Monday, November 10, 2014

MUG #50  (Step 1: Unscramble both sets to create two different sentences.  Step 2: Imitate the grammatical arrangement to create your own sentences)

Sentence 1:
down the I ran...behind me...the air whistled

Sentence 2:
hid....while Chris played the violin...and the bedroom...the dog

Today we took more notes on the persuasive techniques used by the different characters in Act I of The Crucible.

Be sure you can recognize the following rhetorical terms as we discuss the play: Subject; Occasion(Context); Audience; Speaker; the three appeals (logical, ethical, and emotional).

How does Parris (speaker) appeal to Abigail (audience) to get her to tell him what happened in the forest the night before (subject) since now he is daughter lies unresponsive on the bed (occasion) and why (purpose)?

Be sure to review the Persuasive Techniques handout.  Expect a quiz on Wednesday.  Here are the flashcards.

Vocabulary Quiz List 15 is Thursday.  Here are the flashcards.

No school tomorrow on Veterans Day.