By now you should have received your graded quizzes. It is your responsibility to review your quiz to use as a study guide. Expect more quizzes this week in preparation for next week's test.
I also distributed a copy of the Chapter 2 excerpt with vocabulary. Read it closely and annotate it. Expect a quiz, which will include vocabulary in context, on Wednesday.
Your Vocabulary Log should include the word, definition, and your own sentence. Keep this in your notebook until I ask for them.
Writing Exercise #1 (8-10 minutes)
Explain what words and phrases in Chapter 1 are indicative of the speaker's critical tone toward his subject.
Writing Exercise #2
"When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier." --Roy Disney
Step 1: Zoom in on VALUES. Define values. What are they? Where do they do they come from?
Step 2: Zoom out to the WHOLE QUOTE. Explain it. What does the author mean.
Step 3: Zoom out BEYOND the quote. Provide examples. In what way is the author's statement true? Provide as many as examples as possible from your experiences, reading, observations.