Friday, November 30, 2012

Act II Study Guide Questions due today.

Vocabulary Quiz List  7 today.

Vocabulary List 8 went out today; the quiz will be on Thursday.  Here's the link to Flashcards.  Study!

Don't forget that you need to find a Nonfiction selection on a social issue for this six weeks.  I've added a links section to the top of this blog including a link to the Nonfiction Book List I posted yesterday and went over with you today.  If you haven't already done so, print out the list and start searching for a book!  If you go to the public library, don't forget to peruse the "Friends of the Library" bookstore.  They have great prices for books in quality condition!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

TAKS Benchmark Today

Vocabulary Quiz List 7 tomorrow

Here's the link to Flashcards.  Study!

The Act II Study Guide questions are due Friday.  They can be found on yesterday's post if you lost your copy.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Vocabulary Test Lists 4-6 Today

If you were absent, it is your responsibility to make up this test when you come back.

TAKS Benchmark Tomorrow

Vocabulary Quiz List 7 on Thursday. Here's the link to Flashcards.

Act II Study Guide Questions 6-20 are due Friday. You should have already turned in 1-5. (Blue sheet)


Act II:  Answer each of the following questions on your own paper in complete sentences.  You should provide a minimum of 3 sentences per question and you should include textual evidence to support your answer.  Due Date:  Friday, November 30th
  1. Where is Act II located and how many days later?  Discuss the light/dark motif.
  2. How does the early part of Act II contrast with the end of Act I?
  3. What is revealed in the action and dialogue which refers to the rabbit stew?
  4. How are the seasons used to symbolize John and Elizabeth's emotional state?
  5. Discuss the courtroom analogy Proctor uses in his argument with Elizabeth right before Mary Warren walks in.
  6. Describe the two images used to describe Mary Warren.  How has she changed and why?
  7. Describe several reasons why John is reluctant to visit Ezekiel Cheever and report his earlier conversation with Abigail.
  8. What lie does Elizabeth discover and how does it make both of them feel?
  9. How many people does Mary report are now in jail? What is Proctor's dilemma?
  10. Who has "somewhat mentioned" Elizabeth Proctor? What motive does Elizabeth suspect for this accusation?
  11. What internal conflicts are revealed when John refuses to acknowledge any "promise," when he says that he is "honest"?
  12. What reason does Reverend Hale give for his visit?  What does this reveal about his character?
  13. Why are the Proctors shocked to learn from Reverend Hale that Rebecca Nurse is under suspicion?
  14. What four tests does Hale administer to Proctor to determine his "Christian character?" How does he do on each test?
  15. Note what Elizabeth says about witches.  What does this response reveal about her character?
  16. Which three women are arrested in Act II?  What are the specific charges against each?
  17. Why is the poppet important, and where did Elizabeth get it?  Why should Mary Warren be mad about this?
  18. Explain the allusion Proctor makes when he calls Hale "Pontius Pilate."
  19. Should Proctor be so self-righteous when he calls Hale a "coward"?  Explain.
  20. What two reasons does Mary Warren give for not testifying against Abby?  What does Proctor say will be "good."  

Monday, November 26, 2012

Welcome back!

Today we will finish orally reading Act II.

Vocabulary Test on lists 4-6 is tomorrow.  Here's the link to Quizlet with the 3 lists combined:

Vocabulary Flashcards Lists 4-6


Friday, November 16, 2012

We read another portion of Act II.

Work on the Act II Study Guide.  Questions 6-20 are due Friday, November 30th.

Don't forget to get a Nonfiction selection for this six weeks.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving break.  See you in a week.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Vocabulary Quiz List 6 Today

Act II Study Guide Questions 1-5 due today, 6-20 due Friday, November 30th


Tuesday, November 27th Vocabulary Test (lists 4-6)

Wednesday, November 28th Benchmark

Thursday, November 29th Vocabulary List 7 Quiz

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Six Weeks Test Today

Vocabulary Quiz List 6 tomorrow

Don't forget to look for a Nonfiction selection on a social issue for next 6 weeks.  Happy Hunting.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Today we analyzed Proctor's character in the conversation that follows the discussion of the rabbit.  Each student should have a response that follows the 6 steps we went over yesterday.  Use the method to study for tomorrow's 6 weeks test.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Today we analyzed the opening lines of Act II, focusing on Elizabeth and her conversation with Proctor about the rabbit.

