Thursday, February 28, 2013

Here are the Flashcards for Vocabulary List 15.  The quiz is Tuesday, March 5th.  Here are the COMBINED LISTS 13, 14, & 15.  The Vocabulary TEST will be on Thursday, March 7th!

Don't forget about paying for your AP exam!

Report to the gym on Monday, March 4th for TAKS ELA.

Don't forget to plan your essay before you begin writing it.  Include both your story (experience) and your belief (lesson).  You can organize your ideas in several ways.  Here are a couple of suggestions:

FLASHBACK:  Start by writing about yourself in the present.  You should include your current belief and explain that you're going to tell a story about how you acquired this belief.  Then tell your story.  Finish your essay by returning to the present and reinforcing your belief.

IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ACTION (in media res):  Begin with your story.  Your attention getter here can be dialogue, description (sensory or concrete detail) or figurative language.  Be sure that when you wrap up your story you reinforce how this story changed you (your belief).

In both of these structures, you can hint at your belief through your story by using phrases like.... the time I didn't realize ____, but later I came to see ____

...while ____ was happening, I didn't know ___, but later I did.

    Although at the time I was (upset) with ___, later on my feelings would change...

You are providing little hints that a change is taking place within you.

The idea is to communicate your maturity in the process.  You should make it clear that you are someone who recognizes that the stories of our lives contribute to personal growth.

Don't forget to vary your sentence structure.  Don't forget to use figurative language here and there.  Don't forget to include some dialogue. Don't forget to use sound devices.  Don't forget to include DETAILS..both sensory & concrete.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

For grammar review, go to the following sites:

Don't forget that your $13 needs to be submitted by tomorrow!!!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Today is a half day for students.  You are attending the following class periods in this order:

4, 6, 8, 5 & 7

Don't forget to turn in your $13 fee to the bookkeeper!!!!

Monday, February 25, 2013

TAKS Narrative Essay pointers

Don't forget that your essay should address both your experience (narrative/story) and your belief (the lesson  acquired from this experience).

TAKS ELA is Monday, March 4th

Report to the gym at 8:45

Don't forget that Thursday, February 28th is the last day to pay the $13 fee for your AP exam!!!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Timed Writing

Consider the extent to which social-networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter have become commonplace in mainstream society.  Write a well-developed essay in which you argue whether the use of these types of social-networking sites is either dangerous or beneficial to society. Support your position with arguments and examples drawn from your reading, studies, experience, and observations.

You must include some evidence of prewriting/brainstorming: a bubble cluster, outline, or web.

Intro:  Begin with an attention getter, even if it's one sentence.  For last week's TW, 90% of you ignored my request.  You started with "Valentine's Day is...."  That statement is better suited as your background statement, which is more adequately placed in the middle of your intro.  Your background tells the audience why we are having this discussion in the first place.  Usually you can get this idea from whatever is stated in the prompt.  Don't start your essay with that.  The last statement of your intro should be your claim.  In this case, you're making a claim of value.  Write a complex sentence that uses a subordinate clause.

Body:  From your prewriting, take the most important reason you have and develop that one as a body paragraph.  Clearly state your reason in the opening sentence of that paragraph.  Follow your reason with SPECIFIC examples.  Use the descriptive writing techniques for these.  Follow the examples with commentary, explaining why your reason is valid.

Check the time.  If you have time to develop a second reason, do so.  If you have time to develop a third reason, do so.  DO NOT END YOUR PAPER PREMATURELY! 

Conclusion:  Restate your position.  You can make a final appeal here.  You can make a statement that looks   to the future.  

Although you are writing a draft, be deliberately conscious of grammar, usage, and mechanics.  Vary your sentence structure.  Avoid saying, "In my opinion...."

Enjoy.  :)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Due today:  Vocabulary Sentences & Writing Exercise #12

Vocabulary Quiz 14

Quizlet Scatter Challenge Top Times:

Rolando Ferguson 24.4
Priscilla Garcia 25.0
Yosalin Rivera 25.5
Laura Garza 25.8


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Vocabulary Sentences for list 14 are due tomorrow.  They should be written as follows:

2 sentences using participial phrases

Sarcastically implying that my room was unkempt, my mother asked if I had seen my bedroom floor lately?

