Thursday, February 26, 2015

No MUG today

Charro Days Early Dismissal

Today all juniors were required to do CPR training.  If you missed it, be sure to speak to your counselor about the make up day because it is a graduation requirement.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

MUG #27

Read and Paraphrase:

The twenties were the years when drinking was against the law, and the law was a bad joke because everyone knew of a local bar where liquor could be had. They were the years when organized crime ruled the cities, and the police seemed powerless to do anything against it. Classical music was forgotten while jazz spread throughout the land, and men like Bix Beiderbecke, Louis Armstrong, and Count Basie became the heroes of the young. The flapper was born in the twenties, and with her bobbed hair and short skirts, she symbolized, perhaps more than anyone or anything else, America's break with the past. 

From Kathleen Yancey, English 102 Supplemental Guide (1989): 25.

Gatsby Chapter 1 opening paragraphs analysis and notes.  

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

MUG #26

Buster Keaton died penniless. Buster Keaton died alone. Buster Keaton was forgotten by Hollywood. He was perhaps the greatest comedian of the century.

Murph's Diner is getting more popular every day. It has great steaks. It has cheap hamburgers. It has tasty hamburgers. It has French fries that are crisp

Vocabulary Quiz List 25 today.

Gatsby Chpt. 1 Reading Check

Homework due Thursday.

Monday, February 23, 2015

MUG #25

1. Neither Mary nor Laura has turned in (her, their) report.
 2. Anybody can learn to set up (his, their) own tent.
 3. Each of the boys takes care of (his, their) own room.
 4. Neither Tom nor Jim can give (his, their) report today.
 5. Anyone can join our group if (he, they) is really interested.

Remember that all indefinite pronouns that end in -body, -one, or -thing are always SINGULAR.

Vocabulary Quiz List 25 postponed.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

MUG #24

C.D. : Instead, he offers the euphemistic acknowledgment that Paret “began to wilt;” his life seemingly seeping away even before the final round.  C.M.:  His “wilt[ing]” evokes an image of subtle deterioration that almost softens the blow of a moment that marks the turning point leading to his collapse.  CD: When it comes to the author’s word choice, this euphemistic description of Paret’s final moments continues as Mailer describes how he began to “pass away” finally slipping to the floor like a ship sinking beneath the waves.

C.M.: Whether cushioning the blow of Paret’s final moments for the reader or for himself, Mailer’s diction allows the reader see the respect he had for the boxer.  What the reader is given is not an objective account of a tragic sporting event, but a description of the event with an emotional agenda.  C.S. The author’s word choice leads the reader to mourn the loss of Paret and recognize Mailer’s esteem for the former champion.
MUG #23

T.S.         In spite of the essay’s title, from the beginning the reader roots for Paret as a result of Mailer’s influence through strategic diction.

C.D. : Explanation and evidence that supports thesis. (Incorporate specific text examples.)  The article opens with laudatory description of Paret deeming him a “proud club fighter” admired by Mailer for his ability to take a beating and “still be bouncing.”  C.M.: Commentary that develops analysis of the evidence and explains specifically HOW the rhetorical strategies help the writer achieve his purpose or influence the reader.  Mailer’s word choice guides the reader to see Paret as a resilient brawler whose fighting style is reflective of his admirable characteristics. At times the diction’s affect on the reader is subtle, at other times overt, but it always moves the reader toward drawing Mailer’s same conclusions about Paret. C.M. : Even when describing how Paret began to lose significant ground in what would be his final fight, it is as if Mailer cannot quite bring himself to say it.   

Vocabulary Test 23 & 24 today.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

No MUG today.  

Assignment:  Review Thomas Paine's "The Crisis No. 1" and answer questions 1-10 and the the two Test Practice questions.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

MUG #22

The roads were slippery.
 Mary had an accident.
 The accident was with her car.
 She is in the hospital.
 The hospital is crowded.

Voc Quiz 24 today

We will be reading The Great Gatsby this six weeks.  You need to acquire a copy soon and begin reading.  I will check books on Monday, February 23rd.  Reading Check Quiz Chapter 1 will be Tuesday the 24th.

Monday, February 16, 2015

MUG #21

Every one of Joeys six cats enjoy relaxing on top of her new car the paw prints create an art deco design in the dust that coats the hood.

There is many misconceptions about gorillas the most damaging are that these primates are ferocious crazed killers like king kong.

Vocabulary Quiz List 24 tomorrow.  Here are the flashcards.

