If you were absent, it is your responsibility to make up this test when you come back.
TAKS Benchmark Tomorrow
Vocabulary Quiz List 7 on Thursday. Here's the link to Flashcards.
Act II Study Guide Questions 6-20 are due Friday. You should have already turned in 1-5. (Blue sheet)
Act II: Answer each of the following questions on your own paper in complete sentences. You should provide a minimum of 3 sentences per question and you should include textual evidence to support your answer. Due Date: Friday, November 30th
- Where is Act II located and how many days later? Discuss the light/dark motif.
- How does the early part of Act II contrast with the end of Act I?
- What is revealed in the action and dialogue which refers to the rabbit stew?
- How are the seasons used to symbolize John and Elizabeth's emotional state?
- Discuss the courtroom analogy Proctor uses in his argument with Elizabeth right before Mary Warren walks in.
- Describe the two images used to describe Mary Warren. How has she changed and why?
- Describe several reasons why John is reluctant to visit Ezekiel Cheever and report his earlier conversation with Abigail.
- What lie does Elizabeth discover and how does it make both of them feel?
- How many people does Mary report are now in jail? What is Proctor's dilemma?
- Who has "somewhat mentioned" Elizabeth Proctor? What motive does Elizabeth suspect for this accusation?
- What internal conflicts are revealed when John refuses to acknowledge any "promise," when he says that he is "honest"?
- What reason does Reverend Hale give for his visit? What does this reveal about his character?
- Why are the Proctors shocked to learn from Reverend Hale that Rebecca Nurse is under suspicion?
- What four tests does Hale administer to Proctor to determine his "Christian character?" How does he do on each test?
- Note what Elizabeth says about witches. What does this response reveal about her character?
- Which three women are arrested in Act II? What are the specific charges against each?
- Why is the poppet important, and where did Elizabeth get it? Why should Mary Warren be mad about this?
- Explain the allusion Proctor makes when he calls Hale "Pontius Pilate."
- Should Proctor be so self-righteous when he calls Hale a "coward"? Explain.
- What two reasons does Mary Warren give for not testifying against Abby? What does Proctor say will be "good."