Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Timed Writing today on fear.

Here's "The Raven" assignment I gave out today.  You have an extra credit option you can complete either by Friday for 20 points or Monday for 10 points.

We listened to this song today.  Tomorrow we will use the lyrics to practice rhetorical analysis, so start thinking about PURPOSE and STRATEGIES.  What strategies can you identify so far.

Here's the generic prompt we will use for all rhetorical analysis questions:

Carefully read ______.  Then, in a well-written essay, analyze the rhetorical choices the writer makes to develop his argument about _________. Support your analysis with specific references to the text.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Mini-Benchmark and pre-writing for tomorrow's timed writing took place today.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Timed Writing today on adversity.

Extra credit posters due today.

The Scarlet Letter Chapter 19 analysis due today for retest option.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

I picked up Works Cited pages today and checked sources.  You will get your Works Cited page back either tomorrow or Monday so that you can make corrections if necessary.

If you were missing something, did not have yours ready, or were absent, then you need to have everything completed by tomorrow.

I distributed this Prewriting Handout today for you to use to begin planning your essay.

Also, don't forget that you need to choose a quote from The Scarlet Letter to use as an epigraph.  If you already returned your copy to the library, then here is the link for you to access the novel online.

You will be using The Scarlet Letter as the attention getter for your essay.  If you haven't already done so, then start drafting some ideas.  You will need 2-4 sentences about the novel, its theme, its heroine, or Puritan ignominy to introduce your topic.

For those of you who would like to be ahead of the game, here is the Outline Handout I will be distributing tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Part II of your test was today.  If you missed it, you will need to make arrangements to take it when you return to school.

Your sources and Works Cited page are due tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Part I (the essay portion) of your test was today.  If you were absent, you will need to take it after school when you return or make other arrangements with me.

Please use the Grammar Flashcards and Lit/Rhet Terms Flashcards to study for Part II of your test.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Here is the GUM Week 7 handout.

Today we reviewed the Chapter 16 excerpt and quiz.

I went over the procedures for accessing the online database for researching your topic and finding sources.  Here is the instruction sheet I distributed.

I also distributed a sample Works Cited page for you to use as a guide as you work on your own.

Don't forget that you need to bring your three printed sources on Thursday along with your Works Cited page.

The essay portion of your test will be tomorrow.  Expect an excerpt from the novel for which you will need to analyze the effect of the writer's language choices.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Vocabulary sentences were due today.

We reviewed this week's reading passages, terminology, and quizzes for next week's test.

Yes, you do have a test next Tuesday and Wednesday.

Here is what you can do this weekend (not Monday night or Tuesday morning) to prepare:

  1. Finish reading the novel.
  2. Go to SparkNotes for summaries and other helpful information about the novel.
  3. Work on the study guide questions for Chapters 13-end.
  4. Select a passage to read carefully and analyze. 
  5. Pay attention to the language choices (DIDLS) made by the writer. 
  6. Review past tests and quizzes.
  7. Study literary and rhetorical terms.  Here are the Quizlet flashcards.
  8. Study grammar terms.  Here are the Quizlet flashcards.

Also, I distributed the instruction handout for the Public Ignominy in the 21st Century Essay.  Please read these instructions carefully.  Begin informal research this weekend to select a topic.  Your sources are due next week.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

The Chapter 16 excerpt quiz was today.  If you missed it, you'll need to make it up after school when you come back.

Your vocabulary sentences are due tomorrow when you walk in the door.  No late work will be accepted.