Today I gave out the article "The Death of Benny Paret."  Begin annotating it with the following prompt in mind:

Write an essay that explains and analyzes the effect of the passage on the reader.


Write an essay in which you discuss the effectiveness of Mailer's rhetorical strategies.

Your assignment is to closely read and annotate the Mailer passage; you're not writing the essay yet.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Benchmark Schedule this week.

You are required to take a complete AP Practice Exam (Section I-Multiple Choice; Section 2-Three Essays) which will count as a grade for the 5th six weeks.  If you do not take it during your scheduled time, it is your responsibility to take it during a different block.  If you miss the opportunity to take it during the blocked benchmark week, then you will need to come in on your own time either for several days after school or on the first Saturday AP Practice Test on March 21st to make up the grade.

No MUGs this week.

We will resume with vocabulary next week.  All dates have been pushed forward a week.  Please update your calendars.

Friday, February 6, 2015

No MUG today.

Assignments 1 and 2 and your annotated/color coded copy of the Declaration are due today.

Voc Quiz 23 and memorization of the major premise of the Declaration today.

We also watched this video parody:

Thursday, February 5, 2015

No MUG today.

Vocabulary Quiz 23 will be tomorrow.

Based on your knowledge of the Patriot Act, write the following three well-developed paragraphs:

1.  Explain the argument of those who defend (are in favor of) the Patriot Act.
2. Explain the argument of those who challenge (are against) the Patriot Act.
3.  Take a position in the argument (either for or against).  Point out one of the reasons given by the opposing side and refute it (explain why it is invalid/incorrect).  Point out another reason given by the opposing side and concede (accept a compromise).

Your paragraphs are due at the end of the period.

Homework:  Read Thomas Paine's Crisis, No. 1 found in your textbook p. 140-142.  Reading Check Quiz next week.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

MUG #20

On school mornings Rachel can sleep threw anything, even with the alarm clock buzzing or when mom bangs on the bedroom door.

Filled with holiday spirit Ximena bought a Christmas present not only for her boyfriend Andre but also got a present to give his obnoxious younger brother Pierre.

MUGs 1-20 due today.

Today we annotated and color-coded the Declaration.  Here is a partially annotated version of what we did in class.  You are responsible for completing the annotations on your worksheet by Friday.  You will need to complete the assignment on your own to turn in on Friday.  Also, don't forget about Assignments 1-3.

Some of you might have already seen this video in your history classes.  As you watch it, consider what makes it particularly effective:

Vocabulary Quiz List 23 postponed until Friday.  Here are the flashcards.

Please review your copies of the Patriot Act Background and the ACLU article for tomorrow.

I will not be in class tomorrow, but here is what I have left as an assignment

Based on your knowledge of the Patriot Act, write the following three well-developed paragraphs:

1.  Explain the argument of those who defend (are in favor of) the Patriot Act.
2. Explain the argument of those who challenge (are against) the Patriot Act.
3.  Take a position in the argument (either for or against).  Point out one of the reasons given by the opposing side and refute it (explain why it is invalid/incorrect).  Point out another reason given by the opposing side and concede (explain how you might be willing to accept a compromise).

Your paragraphs are due at the end of the period.

Homework:  Read Thomas Paine's Crisis, No. 1 found in your textbook p. 140-142. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

MUG # 19

Combine all 6 to form either a simple or complex sentence:

Patrick Henry delivers a powerful speech to the Virginia delegates.
The speech is riveting.
The speech urges them to a call to arms against Britain.
The speech is fiery.
The speech bolsters the sentiments of those in agreement with him.
The speech sways the hearts of those in opposition to him.

Try this arrangement and then write your own version:

In a _______ _________ that both ________ the ___________of those in __________ and ____________ the ___________ of those in _____________, Patrick Henry delivers a ____________ and _____________ speech to the ___________ __________, ___________ them to a ____________ to ___________ against _____________.

Vocabulary Test 21 and 22 today.  If you missed it, it is your responsibility to make it up when you return.

Don't forget about the Declarations Assignments.

Monday, February 2, 2015

MUG #18

Mary Annes compassion, as well as the Professors intelligence and the Skippers being funny, are what Jillian most enjoy's about Gilligans Island.

The powdery sugar on lemon, doughnuts make Rhonda, happy to start a new day.

Declaration Quiz today.

Vocabulary Test Lists 21 and 22 tomorrow.

I distributed the Declaration Assignments handouts today.  The annotated and color-coded copy of the Declaration, along with Assignments 1 and 2 are due on Friday.  Also, you need to have the first two sentences of the second paragraph memorized by Friday (Assignment 3).