Friday, January 16, 2015

MUG #7

Our dog babe together with her 7 puppies have chewed all the stuffing out of the sofa cushions.

Wrestling on the cafeteria floor is two hungry students that want the last slice of pepperoni pizza.

Act III Quiz today.

If you had difficulty with the quiz today, be sure to prepare yourself for the Act IV quiz on Monday and the Act III & Act IV test on Wednesday, January 21st.

I also distributed the first handout in a series of Hot Topics for Debate.  The Patriot Act is the featured topic for the week.  Your job is to read the background.  Ponder the questions at the bottom.  Jot down ideas.  Look up any information.  Be prepared to articulate a position next week.

Vocabulary Quiz List 20 is scheduled for Tuesday, January 20th.  Here are the flashcards.

Vocabulary Test Lists 19 and 20 is scheduled for Thursday.

The Crucible Acts III and IV Test is Wednesday, January 21st.

Tuesday, January 20th I will be checking your prewriting for the faulty reasoning essay.

The following idea map includes what you should already have.  When I check it on Tuesday, it should includes snippets of the quotes (textual evidence you plan to use with the page number included in parenthesis).  You will also need to include ideas in the periphery of each cluster about possible commentary as you begin to work on your thesis statement.

I used a free app available in the Google Chrome Web Store called "Idea Mapper" to generate this map.  Your bubble cluster/idea map may be either handwritten or electronically prepared using the same app or another like it; however, you will need to bring a printed copy of your map to class to receive credit.

Thursday and Friday I will be checking your draft.

The final draft typed in MLA format is due Monday, January 26th.

I posted an optional assignment that can be used to boost your six weeks grade if you need it.  The instructions are posted on my classroom door.