develop that claim in at least a paragraph.


Don't forget to read pages. 776-786 for tomorrow.

Don't forget to study for Thursday's vocabulary and to write your sentences which are also due Thursday.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Writing Exercise #3

Due to the most recent school shooting along with other tragic school shootings, some proponents of gun rights argue that a solution would be to place armed guards at all schools.

Should schools have armed security guards on duty at all schools?

Grammar Quiz & notes check today.

Homework:  Read p. 766-787 in The Language of Composition.  Finish p. 766-776 by Wednesday 1/23 and p. 776-787 by Friday 1/25.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Today we finished grammar notes.  Don't forget that I'm checking your notes on Monday and that you have a quiz as well.  You can find the link to the notes on yesterday's post.

The new vocabulary list(s) went out yesterday.  If you were absent, it is your responsibility to pick up the list.

Here's the link to the Flashcards on Quizlet. If you'd like to get a head start on the Vocabulary Writing Exercise, here are the requirements for this week's sentences:

Choose any five words.  Write a sentence for each using the word correctly, with context clues, and while following these sentence structures:

1. One sentence must be COMPOUND using a comma and coordinating conjunction.      

2. One sentence must be COMPOUND using a semicolon and transitional adverb.

3. One sentence must be COMPLEX using a subordinate clause.

4. One sentence must be COMPLEX using a relative clause.

5. One sentence may be written any way you like as long as you use the word correctly and use context clues.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Vocabulary Writing Exercise & The Crucible Viewing Guide are due today.

Vocabulary Quiz List 10 today.

I distributed a Vocabulary Packet containing lists 11-18.  With much power comes great responsibility.  Safeguard your packet as you will need it for the next 2 1/2 months.

I reviewed grammar terms and rules today.  On Monday I will check your notes (for a grade), and you will take a quiz.  The notes can be found here:  Grammar Notes.  However, I expect to see a handwritten version of these notes on Monday, not just a printout of my typed notes.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Writing Exercise #2

In an effort to combat obesity, last summer, New York City Michael Bloomberg proposed a plan to eliminate large sodas (anything larger than 16 oz) from being sold in the city.

Should the nation follow New York City's example and ban large sodas in an effort to fight obesity?

Watch this CBS news clip:  New Coke Commercial Addresses Obesity Crisis

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Writing Exercise #1


Read the following Associated Press article:   "Suit targets 'locator' chips in Texas student IDs"

Should school districts require students to wear an identification badge with a "locator" chip for attendance purposes?

Write your position in this argument (for or against) and three different reasons to support your position.

In class, the writing time was 8 minutes.

Avoid 1st (I, me, my, we, us) and 2nd person (you).

Expect different writing exercises to practice argument on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays.

Each Thursday you will be expected to turn in a Vocabulary Writing Exercise.  Choose five of the vocabulary words from that week's list and write sentences using the words.  The words must be used correctly and the sentences should include context clues.  Beginning next week, you will also need to use specific grammatical structures.

Vocabulary Writing Exercises will be due when you walk into class on Thursday.  I will not accept these late.  The vocabulary quiz will be given the first ten minutes of class.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Today I distributed The Crucible "Changes from Play to Screenplay" questions.  Although I'm not requiring extended answers to these questions, I do expect that you respond analytically.  If you were absent, you can access the questions on the link provided.

Friday, January 11, 2013

We finished watching The Crucible.  If you were absent, it is your responsibility to either finish reading the play, which is in your online textbook, or finishing watching the movie on your own time.  If you have a Netflix account, the movie is available to watch instantly.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Today I distributed the new vocabulary list.  A quiz is scheduled for next Thursday.  Here's the link to the Flashcards.

We continued watching The Crucible.  Pay close attention to the director's use of the camera to emphasize key points.

You should be finished or be close to finishing your Nonfiction selection.  When you're asked if you have homework, the answer is YES.  If you are finished reading, you need to start figuring out how you will narrow the topic for your research project.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Last night's electrical storm caused a water leak in the classroom so we moved temporarily moved to the library for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd periods.  We read an essay called "That Lean and Hungry Look" by Suzanne Britt.  Click on the title to read the essay online if you were not in class.  The following questions were assigned:

The Facts

1.  In a nutshell, what bothers the author most about thin people?
2.  What is your view of the myth about the "jolly fat person" mentioned in paragraph 4?  What evidence is there for your view?
3.  In paragraph 9, what is the "list" objected to by the thin person?  What is ironic about this objection?
4. The thesis of Britt's essay is obvious, but what is her underlying purpose?  Since the essay is humorous, you might say that she simply wants to entertain the reader; but what more serious purpose is revealed?
5.  In paragraph 10, Britt claims that thin people "oppress."  What evidence does she cite to support this claim?

The Strategies

1.  The title of the essay is a literary allusion that is echoed in the opening sentence.  What is the origin of the allusion?  What other allusion can you identify in the essay?
2.  What rhetorical organization does the author use to develop her essay?  What advantage does her organization present?  What other type of organization could be used to contrast thin and fat people?
3.  Paragraph 5 and other paragraphs open with short declarative sentences.  What is the effect?
4.  Here and there throughout the essay, Britt uses figurative language.  Find three examples and label the kind of figure of speech used in each.
5. How does the author achieve humor in her essay?  Cite appropriate examples of her techniques.

If you were absent, it is your responsibility to read the essay and ask me which two questions you will be required to answer.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Back to school.

Happy New Year!

Today we will begin watching The Crucible.