Thursday, May 30, 2013

Semester Exam Schedule Change:

Yesterday we received word that the semester exam schedule would be modified to begin Friday, May 31st instead of Monday, June 3rd.  I have adjusted our exam as follows:

Friday:  Argumentative Essay (rough draft).
Monday & Tuesday:  Multiple choice (terms, vocabulary, & Gatsby)

Because of this adjustment to the schedule, I will also adjust the due date for you Gatsby Project.  It will be due Monday without penalty.  You will earn some bonus points if you turn it in as scheduled tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Gatsby Book Cover Project

Design a book cover which should include the title, author, and symbolism from the novel.  Along with your book cover, you will write a well-developed paragraph explaining the creative choices that you made when designing your cover.  Your typed paragraph should include a quote/s that reinforce/s the symbolism of your book cover.   Your cover should be no smaller than an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper and no larger than a standard poster board.  It will be important for you to explain why the symbols you chose to include are significant.  The entire cover needs to be “flooded” in color, which you should connect symbolically as well.  Be sure to look at various examples before beginning your project to get ideas, but do not copy other ideas.  You may use various art materials: paint, construction paper, glitter, clip art, magazines. If you produce your cover digitally, you will still need to submit a hard copy.  So that you don't use up all your printer ink, print at the public library for a quarter. Get to work on this project if you haven't already. You should have started last week.  Please do not submit something shabby which you worked on in the class period before.  

Here's the website I shared with you in class last week.

Semester Exam Schedule:

Monday, June 3rd - Argumentative Essay (Rough Draft)
Tuesday, June 4th & Wednesday, June 5th - Multiple Choice (Vocabulary, Terms, and Gatsby)

Here are the flashcards for the AP Terms.
Here are the flashcards for the vocabulary words.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Here are the second semester vocabulary words that will be included in the final exam.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Those of you in my morning classes will have another opportunity to continue reading silently today.  Expect a reading check quiz on chapters 1-3 tomorrow.  Please read.  Don't interrupt others.  Those of you who are not caught up will need to read at home as well.  Here are are a couple of links to online texts:

ebooks (this is the one I used in class yesterday; you might be able to download this to your device)

For those of you who missed it, here's the book featured on Stephen Colbert's show:

The Colbert Report, May 9, 2013  - Is the date a coincidence?  I think not :) 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

What do you mean you haven't started working on your research paper?!

Get started!  As you work on organizing your paper, you are simultaneously practicing for the AP Exam!!

Today we reviewed Question 2:  Rhetorical Analysis

Some pointers:

Use the 15-minute reading period to read AND plan for Question 1.  You may also read Questions 2 and 3,  but don't start planning for those essays yet.  Using the 15 minutes wisely will allow you time to plan well for Question 1, thereby allowing you enough time to finish that essay (possibly earlier) so that you can have enough time to work on Question 2.

Carefully read the prompts for all questions before you begin organizing/planning.  Be sure that you have a clear understanding of what you are asked to argue or address.  Misunderstanding the prompt is the kiss of death for that essay, so read the prompt carefully!

For Question 2, after you have read the prompt carefully, read the selection once for an understanding of the speaker's purpose/message.  Then read it again to annotate, dividing up the paragraphs for you to follow the speaker's organization in your own draft, and marking, underlining, or circling key words and phrases.  Jot down ideas as you go.

Remember SOAPS tone for you introduction will be sufficient.  Consider the speech we read today as you read the following sentence:

Florence Kelley, in her speech before the convention of the National American Woman Suffrage     Association, forcefully communicates the need for reform of child labor laws and of working conditions for women while advocating for women's right to vote.

When you quote, unless it is absolutely necessary (which it shouldn't), avoid quoting complete sentences.  Pick out specific words and phrases around which you can wrap your own words.

Example:  Kelley argues that the children are treated as "little beasts of burden."

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Today we reviewed the documents I posted yesterday for your research paper.  The organizational strategy you use for your research is very similar to what you will do for Question 1 on the AP exam on Friday.  That question is the synthesis essay, which is really like the draft of a research paper.

On Question 1 of the exam, you might be asked to defend, challenge, or qualify OR you might be asked to evaluate a current problem or policy.  Regardless of which way you are asked to argue, you are still being asked to take a position and argue it.

For our research paper, I have specifically asked that you write a CLAIM of POLICY.  On the AP exam, you might need develop a claim of policy, a claim of value, or a claim of definition/example.  Be prepared for anything.

On Question 3 of the AP exam, you should also be able to use the same organizational strategy.  The difference will be that you won't be citing any sources.  You will still need to include evidence to support the reasons in your argument, but that evidence will need to come from examples you get from your experiences, observations, readings, etc.

Monday, May 6, 2013

AP English Language & Composition Exam - Friday, May 10th
Report to Gym 3 at 8:15 a.m. - Don't be late!

Today's power point:  Download it here to view in ppt viewer.

Another power point on the synthesis essay is here.

Research Paper Documents for you:

Steps 4-10 (Instruction page for what you are turning in and when)

Outline - Option 1 (Refutation at the end)
Outline - Option 2 (Refutation at the beginning)
Outline - Option 3 (Refutation within confirmation)

Last week's reading and assignment for those of you who were absent:

"Don't Legalize Drugs" by Walter Kondracke with questions from Readings for Writers

Friday, May 3, 2013

Anyone who did not attend any of the Saturday AP Practice days was required to take a practice multiple choice test today.  Anyone who had already taken a practice test had the option to take another practice test.

Research Paper due dates:

The due date for your research paper is Friday, May 17th.  Early submission will begin Monday, May 13th. 
Mon +25, Tues +20, Wed +15, Thurs +10, Friday -DUE- no penalty/no bonus, Sat -10, Sun -20, Mon -30 DEADLINE.

I will not be in class May 13-16, so if you choose to submit early on one of those days, you will need to send me your document as an attachment in an email to receive the bonus points. If you submit via email, you will still need to bring me your printed copy on Friday the 17th.   

If you are submitting your paper late on either Saturday or Sunday, you will need to email the attachment and bring the hard copy on Monday.  If you only bring the hard copy on Monday the 20th, 30 points will be deducted.  I will not accept any papers after Monday the 20th.  

Theater lovers:

The Kennedy Center has a competition open to 6th - 12th graders to write a one-act play.  Here's the link to the website.  

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Today is catch-up day.  All questions assigned this week are due.  If you are absent on Wednesday, the make-up for the timed writing is today.  If you were absent both of those days, here are the prompt choices for the timed writing:

1.  Writing an essay arguing for or against the banning of cigarette smoking in public places.

2. Defend or attack the proposal to decriminalize the use of marijuana.

Consider Kondracke's structure as you develop your own.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Timed Writing

2-3 page rough draft

Choose one of the two questions on p.244 of Readings for Writers.