Friday, November 21, 2014

Because of this week's benchmark schedule, there were no MUG shots this week.

Vocabulary Quiz 16 was today.  If you missed, it you will need to come in on your own time Monday to take it.
Vocabulary Test Lists 15 & 16 is Tuesday, December 2nd.  Here are the combined flashcards.

Please continue to read The Crucible on your own.  You will need to be finished with Act I and II by Thursday, December 4th.

Don't forget to complete the Shmoop AP English Language Diagnostic Test.  The class code is 8b409.

We watched the following video during class (except 9th, so if you're in 9th, please watch it)

I distributed the instructions for the writing assignment which will be due on Friday, December 5th.  This paragraph needs to be typed (MLA format).

You have an opportunity to turn it in early for extra points:

Monday, December 1st +20
Tuesday, December 2nd +15
Wednesday, December 3rd +10
Thursday, December 4th + 5
Friday, December 5th it is due when you walk in.

Gratitude Paragraph Instructions

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

MUG #50

twiddling their fingers
shifting on their boots
the men stared at one another
holding onto their hip belts.

Persuasive Techniques Quiz today.

Monday, November 10, 2014

MUG #50  (Step 1: Unscramble both sets to create two different sentences.  Step 2: Imitate the grammatical arrangement to create your own sentences)

Sentence 1:
down the I ran...behind me...the air whistled

Sentence 2:
hid....while Chris played the violin...and the bedroom...the dog

Today we took more notes on the persuasive techniques used by the different characters in Act I of The Crucible.

Be sure you can recognize the following rhetorical terms as we discuss the play: Subject; Occasion(Context); Audience; Speaker; the three appeals (logical, ethical, and emotional).

How does Parris (speaker) appeal to Abigail (audience) to get her to tell him what happened in the forest the night before (subject) since now he is daughter lies unresponsive on the bed (occasion) and why (purpose)?

Be sure to review the Persuasive Techniques handout.  Expect a quiz on Wednesday.  Here are the flashcards.

Vocabulary Quiz List 15 is Thursday.  Here are the flashcards.

No school tomorrow on Veterans Day.

Friday, November 7, 2014

MUG #49

My parents and I watched in awe.
We watched on a hot August evening.
Erratic bolts of lightning illuminated the sky.
The bolts of lightning were from a distant storm.

Today we read more of Act I of The Crucible and took notes.  Please review your Persuasive Techniques handout.  Pay attention to each character's PURPOSE.  Who is his/her AUDIENCE as he attempts to achieve that purpose?  What APPEALS does he/she make?  (logical? emotional? ethical?)  What techniques does the character (SPEAKER) use to enhance his/her appeal?

Thursday, November 6, 2014

MUG #48

I hate tapioca pudding.
Tapioca pudding is a favorite in our family.
It is a white, gooey mixture.

Vocabulary Test Lists 13 & 14 today.  If you missed it, it is your responsibility to take it when you return to class.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

MUG #47

I was sitting on the window ledge.
The ledge overlooked the narrow street.
I watched the children.
The children were frolicking in the first snow of the season.

Vocabulary Test Lists 13 & 14 is tomorrow.  Here are the combined flashcards.

Act I Study Guide 1-10 is due Friday.

As we continue to read The Crucible, be sure to continue paying close attention to the persuasive techniques used by the characters to achieve their purpose.  What does Parris want?  How does he use both logical and emotional appeals to persuade Abigail?  What does Abigail want?  What techniques does she use to persuade Parris?

Writing Exercises 41-44

View the following four commercials. Take notes as you watch, and then write a three sentence minimum response about each in which you discuss the the effectiveness of the persuasive techniques used.


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

MUG #45

Credit cards are dangerous.
They encourage people to buy things.
These are things that people are unable to afford.
These are things that people do not really need.

Vocabulary Quiz List 14 today.  

Vocabulary Test Lists 13 and 14 is Thursday.  Here are the combined flashcards. 

Today we read more of the opening scene of Act I.  You should be able to finish the first 10 questions of the study guide.  Questions 4 and 10 are based on the prose passages.  The study guide for questions 1-10 is due on Friday.

Monday, November 3, 2014

MUG #44

Jet fatigue can be serious.
Jet fatigue paralyzes some passengers.

Long non-stop flights cause jet fatigue.

Vocabulary Quiz List 14 is tomorrow.  Here are the flashcards

Today we read and took notes on the opening scene of Act I of The Crucible.  The following are terms you should know and include in your notes:

Irony  (3 types): 
