Tuesday, March 31, 2015

MUG #37

I hate driving my brothers truck, because it always breaks down when you are in the middle of a busy intersection.

Larry refuses to own a white car, because 1 hour after you wash it the paint is powdered with gray dust.

MUGs will be due next week-probably Tuesday.

Voc Quiz 30 today.

John Green's Crash Course on Gatsby Part I

John Green's Crash Course on Gatsby Part II

The final Gatsby test will be next Wednesday.

Monday, March 30, 2015

English I EOC testing today.  All non-testers report to 4th period.

Gatsby homework due tomorrow.

Vocabulary Quiz List 30 tomorrow.  Here are the flashcards.

Vocabulary Test Lists 29 & 30 Friday.  Here are the combined flashcards. 

AP Tutorial after school Tuesday and Thursday.  

Friday, March 27, 2015

No MUG today.

Today's Timed Writing should include some prewriting and a complete rough draft that fully addresses the prompt.

You can see the prompt here.  If you were not here on Friday, you will need to complete this assignment on your own and turn it in when you return to class.

Don't forget that on Monday you will be reporting to 4th period all day because of EOC testing.

Vocabulary Quiz List 30 will be on Tuesday as scheduled.  Here are the flashcards.

Vocabulary Test Lists 29 & 30 will be Thursday as scheduled.

The final Gatsby test will be the following week on Wednesday, April 8.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

MUG #34

Mrs. Schmitz explained to her assistant Julie, that she would need a cup of coffee to finish payroll on time.

In the last seconds of the game Leroy passed the basketball to Marc and then he tripped over an untied shoelace and broke his arm.

Vocabulary Quiz List 29 today.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

MUG #36

Of the more than 1000 bicycling deaths each year, three-fourths are caused by head injuries. Half of those killed are school-age children. One study concluded that wearing a bike helmet can reduce the risk of head injury by 85 percent. In an accident, a bike helmet absorbs the shock and cushions the head.

From "Bike Helmets: Unused Lifesavers," Consumer Reports (May 1990): 348.

Gatsby Quiz Chapters 7-9 today.

Gatsby Kahoot.it Game.

Gatsby notes and discussion on themes, contrasts, and paradoxes.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

MUG #35

The adjective ambiguous means doubtful or unclear, open to more than one interpretation.
Noun:  ambiguity
The adjective ambivalent means holding opposing attitudes or feelings toward a person, object, or idea.  
Noun:  ambivalence

1. The stammerer is _____ about communicating with others: he desperately wants to communicate, but is afraid of revealing himself."
2. Journalists do not like to report on uncertainties. They would almost rather be wrong than _____.

Vocabulary Test Lists 27 & 28 today.

Monday, March 23, 2015

No MUG today.

After a close reading and annotation of the opening paragraph of Chapter 2, answer each of the following questions on your own paper.  Be sure to follow the format that includes your answer, evidence, and commentary for each response.

  • How is personification used in the first sentence?

  • What are the connotations of the phrase “valley of ashes”?

  • What is the effect of the alliterative “fantastic farm” and the fact that this area is even called a “farm”?

  • What is the effect of the simile in the second sentence?  Why would Fitzgerald choose this particular thing with which to compare the ashes?

  • How are the “men” portrayed in this paragraph?

  • Explain what color predominates in this paragraph?

  • What is Fitzgerald implying about the men by his use of the verb “swarm”?

  • What two totally opposite things is Fitzgerald contrasting in this paragraph?  How does this contrast help develop one of the main themes of this novel?
Vocabulary Test Lists 27 & 28  tomorrow.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Pep rally schedule

MUG #33

Shirley finds her Biology text a wonderful book because the author's always clearly explain difficult concepts to you.

As Ms. Simmons' was explaining the twenty seventh rule for pronoun reference a spider crawled into Sergios hair. This really distressed him.

Gatsby notes and discussion.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

MUG #32

Combine the following sentences three different ways:

Miguel worked in sales for five years.
He worked another three in account.
He is eligible for a management position.

Vocabulary Quiz 28 today.

Gatsby notes and discussion today.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

MUG #31

Vocabulary Quiz List 27 today.

Gatsby Reading Check Chpts 4-6 today.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

No MUG today.

Select any ten words from each of this week's vocabulary lists and write twenty sentences using those words with context clues.

Don't forget about the Gatsby homework.

Vocabulary 27 tomorrow and 28 on Thursday.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Based on your close reading and annotation of the second paragraph of Gatsby Chapter 1 that begins, “And after boasting this way of my tolerance,” and ends “with short-winded elations of men,” answer the following questions on your own paper.  You may use your annotated copy.  Turn in both your response and your annotated copy stapled together.
1.      1.  Why does Fitzgerald contrast “hard rock” with “wet marshes”?  What does he mean?
2.       2. Explain the two conflicting attitudes the narrator has toward Gatsby.  What is the effect of this paradox?

3.     3.   Basically this paragraph contains two pairs of contrasting ideas.  Identify them.  What do they have in common?

Homework:  Gatsby handout.  Please pick up a handout from me or from the substitute if I am not back tomorrow.  You will need to complete this assignment and turn it in no later than Friday.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Spring Break week.

Please read.  Don't forget that I will be out for jury duty the Monday we return.  Vocabulary quizzes for lists 27 & 28 will be that week.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Prewrite for a potential essay arguing for or against Nick's father's idea that "a sense of the fundamental decencies is parcelled out unequally at birth."

Extra Credit:  Write a well-developed draft in which you develop an argument agreeing or disagreeing with the statement.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

No MUG today.

Gatsby Test Chpts 1-3 today.  If you missed it, it is your responsibility to take it when you return.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Today we continued closely reading and annotating the opening paragraphs of Chapter 1 of Gatsby.  You are responsible for annotating the second paragraph.

Gatsby Test Chapters 1-3 tomorrow.  Please read carefully.  Review AP terms.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

MUG #29

Profesor Watkins' has made it clear, that if anyone wants to turn in a paper they should be certain to get a deans excuse by Monday.

During the campus tour the guide asked my brother and I if we had any interest in Tennis when we began college next year.

Vocabulary Test Lists 25 & 26 today.  If you missed it, it is your responsibility to take it when you return.

Gatsby Chapters 1-3 Test Thursday.  Be sure to read!!!

You can find helpful information, including summaries, on Shmoop!  Just remember that you still need to read!

Monday, March 2, 2015

MUG #28

Profesor Watkins' has made it clear, that if anyone wants to turn in a paper they should be certain to get a deans excuse by Monday.

During the campus tour the guide asked my brother and I if we had any interest in Tennis when we began college next year.

Gatsby Close Reading Check today.  If you missed it, you are responsible for taking it when you return to class.

Vocabulary Test Lists 25 & 26 tomorrow.  Here are the flashcards.