Careful analysis reveals that Elizabeth is not the "cold, sniveling woman" that Abigail has said she is; in fact, she is quite the opposite.  Miller's use of personification as Elizabeth refers to the rabbit as "she" and as someone "who come to visit" reveals that she is a warm, kindhearted woman.  Though it "hurt her heart to strip [the rabbit], she does so anyway because she is willing to fulfill her duties as wife in the household, preparing meals for her family.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Memorize the following line of questions for analysis:

Step 1:  What is the context?  Situation?  OCCASION?  In other words, what's going on?
Step 2:  Who is the SPEAKER?  No, not just his name.  Who is he really?  What is he like?  What does he stand for?
Step 3:  What is the speaker's PURPOSE?  This question should answer, "WHY are these words coming out of his mouth????"  or "What does he want???"
Step 4:  What is the speaker's MESSAGE?  This means, "What is he telling his audience?"
Step 5:  What APPEAL is he making?  Logical?  Ethical?  Emotional?
Step 6:  What RHETORICAL STRATEGIES or DEVICES did the writer use to make the speaker's speech EFFECTIVE?  What's in the rhetorical toolbox?  Diction, Imagery, Details, Figurative Language (simile, metaphor, hyperbole, personification), Syntax.....

Apply this line of questions to all text you read and you are on your way to deep analysis so that you can provide CHUNKY responses.

Six Weeks Test will be on Wednesday, November 14th.

Start looking for a Nonfiction selection on a social issue.  Start by eyeing the top current issues out there:

National Security
The Economy
The Environment

Research the topic and begin narrowing it to a specific topic.  Enjoy.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Vocabulary Quiz 5 Today

You need to pick up Vocabulary List 6.   Flashcards

Act II Notes

Add the following terms:

     dynamic character
     static character
     flat character
     round character

You can find definitions in your Literary Terms Handbook in your online text.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Dialectical Journals due today.

Presentations continued today.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day

Presentations today.

You will review each of your classmates' presentations.

Dialectical Journals due tomorrow.

Monday, November 5, 2012

We read the first half of Act II of The Crucible today.

Your projects are due tomorrow.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Today we watched excerpts from the presidential and vice-presidential debates.  I asked you to look for appeals made by the debater: logical, ethical, emotional.  Pay attention to any fallacies in their responses.

I've linked the full videos here:

First Presidential Debate
VP Debate
Second Presidential Debate
Third Presidential Debate

You can also do a Google search of the individual issue you are researching and find just the excerpt from the debate you need.

Good luck with your campaign projects.  Re-read the last few posts for directions, suggestions, ideas, and links.

Other ideas:

For videos:  A mock documentary of the candidate and the issue
                   A Saturday Night Live type of skit
                   Interviews of voters commenting on the issue and the candidate

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Vocabulary List 4 Quiz Today

You should have received List 5 today.  You can find the list here:   List 5 Flashcards   The quiz for List 5 will be next Thursday.

Today in class you met with a small group who share your candidate and topic.  You should have read an excerpt from your candidate's speech on the specific issue and begun identifying the logical, emotional, and ethical appeals made by the candidate.  You should be able to restate his purpose/message about the issue.

The following links will take you to transcripts of the candidate's speeches:

Obama's Speech at DNC
Romney's Speech at RNC

Homework:  Continue researching your candidate's position and claims about the issue.  Be prepared to discuss further in class tomorrow and be prepared for a quiz on your candidate on Monday.

Your Campaign Project is due Tuesday, November 6th.

Your job is to "sell" your candidate's position on the issue. Use rhetorical appeals and strategies as well as persuasive techniques to accomplish your goal.

Here are some links to sites you can use to help you with your project:

 Effective Posters   Designing Effective Posters

 Microsoft Tips for Power Point

Google Tips for Effective Video Ads

Other ideas to help enhance your presentation:

Music:  Sing/rap a song about your candidate/issue

Food:  Use a snack food to metaphorically explain your candidate's position; then share it with the class.

Political buttons
Puppet show