Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Finish "The Facts," "The Strategies," and "The Issues" questions.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Read "Don't Legalize Drugs" found on p. 437 of Readings for Writers (white books).

Pay close attention to Kondracke's organizational strategy.

Begin working on "The Issues" questions.

Don't forget about your research paper.  Check Friday's post for some helpful links.


Wednesday, May 1st at 8:00 a.m. in the auditorium.  This registration is required for any and all AP exams you will be taking.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Research Paper Overview

Here are some helpful sites to help you work on your paper:

Organizing your Argument

Research & Documentation

Purdue OWL  MLA

Thursday, April 25, 2013

TAKS Social Studies

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

TAKS Science

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Monday, April 22, 2013

Writing Exercise #10 Part 2

View TED Talk "New Insights on Poverty" by Hans Rosling

Write a concise paragraph in which you discuss Rosling's purpose.

You should have already received your graded Research Project Steps 1-3 (proposal, annotated sources, &  bibliographic entries)

You should begin prewriting your paper.  You can begin shaping your introduction, which will need the following:

Attention Getter

Most of you had problems with your claims.  Remember that you are writing a policy claim.
This link provides info & examples of 3 different claims.  Scroll down to claim of policy.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Timed Writing

Green living (practices that promote the conservation and wise use of natural resources) has become a topic of discussion in many parts of the world today. With changes in the availability and cost of natural resources, many people are discussing whether conservation should be required of all citizens.

Write a well-written essay that develops a position on the extent to which government should be responsible for fostering green practices.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Writing Exercise #10 part 1

View TED Talk "The Magic Washing Machine"  by Hans Rosling

Write a concise paragraph in which you discuss Rosling's purpose.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Finish questions for the previous two days' selections.

Class discussion on thematic connections: choice, poverty, the economy, the environment.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Readings for Writers

"How Our Values Hurt the Environment"

p. 274 Answer "The Strategies" questions 1-5

Monday, April 15, 2013

Readings for Writers

"Economic Growth Requires Environmental Compromises" p. 279-283

Answer "The Strategies" questions 1-3 & "The Issues" questions 1

Friday, April 12, 2013

Timed Writing

Here's the prompt for today.

You should have a complete draft to turn in by the end of class.  Enjoy :)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Vocabulary Test Lists 16-18 Today

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Today we read and analyzed three different essays with scores of 8, 6, and 4.  As a class we noted the difference in idea, development, grammar, sentence variety, word choice, and length for each.

Vocabulary Tests Lists 16-18 tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Writing Exercise #9

Using yesterday's notes, we worked on a joint practice essay response with a one sentence (SOAPS tone) introduction, followed by body paragraphs that "go with the flow" of the essay being analyzed.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Writing Exercise #8

Re-read the 2005 Question 2.  (The link to the selection can be found on Friday's post.) Write down as many examples from the entire selection that support the speaker's purpose.  Next to or underneath the example, identify the device/strategy used and its effect.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Timed Writing Today

The link to the essay question we responded to in class today can be found here.  Write your draft in pen with a response that is at least two pages (longer is okay, too).  Remember to include SOAPS tone in your introduction, which can be 1-3 sentences long.  Enjoy.  :)

The first April Saturday practice exam is tomorrow from 9-1.  Hope you can make it.  If not, there are three more Saturdays to choose from.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Vocabulary Quiz 18 today.

Writing Exercise #7 (continued)

Write a well-developed SOAPS tone (1-3 sentences) for "A Modest Proposal" by Jonathan Swift.


Prewrite by writing the acronym vertically.  Take some time to THINK it through first.  Roughly fill in each.  Occasion means "Why was this piece written in the first place?  What was going on at the time that led the speaker to write it?"  Once you have all 6 filled out, then sketch your sentence(s).

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Today we watched Stephen Colbert's "'Poor' in America," an episode which aired last year.  You can view it here.

Writing Exercise #7

Write a well-developed sentence or two in which you include the speaker's name, the title of the episode, his tone, target audience, and purpose.  Follow up with at least one example from his monologue which effectively supports his purpose.

Vocabulary Quiz 18 tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Reading Check Quiz on "A Modest Proposal" by Jonathan Swift.  If you were absent today, it is your responsibility to take this quiz when you return.

Check here for a continuation of yesterday's notes.  You are responsible for knowing these terms.

Check yesterday's post for the due date changes for your research project.

The public library should be open again.  Our school library will remain closed due to EOC testing.

Thursday you will have a quiz on List 18.  Here are the Flashcards.  This week's sentences can be written in any grammatical structure you want as long as your subject is humor/comedy/satire.

Next Thursday will be the Vocabulary Test for Lists 16-18.  Here are the combined Flashcards if you'd like to get a head start preparing for that test.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Today we took notes on the different levels of comedy.  You can find some of yesterday's notes here along with some of tomorrow's.

Don't forget to read Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal" for tomorrow.  It can be found on page 914 in your textbook or here.

Warning:  The following is not an April Fool's joke although it might have been a really good one.

The due dates for Steps 1-3 of your Research Project have changed:

April 1st: +40; April 2nd: +30; April 3rd: +20; April 4th: +10; April 5th: no bonus/no penalty

April 6th (Saturday AP Practice Exam): -20; April 8th: -40