Wednesday, October 22, 2014

MUG #37

Nigel went to go to the grocery store, he
needed to by eggs bacon and orange juice for
tomorrows break fast.

Trevor knew that he should be saving money
for next semesters tuition he spent every
paycheck, however, on expensive dinners and
trendy fashionable clothing for his greedy
girlfriend Gloria.

7 different ways to correct the run-on:

1. Split into 2 sentences:
Nigel went to the grocery store. He needed to buy eggs, bacon, and orange juice for tomorrow's breakfast.
2. Compound sentence (comma with one of the FANBOYS)
Nigel went to the grocery store, for he needed to buy eggs, bacon, and orange juice for tomorrow's breakfast.
3. Compound sentence (semicolon)
Nigel went to the grocery store; he needed to buy eggs, bacon, and orange juice for tomorrow's breakfast.
4. Complex sentence (subordinate clause at the end)
Nigel went to the grocery store because he needed to buy eggs, bacon, and orange juice for tomorrow's breakfast.
5. Complex sentence (subordinate clause at the beginning)
Because Nigel needed to buy eggs, bacon, and orange juice for tomorrow's breakfast, he went to the grocery store.
6. Complex sentence (relative clause)
 Nigel, who needed to buy eggs, bacon, and orange juice for tomorrow's breakfast,  went to the grocery store.
7. Simple sentence with a participial phrase
Needing to buy eggs, bacon, and orange juice for tomorrow's breakfast, Nigel went to the grocery store.

Today I distributed the instructions for WE #33-40, which will be due on October 29th.  You can find the handout here.

Today we began reading Act I of The Crucible (pages 1037-1039 of your textbook).  If you missed it, access the textbook online and read it on your own.

We took notes, which should include the following.

Stage directions
Characterization of Tituba and Abigail
Literary/Rhetorical devices:  Alliteration, euphemism, hyperbole
Ellipsis (omission of words when quoting as long as what remains is grammatically sound)
Integrated Quoting (paraphrase mixed with partial direct quotes and with some analysis)
--Tituba can't "bear to be barred from...her beloved," but her "slave sense" tells her that she will be whipped if she goes near Betty.
--In the stage directions, Miller describes Abigail as having an "endless capacity for dissembling," which she  demonstrates in her dialogue with her uncle to whom she is clearly lying about what took place the night before.

The Aronson test will be Friday, October 24th.  You will need to use the book for the test, so please bring the copy you checked out from me.  If you don't bring it, I will lend you one for the test, but you will lose 20 points on the test.

Vocabulary Quiz List 12 is tomorrow.  Here are the flashcards.  Please study!