Monday, August 31, 2015

I distributed this week's GUM.  Keep the page in your notebook behind last week's.  You need to add a page of loose leaf paper behind it to take notes in class.

By now you should have received your graded quizzes.  It is your responsibility to review your quiz to use as a study guide.  Expect more quizzes this week in preparation for next week's test.

I also distributed a copy of the Chapter 2 excerpt with vocabulary.  Read it closely and annotate it. Expect a quiz, which will include vocabulary in context, on Wednesday.

Your Vocabulary Log should include the word, definition, and your own sentence.  Keep this in your notebook until I ask for them.

Writing Exercise #1  (8-10 minutes)

Explain what words and phrases in Chapter 1 are indicative of the speaker's critical tone toward his subject.

Writing Exercise #2

"When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier."  --Roy Disney

Step 1:  Zoom in on VALUES.  Define values.  What are they?  Where do they do they come from?
Step 2:  Zoom out to the WHOLE QUOTE. Explain it.  What does the author mean.
Step 3:  Zoom out BEYOND the quote.  Provide examples.  In what way is the author's statement true?  Provide as many as examples as possible from your experiences, reading, observations.

Friday, August 28, 2015

GUM #3

preparing our dinner the smell of the chicken
made Ben hungry

Thaddeus a brilliant student will probably get a
higher grade then i will Toby remarked

GUM Quiz today.  If you missed it, is your responsibility to make it up.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

GUM #2
The cracked windsheild along with the ripped
upholstery and rusty body, made Erics car near
impossible to sale.

Sally I need you to sit still while I trim you're
bangs Sophia ordered.

GUM Quiz tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

We began with our Daily GUM today.

This year writing will be a major focus, its'
important to understand grammer rules, without
them you're writing is difficult to understand.

Once a week well begin class with one of these
sets of M.U.G. sentences, M.U.G. by the way is an
abbreviation of "mechanics, usage and grammer"

If you were absent, you missed the first vocabulary quiz and will need to make it up tomorrow.

Here are the Grammar Flashcards for you to review.  

You should review Chapter 2 for tomorrow, paying close attention to the opening paragraphs. 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Welcome back to school!

The fact that you are reading this post is a good indication that you are probably concerned about this class,  about your grades, and most importantly, about your education.

Today I distributed the course syllabus.  Please read it carefully with your parents.  Return the signed acknowledgement form no later than Friday.

You received a handout with the first chapter of The Scarlet Letter to read and annotate.  The back includes tips for annotations as well as your first vocabulary list.  You will have a vocabulary in context quiz tomorrow.

This list of words will begin your vocabulary log in your notebook.  You should include the word, the definition based on how it is used in the passage, and your own sentence using the word with context clues. Your quiz tomorrow will include some of those words and other words used in the passage which are not on the list.  The first four words on the list are not used in Chapter 1 but are important for your understanding of the novel and will be used in future chapters.

Yesterday I spoke to you briefly about the letter of introduction you will need to write.  Here you will find a sample letter with the specific instructions for yours.