Monday, December 17, 2012

1st Semester Exam Week

Tomorrow:  1st period and 9th  (5th, 6th, and 7th begin)

Vocabulary Flashcards

Literary and Rhetorical Terms Flashcards

Review the steps for analysis to prepare for the essay.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Finish reading Act III.  Begin reading Act IV.

Study for next week's semester exam which will include:

Vocabulary Lists 7, 8, & 9

Literary and Rhetorical Terms

Rhetorical Analysis Essay

The exam schedule is as follows:

Tuesday:  1st and 9th
Wednesday:  2nd and 8th
Thursday:  3rd and 4th

5th, 6th, and 7th period will test all three days.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Vocabulary Quiz List 9 Today

We read from Act III.  Act III questions should be finished and turned in.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Today we carefully read Danforth's response to Hale which can be found at the top of the second column on page 1091.

Notice how Danforth begins with an emotional appeal, insulting and shaming Hale by saying that for a "man of such terrible learning [he] surely [is] bewildered."  He sarcastically points out that Hale is confused about the situation even though he is supposed to be the expert on witchcraft.  His purpose is to intimidate Hale, following that statement with a reminder to him and the others of his "thirty-year[s] at the bar," employing an ethical appeal to reaffirm his authority.  Finally, Danforth begins his logical appeal that he careful crafts with a series of questions that he proceeds to answer or that don't require answers, like "is it not?" His intention is to  be condescending to Hale and the rest of his audience, angered that they have dared questioned him about the proceedings of the court.  His logic relies on the testimony of the "children" whom he believes are God's instruments.  What will follow as the dialogue progresses will be Proctor's attempt to prove that these "children" are no children at all.

Bring your Nonfiction selections tomorrow.

Vocabulary List Quiz 9 tomorrow.  Study!  The link to the flashcards is on yesterday's post.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Bring your Nonfiction selection to class every day this week and next.  You will have an assignment for your book on Thursday.

Vocabulary Quiz 9 is on Thursday.  Here are the Flashcards.

The next set of Act III questions that begin on page 1090 and end on 1096 (10 questions; skip the blue one) should be turned in by the end of class tomorrow.  You have had plenty of class time to work on these.  If you have been absent, have been unable to keep up, or have not been using class time wisely, then it is YOUR responsibility to get these questions done on your own.  You will need to access your textbook online to do this.  I have placed a link to the textbook log-on at the top of this page.  We will finish Act III tomorrow and begin reading Act IV on Thursday.

Monday, December 10, 2012

I'm still checking your Nonfiction book selections.  You are running out of time if you haven't found a book yet.
Today you are either finishing your TAKS benchmark Open Ended Questions OR you are finishing Act III questions located at the bottom of your textbook.

Friday, December 7, 2012

I moved the due date for the Act III questions to today.

Your progress report grades will be posted by December 14th.  So far, these are grades I will include this six weeks:

Test Grades
Dialectical Journals
Benchmark MC & OEQ (OEQs will be completed next week)
Vocabulary Test 4-6
Daily Grades
Vocabulary Quizzes 6, 7, 8, & 9
Act II Study Guide Questions (2 grades)
Act III Questions 1-10
Book Check

If you have not yet gotten your Nonfiction selection, do so this weekend!  If you have, start or continue reading.  You will have your first assignment for your book next week.  Information forthcoming.

Vocabulary Quiz 9 on Thursday.  Here are the Flashcards.

Here are the Flashcards for the combined lists so that you can begin studying for your final.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Vocabulary Quiz 8 today.

The paper copy of Vocabulary List 9 is not ready, but you can go to the List & Flashcards.  The quiz for list 9 is next Thursday.  All three lists will be included on your semester exam.  Here is the combined list of Flashcards.

I'm still checking your Nonfiction selections.  Tomorrow your grade is an 80 for the book check.

Act III Questions 1-10 should be completed today.  Yes, you must include textual evidence to support your response.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The first 10 Act III questions found at the bottom of the selection pages will be due tomorrow.  We worked on the first 5 in class today.

I checked Nonfiction selections today.  If you have not yet checked out a book, it is your responsibility to find one soon.  The school library will be closed due to testing, so you will need to find one elsewhere.  The Nonfiction list I provided on this site includes books that are available at the public library.

Vocabulary Quiz 8 tomorrow. Here are the Flashcards.  Study!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Read Act III

I will check your Nonfiction selections tomorrow.

Vocabulary Quiz 8 will be Thursday.

I am still EOC testing in the gym.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Read Act III

I will check your Nonfiction selections on Wednesday.