Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Vocabulary Test Lists 4-6 Today

If you were absent, it is your responsibility to make up this test when you come back.

TAKS Benchmark Tomorrow

Vocabulary Quiz List 7 on Thursday. Here's the link to Flashcards.

Act II Study Guide Questions 6-20 are due Friday. You should have already turned in 1-5. (Blue sheet)


Act II:  Answer each of the following questions on your own paper in complete sentences.  You should provide a minimum of 3 sentences per question and you should include textual evidence to support your answer.  Due Date:  Friday, November 30th
  1. Where is Act II located and how many days later?  Discuss the light/dark motif.
  2. How does the early part of Act II contrast with the end of Act I?
  3. What is revealed in the action and dialogue which refers to the rabbit stew?
  4. How are the seasons used to symbolize John and Elizabeth's emotional state?
  5. Discuss the courtroom analogy Proctor uses in his argument with Elizabeth right before Mary Warren walks in.
  6. Describe the two images used to describe Mary Warren.  How has she changed and why?
  7. Describe several reasons why John is reluctant to visit Ezekiel Cheever and report his earlier conversation with Abigail.
  8. What lie does Elizabeth discover and how does it make both of them feel?
  9. How many people does Mary report are now in jail? What is Proctor's dilemma?
  10. Who has "somewhat mentioned" Elizabeth Proctor? What motive does Elizabeth suspect for this accusation?
  11. What internal conflicts are revealed when John refuses to acknowledge any "promise," when he says that he is "honest"?
  12. What reason does Reverend Hale give for his visit?  What does this reveal about his character?
  13. Why are the Proctors shocked to learn from Reverend Hale that Rebecca Nurse is under suspicion?
  14. What four tests does Hale administer to Proctor to determine his "Christian character?" How does he do on each test?
  15. Note what Elizabeth says about witches.  What does this response reveal about her character?
  16. Which three women are arrested in Act II?  What are the specific charges against each?
  17. Why is the poppet important, and where did Elizabeth get it?  Why should Mary Warren be mad about this?
  18. Explain the allusion Proctor makes when he calls Hale "Pontius Pilate."
  19. Should Proctor be so self-righteous when he calls Hale a "coward"?  Explain.
  20. What two reasons does Mary Warren give for not testifying against Abby?  What does Proctor say will be "good."