2 sentences using appositive phrases with a relative clause attached

The man on the corner, a homeless transient who asks passersby for help, is a Vietnam veteran whose service has been forgotten.

1 sentence can use either of the types (your choice)

Here's the link to Vocabulary 14 Flashcards.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Notes:  Review this site about appositive phrases.

For the second part of this week's writing exercise, you will combine sentences by turning one into an appositive phrase.

Writing Exercise #12 (part 2)

Monday, February 18, 2013

Notes:   Review this site with information about participial phrases first.

For this week's writing exercise, you will combine pairs (some triplets) of sentences by turning one of the sentences into a participial phrase.

Writing Exercise #12           Sentence Combining with Participial Phrases

Friday, February 15, 2013

...or the Day After Valentine's Day

Timed Writing  (40 minutes)

In the aftermath of the Valentine's Day fervor, your belly too full from eating too many chocolates and other confections  and your wallet a little too empty from spending all your cash on flowers and trinkets that might soon be forgotten, I want you to ask yourself:  are the traditions of gift-giving on this day worth it?

Write a well-developed claim of value argument in which you argue for or against the gift-giving traditions of Valentine's Day.  This essay is not a claim of policy argument, so you are not arguing for banning, regulating or prohibiting anything.

Your essay should begin with an introduction that includes an attention getter, background, and your claim clearly stated at the end.

It should be followed by body paragraphs (2 minimum--you can always include more).  Your body paragraphs should include your reason clearly stated at the beginning of the paragraph followed by concrete details (use your descriptive writing techniques to develop these).

Your details should be followed by insightful commentary that explains/elaborates on/furthers your reason for being for or against the traditions.

Your conclusion can be brief, but it can also include a concession/refutation or a proposal for a happy medium.

Enjoy :)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Descriptive Writing paragraphs due
Vocabulary Quiz 13
Vocabulary Sentences due

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Vocabulary Quiz 13 tomorrow
Vocabulary sentences due tomorrow (any type; use a participial phrase in each)
Writing Exercise #11

1.  As they swung on the turn, the sled went over, spilling__________________________________________.
2.  Dad, sitting ____________________________, leaned forward so he could see. 
3.  Coming _________________________________, she could hear them talking in the room below, and she paused a moment to eavesdrop on their conversation.
4.  The wind blew in fierce gusts as we left the village, stinging ____________________________________.
5.  The next day after school, Jess went down and got the lumber he needed,  carrying  _______________________________________________________________________________________.
6.  The sound came from the end of one corridor, and I fumbled along, peering _______________________________________________________________________________________.
7.  She just sat and stared  out of the window, thinking ______________________________.
8.  Sitting ___________________________________, I could see that the covers of the books were badly worn.
 Write your own sentences using these participial phrase starters:
Having earned…                                 Pleased with...                         Blocked by…

Valentine's Day Descriptive Writing Challenge   (Due Thursday, February 14, 2013)
5 sentence minimum; typed; decorated


Write a descriptive paragraph about something you LOVE.
Show; don’t tell
***Include strong, active verbs;  avoid using “is”, “are”
***Include at least two of the following literary devices:
***Include Concrete and Sensory detail (Imagery)

***Include at least one sound device
Paint with Syntax:
Include at least 2 of the following:
1.      A sentence with a participial phrase:
Melody froze, dripping with sweat, hoping with all her might that they wouldn’t hear the noise.
2.      A sentence with an appositive phrase
The volcano, a ravenous God of fire, spewed forth lava and ash across the mountain.
3.      A sentence with an absolute phrase:
I glanced at my clock, digits glowing fluorescent blue in the inky darkness of my room.
4.      A sentence with adjectives shifted out of order:
The woman, old and wrinkled, smiled upon her newborn great-grandson with pride
5.      A compound sentence using a semi-colon that contrasts two ideas:
My sister is not the kind of person who gives in easily; she is a fiercely tenacious warrior who never relents.
6.      A sentence with an introductory subordinate clause:
As I walked along the shore, I looked up and saw a caterpillar kite soar past me.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Today you will complete your outline for the essay in which you explain whether television is either beneficial or detrimental to society.  You should include quotes/evidence taken from the selections in your textbook.

Here's the link to the outline.

After you've completed the draft, you should begin your handwritten draft following the structure of your outline.  Expect to turn in the outline and draft next week.

We will start the TAKS Benchmark on Monday.