Wednesday, February 4, 2015

MUG #20

On school mornings Rachel can sleep threw anything, even with the alarm clock buzzing or when mom bangs on the bedroom door.

Filled with holiday spirit Ximena bought a Christmas present not only for her boyfriend Andre but also got a present to give his obnoxious younger brother Pierre.

MUGs 1-20 due today.

Today we annotated and color-coded the Declaration.  Here is a partially annotated version of what we did in class.  You are responsible for completing the annotations on your worksheet by Friday.  You will need to complete the assignment on your own to turn in on Friday.  Also, don't forget about Assignments 1-3.

Some of you might have already seen this video in your history classes.  As you watch it, consider what makes it particularly effective:

Vocabulary Quiz List 23 postponed until Friday.  Here are the flashcards.

Please review your copies of the Patriot Act Background and the ACLU article for tomorrow.

I will not be in class tomorrow, but here is what I have left as an assignment

Based on your knowledge of the Patriot Act, write the following three well-developed paragraphs:

1.  Explain the argument of those who defend (are in favor of) the Patriot Act.
2. Explain the argument of those who challenge (are against) the Patriot Act.
3.  Take a position in the argument (either for or against).  Point out one of the reasons given by the opposing side and refute it (explain why it is invalid/incorrect).  Point out another reason given by the opposing side and concede (explain how you might be willing to accept a compromise).

Your paragraphs are due at the end of the period.

Homework:  Read Thomas Paine's Crisis, No. 1 found in your textbook p. 140-142.